The ancient rune sword born from the fruit buzzed and disappeared under Tang Zhen's control.

But in the blink of an eye, the demon king rushing towards Tang Zhen froze in place as if he had been hit by a body-holding spell.


The devil stared at Tang Zhen, his eyes gradually dimmed.

This is a monster that once provoked Tang Zhen and warned him, and it is also under the command of the Twelve Demon Kings.

Among the group of demons arrested and arrested, it was the fastest, trying to be the first to capture and suppress Tang Zhen, and to carry out the warning issued at the beginning.

Grab Tang Zhen with his own hands and make his life worse than death.

But he never dreamed that the faster he rushed, the faster he would die.

The ancient rune sword shot by Tang Zhen instantly pierced through the vitals of this demon and absorbed its demon soul at the same time.

Looking at the unwilling eyes of the monster, it can be seen that it can't believe what happened to itself, and it will be killed by Tang Zhen in an instant.

Originally, he thought that Tang Zhen would tremble in front of him, kneeling down in despair and begging for forgiveness.

After all, in the Plain of No Return, under the Five Gods and Twelve Kings, it can be regarded as a well-known powerhouse.

To personally intercept and deal with a mutated tree demon is already condescending.

But all the thoughts were just wishful thinking, and Tang Zhen gave it the truest answer at this moment.

An understatement of the sword destroyed all its illusions, and finally died in extreme unwillingness.

In the blink of an eye, a demon king was beheaded, and a trace of blood appeared on the surface of the ancient sword.

The speed did not stagnate at all, on the contrary, it accelerated a little bit, and continued to fly towards the second monster.

After completing the kill, rush to more targets again, killing enemies is like mowing grass.

The monster rushing towards Tang Zhen suddenly felt something was wrong.

They seemed to sense a gust of wind, and then they saw the monsters around them stagnate, and then turn gray at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The extremely rich aura of death was released from their bodies, and then scattered and collapsed like fine dust.

A gust of wind blew, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Among these fallen monsters, many were strong men from the non-returning plains, and all of them possessed illustrious reputations.

But at this moment, like low-level cannon fodder, it disappeared silently.

Aware of the abnormal monster, finally gave birth to a touch of fear.

They originally thought that this was an effortless hunting operation, with a group of powerful demon kings personally participating, and the mutated tree demon must be caught without a fight.

The pressure comes from other competitors, including demons subordinate to the Twelve Kings, as well as other strong men who have followed along the way.

This battle has nothing to do with the mutant dryad.

But looking at the scene in front of me, I realized that my judgment was wrong, and the mutated tree demon was far stronger than imagined.

"Be careful of that mutated tree demon..."

A demon under the command of the Twelve Kings tried to remind his accomplices. Unexpectedly, as soon as he had this idea, he felt a breeze blowing over him.

Consciousness became blurred, and then he fell on his back.

The last picture in the field of vision is one after another of monsters falling to the ground, like wheat being blown down by a strong wind.

But in the blink of an eye, a group of monsters around Tang Zhen fell to the ground.

When it came into contact with the ground, it was like a sculpture made of flour, which was instantly shattered into pieces.

Such a strange sight shocked the monsters behind at the same time, and they couldn't help slowing down their pace.

Although they are greedy and crazy, they are not stupid and dull, and they have noticed something abnormal at this moment.

I thought that in the face of being chased and intercepted, Tang Zhen was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, but now it seems that is not the case.

Originally, they thought that Tang Zhen had to be snatched from competitors, and the process was the same as snatching a ball.

As the robbed target, Tang Zhen had no choice.

But looking at the current situation, this ball is very difficult to grab, it is most likely a prickly prickly prickly pear.

Some crazy monsters suddenly became calm.

But the monsters under the command of the Twelve Kings felt extremely angry at this moment because their accomplice was killed.

The monsters under the command of the Twelve Kings absolutely do not allow any outsiders to harm them, otherwise they will launch endless revenge.

In this way, they declared their authority and consolidated their dominance in the Plain of No Return.

They are only allowed to kill, and others are not allowed to resist.

Today's robbery and killing had such a large number of casualties, it was definitely a provocation to the Twelve Demon Kings.

Whether it's a tree demon or another demon, you must pay a price today.

"Kill them!"

The demons under the twelve kings have always fought openly and secretly in the past, and this time they are also competitors in the robbery.

But at this moment, they were fighting against each other, targeting Tang Zhen and the other monsters that followed.

Following the order, a fight broke out.

Some of the demons under the Twelve Kings launched attacks on the demons that followed, and some of the demons continued to suppress Tang Zhen.

At the same time, there are many demons traveling in all directions, preparing to build a blockade formation.

Not one of the demons present today can be spared.

But in the blink of an eye, the situation on the battlefield changed, and the monsters hunting Tang Zhen began to kill each other.

In fact, from the beginning, they are not the same camp, but have the same goal.

There is only one mutated tree demon, but there are many contenders, and a fight for it is absolutely unavoidable.

The situation at this moment is nothing more than advancing the fight.

Being attacked by the monsters under the command of the Twelve Kings, the monsters who followed roared again and again, and also began to fight back desperately.

Faced with powerful enemies, these demon kings used forbidden techniques one after another, asking the demon gods to grant them great power.

In the abyss at the end of the line of sight, there seemed to be rays of light rising into the sky, and disappeared in the thick dark clouds in an instant.

The demon praying to the god suddenly appeared a rune circle under his feet, flashing blood red or dark green light.

Incomparably powerful magic power was poured into the bodies of these monsters, causing their bodies to expand rapidly.

But in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge monster with a height of [-] meters, and its posture looked extremely ferocious.

The crazy surge of power filled them with the desire to destroy, as well as extremely powerful self-confidence.

Even though he was in the Plain of No Return, facing the strong men under the command of the Twelve Kings, he still didn't have any fear.

They all let out angry roars and went straight to meet them, even thinking about replacing them.

Perhaps today, the Twelve Devil Kings who have not returned to the plains will have a brand new replacement.

There are even some crazy guys who think they are powerful enough to challenge the dominance of the Five Gods.

This is how the body is filled with demonic energy. It will produce extremely arrogant thoughts and do all kinds of terrible things uncontrollably.

This is a real obsession, not afraid of the pain of death, and single-mindedly want to achieve the goal.

However, in a short period of time, the edge areas of the No Return Plain were filled with figures as large as mountains.

They run rampant and carry out crazy destructive attacks.

The demons under the command of the Twelve Kings showed no fear and also switched to fighting mode at this moment.

The height is more than [-] meters, like a hill.

The difference is that they wear a set of special magic armor, which protects the vital parts of their bodies.

It looks majestic, far more imposing than those foreign monsters.

In the hands of the monsters under the command of the Twelve Kings, there is also a magic weapon from the abyss, which is recognized as a top combat weapon in the underworld.

The purpose of many demons offering sacrifices is to obtain an abyssal magic weapon to enhance their own strength.

This group of monsters who occupy the non-returning plains and forcibly collect tolls actually have such magic weapons in their hands.

Sure enough, they all made a lot of money through exploitation and exploitation.

In contrast to each other, those idle monsters who came after them were simply naked and bare-handed.

Just like a heavily armed soldier fighting against a strong farmer without armor, the final result is actually obvious.

But in a short period of time, many monsters fell to the ground, wailing in despair.

The position of the Twelve Demon Kings is far more stable than imagined, and it cannot be shaken by this group of idle demons.

In this battle, the twelve kings and their subordinates will definitely win.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a terrified roar came from a distance, attracting the attention of both sides in the war.

The twelve kings of the same form surrounded the mutated tree demon and launched attacks one after another.

However, the besieged tree demons shook off the leaves on the tree crown and rolled towards those demons overwhelmingly.

On the seemingly ordinary fallen leaves, runes composed of leaf veins flashed frequently, wrapping those huge monsters.

But in an instant, it broke through the Demon King's defense, causing all kinds of terrible killing effects.

(End of this chapter)

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