I have a city in another world

Chapter 4832 Flesh Forest Advanced

Chapter 4832 Flesh Forest Advanced

In this fierce battle, Tang Zhen was the ultimate winner, and the spoils he reaped were quite rich.

The most valuable trophy is the complete body of the Black Winged King.

The biggest advantage of the mutated dryad is that it can evolve through devouring. The stronger the target of devouring, the greater the benefits.

However, this demon clone is usually very picky about food and rarely swallows its prey whole.

Most of the bodies of ordinary monsters are garbage, and eating too much will even cause a bad stomach.

At the same time, such complete devouring means that oneself will evolve and change, but it may not be a good thing.

It was full of unknowns, and Tang Zhen didn't dare to gamble easily.

No one knows what abilities will emerge after evolution, and whether they will be better than they are now.

The mutant tree demon's previous state was indeed very powerful and stable, which was why Tang Zhen never evolved.

Once the evolution fails, it will inevitably affect the strength of the tree demon, which is definitely not the result Tang Zhen wants.

The Black Wing King was different, full of extreme temptations, making it impossible for the demon clone to give up.

It has a desire from the depths of its soul, eager to devour the Black Wing King, and such thoughts cannot be suppressed at all.

After thinking about it, Tang Zhen decided to completely absorb it.

Tang Zhen's physical condition after evolution made him feel pretty good, and he was obviously stronger than before.

There are also some special abilities, which originally belonged to the Black Wing King, but are now more or less inherited by the tree demon clone.

Ability inheritance also depends on the situation. Some unsuitable abilities will be automatically blocked by seals.

The current form of the dryad clone looks closer to a human form, very similar to the appearance of the Black Wing King.

This situation is enough to prove that the Black Wing King is indeed very good, no wonder he can become one of the twelve kings who did not return to the plain.

But compared to the mutated tree demon, it is still one level behind, causing the tree demon clone to still be in a plant state.

Fanning the huge branch wings, Tang Zhen had a feeling that he could fly into the sky at any time.

But at this moment, Tang Zhen didn't want to use this flying ability.

The wings evolved by the Dryad are definitely not as good as the Black Wing King in terms of flight, so there is really no need to display them to make people look embarrassed.

The defensive ability of the two pairs of wings has been significantly improved, which is obviously integrated with the self-healing ability of the dryad.

There is no way to break through the attacks of ordinary monsters.

Feeling the changes in himself, Tang Zhen suddenly had a new idea, maybe he could continue to devour evolution.

Wait until you have enough strength, and then try to enter the abyss, so that you can perform the task more safely.

Instead of traveling thousands of miles away, he took the initiative to sacrifice himself to the demon god.

On the Plain of No Return, there are other five gods and eleven kings, all of whom can serve as targets for the tree demons to hunt and devour.

Those monsters who are helping the evil spirits cannot be let go, they can serve as fertilizer and new residents of the Flesh Forest.

The mutated tree demon controlled by Tang Zhen looked around coldly, like a tiger sizing up the fat food in reserve.

Such a ferocious look made the faces of the surrounding monsters change, and many timid monsters fled directly.

The fierce battle has come to an end, the mutated Dryad won inconceivably, but the mighty Black Wing King fell unexpectedly.

Such an unexpected result was enough to shock the entire No Return Plain, causing quite a stir.

Whether it is fighting for the place of the Demon King or the territory controlled by the Black Wing King, it will trigger a series of cruel battles.

Something like this has not happened in the Plain of No Return for a long time.

After thinking about this matter carefully, it may not be an accident, but it is just the result of many demons preconceptions.

The Black Wing King is indeed strong enough, but it doesn't mean that he can instantly kill all monsters. After all, there are still stronger monsters than him.

There are talents from generation to generation in the country, and a new generation replaces the old ones. The mutated tree demon has the strength to become the twelve kings, but the Black Winged King is just unlucky to meet him.

With the fall of the Black Wing King, the mutated tree demon will also step on the bones to ascend to the throne, but it will definitely need to go through some twists and turns.

It's even possible that you won't be able to succeed.

The other five gods and eleven kings may not allow this to happen, and may even take action to kill the mutated tree demon.

The turbulence that does not return to the plain will definitely bring many opportunities, and they may also be able to take advantage of the momentum.

Many ambitious monsters are not optimistic about the mutated tree demon, and at the same time hope that it will be more chaotic if they don't return to the plain.

But little did they know that the mutated tree demon that they were not optimistic about now had an even more amazing hunting plan.

One thing is correct, the Plain of No Return will definitely become more exciting in the future.

As the Black Winged King was killed, the monk Famen, which was composed of runes, also turned into a point of light and flew into the bronze bell.

It flew back leisurely and hung on the canopy of the tree.

The ancient sword with runes, the bark shield, and this copper bell were all conceived by the fruit of the dryad.

But Tang Zhen knew very well that the fruit breeding was just a cover, and it was impossible for the tree demon to produce the three items.

As for the real origin, Tang Zhen didn't know much about it, nor did he have the intention to delve deeper into it.

It doesn’t matter where it comes from, as long as it’s good for you.

Looking at the corpse of the Black Wing King, Tang Zhen hesitated for a moment, but still pulled into the flesh and blood forest.

It won't take long for the Black Winged King to become a member of the Flesh Forest and accept Tang Zhen's control and slavery.

In the days to come, such servants will increase.

A fierce battle that just ended caused serious damage to the Flesh Forest, with more than [-]% of the trees broken.

The internal muscles and bones are seriously damaged, and it must be repaired with a lot of supplements.

The flesh and blood plants on the periphery have been crushed into a pulp, and there is no possibility of recovery.

In a life-and-death fight, such losses were inevitable, and Tang Zhen didn't particularly care.

As long as the dryad's body is still there, even if there is only a strand of root hair left, it can be regenerated into a forest of flesh and blood.

As his subordinate servant, the flesh and blood forest is indeed very useful, and it has also provided Tang Zhen with a lot of help.

Meritorious ministers must be rewarded. The master has become stronger, and the slaves will naturally follow suit.

As Tang Zhen's thoughts arose, the tree demon roots connected to the flesh and blood forest began to transmit some special blood essence.

The forest of flesh and blood that received blood essence changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and tentacles like blood vessels and meridians grew rapidly, as if countless pythons were entangled with each other.

There are hard bones inside and fleshy plants outside, which grow like mushrooms after rain.

There is not one kind of fleshy plant, and some have bones on the outside and flesh on the inside, or the two are intertwined.

The shape is ferocious and evil, accompanied by mucus and stench, it is simply ugly and disgusting to the extreme.

But the more ferocious and ugly it is, the stronger its strength is. After going through the cycle of death, the newly born flesh and blood forest obviously becomes more terrifying.

Not long after, another strange flesh-and-blood plant grew up, with pod-like fruits hanging from the thick branches.

The pod was huge, and there was obviously something inside, and it would squirm and tremble from time to time.

The pods, which are full of blood vessels and meridians, grow at an extremely fast speed, and they mature in just a few minutes.

The rapid growth rate is obviously accelerated by Tang Zhen deliberately, otherwise, under normal conditions, it will definitely take longer to mature.

With a crisp sound, the long pod was opened, revealing the strange creature hanging upside down inside.

The figure is similar to that of a woman, with a perfect proportion of nine heads and body, and there are many colorful lines on the surface of the skin, which looks like wearing different styles of tights.

Enchanting and beautiful, it can be called the best in the world.

However, it has wings on its back and a long tail. Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of a succubus.

But the breath released is completely different from that of the succubus, obviously more secretive and weird.

The moment the pods exploded, these delicate figures opened their eyes one after another, and a red light flashed in their pure as water eyes.

They spread their wings and flew away from the pod in an instant, then rushed towards the surrounding monsters.


Flying in the air, they drew out a long emerald knife one after another, and a bloody hunting activity officially began.

(End of this chapter)

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