I have a city in another world

Chapter 4833 Arrogant Dryad

Chapter 4833 Arrogant Dryad
A seductive banshee with a bewitching posture, her posture looks charming and moving, which makes many male monsters bloody.

Many obscene monsters made unsightly movements one after another, and excited roars were heard endlessly.

But it was soon discovered that these stunning banshees were extremely terrifying, and the long knife in their hands was extremely sharp.

As the light flashed, the demon was covered in cuts and bruises, and the vital points on his body continued to bleed.

When the furious monsters counterattacked, these stunning banshees quickly dodged, preventing the enemy's attack from being carried out.

These charming female monsters, whose bodies are as delicate as willows, cannot withstand the violent attacks of the fierce monsters at all.

Only through extremely fast speed, dodge the enemy's attack, and then cause fatal damage to the enemy.

It is difficult to be perfect in everything, and the more you pursue the ultimate, the more so. When you increase your speed, you must also lose your defense.

Tang Zhen knew this, so he deliberately strengthened his attack power, and the long knife carried deadly poison.

Once injured by the blade, the body will inevitably be poisoned, and it will be paralyzed and fall to the ground in a short time.

Even if they don't die on the spot, they will lose their ability to fight. They will either be captured and thrown into the flesh forest, or they will be tortured after escaping.

But in a short period of time, the surrounding wilderness became a mess, and the group of demons wished their bodies were covered with legs and wings.

From time to time, one can see beautiful figures passing by in the air, carrying demon captives, large and small.

Most of the monsters captured and killed were ordinary demon generals, and most of the demon kings had already fled away.

Besides, these enchanting banshees may not be the opponents of the fierce demon king, so naturally they cannot die in vain.

When they level up and become stronger, it will not be too late to hunt down the demon king.

With Banshee Hunting and Harvesting, there is no need to worry about lack of fertilizer, which is enough for the flesh and blood forest to flourish.

Not to mention that the flesh and blood forest itself also has the ability to hunt and kill. With each evolutionary upgrade, hunting methods will become more and more diverse.

Fighting with Tang Zhen can also provide more assistance.

After completing the upgrade of the Flesh Forest, Tang Zhen stopped staying and walked slowly towards the depths of the Plain of No Return.

Absorbing the memories of the Black Wing King allowed Tang Zhen to know more about Bugui Ping, and the approximate locations of the other eleven kings.

However, Tang Zhen did not obtain the more detailed information, but was actively destroyed and erased by the Black Wing King.

The Black Wing King would do this, not because he woke up before he died and took the initiative to help others keep secrets.

It is precisely that it has a secret and does not want Tang Zhen to steal it.

And there is a great possibility that it is related to its rebirth, and it must not be known to others.

There are many monsters in the underworld, who have the ability to reincarnate and reincarnate, and can occupy the body of the same family and resurrect from the dead.

This kind of resurrection only has consciousness, and does not come with the original power.

It is not easy to be able to achieve the rebirth of consciousness, and I really can't expect too much.

However, relying on the original accumulation and the resources reserved in advance, it is easier to rise again.

There is also a possibility that he died of various accidents before he grew up.

The world is always impermanent, and accidents are the norm, let alone in the chaotic underworld.

Tang Zhen didn't particularly care about whether the Black Wing King could be reborn. He focused on the other five gods and eleven kings.

After retrieving the memory, I found that the nearest big demon king should be slightly to the left.

About five thousand miles away, it is the lair that the other party is entrenched.

After having a clear goal, Tang Zhen accelerated his pace, crossing the wasteland like a dark cloud swept by a strong wind.

When I met a monster along the way, I was dragged directly into the flesh and blood forest, and there was no movement in an instant.

During the period, there were still many monsters, secretly watching Tang Zhen, wanting to know where he was going.

The fall of the Black Wing King proved that Tang Zhen was indeed powerful and possessed the ability to become king in the Plain of No Return.

Many monsters who originally wanted to capture him and use him as a sacrificial item have completely died down now.

Even the Black Wing King was no match for them, so why would they dare to think differently? They were simply seeking death beyond their means.

Even about the purpose of this trip, I dare not mention it lightly, firstly, I am afraid of being ridiculed by others, and secondly, I am afraid of being attacked by revenge.

If the mutated tree demon stabilizes its position and becomes one of the new twelve demon kings, it will definitely clean up the enemies.

While revenge and revenge, you can also establish your own prestige, which is a must for the new king after he takes office.

There are also some monsters, who are frightened by the strength of the mutated tree demon, and give birth to the idea of ​​defecting to allegiance.

Whenever a new king appears, there will inevitably be a large number of demons defecting, just to seek backing and obtain resources.

Today's mutated dryad has an unstable status, and may not even succeed in becoming king.

A cunning and prudent monster will choose to wait and see before making further plans.

There are also some monsters who hope to place a bet at this moment, so that they can get a higher return.

They tried to get close to Tang Zhen, begged in surrender, and even exposed their bellies to the sky.

By exposing his weaknesses, he showed his loyalty to Tang Zhen, hoping to get his acceptance.

Tang Zhen did not launch an attack on this kind of defected monster, but he did not accept it either.

At the same time, warn these monsters not to get too close to themselves, otherwise they will attack immediately.

Faced with Tang Zhen's warning, some monsters fled in fear, fearing that they would be used as targets to vent their anger.

There were also some monsters who persisted in refusing to leave, but followed Tang Zhen's request silently.

For such monsters, Tang Zhen will not deliberately drive them away, and let them follow all the way.

For the monsters who took the initiative to defect, Tang Zhen would definitely treat them differently, at least he would not capture them and use them as fertilizer.

As time passed, the news of the Black Wing King's fall spread at an extremely fast speed on the Plain of No Return.

More and more demons know that there is a mutated tree demon with exceptional strength.

Not only did he kill the Black Wing King, but now he is even more rampant, wandering recklessly on the Plain of No Return.

If there are monsters blocking the way along the way, they will be killed directly, and even send monsters to hunt around.

Therefore, the number of demons, big and small, who were victimized was too large to be counted, and many of them were subordinates of the Twelve Kings.

Such wanton killing was simply provoking the other eleven kings.

I believe that it won't be long before the other eleven kings will respond and teach this raptor across the river to learn the rules.

There were also some monsters who were keenly aware of the abnormal situation and sensed that there was a problem with Tang Zhen's traveling route.

It is not to take over the Black Wing King's territory, but to go to another Demon King's territory.

This big demon king is called Gray Nightmare. No one has seen its true form. It is said that its ability is also extremely strange, and it can kill powerful enemies silently.

Compared with the other eleven kings, many demons are more afraid of the Gray Nightmare King, for fear that they will die quietly.

Nowadays, the mutant tree demon has taken the initiative to go to the territory of the Gray Nightmare King, which is clearly a deliberate provocation.

Could it be that killing the Black Wing King made the Mutated Dryad inflated his confidence, thinking that he could sweep the entire Plain of No Return.

If that's true, it's downright arrogant.

The twelve demon kings have their own strengths, and being able to defeat the Black Wing King does not mean that they can crush the other eleven kings.

Many monsters who hated Tang Zhen were very happy because of it, thinking that this was their own death.

Once fighting against the Gray Nightmare King, there is a [-]% chance that he will be killed, and a [-]% chance that he will be seriously injured and escape.

Thinking of this possibility, they let out excited cheers.

A demon who hates others and laughs at others, even if he does not benefit himself, he is happy to see others suffer.

Whenever I encounter this kind of thing, I feel extremely happy physically and mentally.

They hope that others will be unlucky, and then laugh happily, but they may become the laughing stock of others one day.

The monsters under the Gray Nightmare King didn't dare to delay at all, and rushed back to report the news immediately.

It was said that there was a mutated tree demon who had killed the Black Wing King before, but now came straight to his own territory.

Regardless of the purpose of the mutated tree demon, this behavior is equivalent to provocation, and the Lord Gray Nightmare King must respond.

(End of this chapter)

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