I have a city in another world

4836 - The duel in the bronze bell

4836 - The duel in the bronze bell
This bead of unknown origin released an incomparably terrifying cold air, freezing everything inside the copper bell in an instant.

This kind of freezing attack obviously does not distinguish between friend and foe, even Tang Zhen is in a frozen state.

Including the Gray Nightmare King who turned into death dust and attacked Tang Zhen, he was also in a frozen state at this moment.

Everything inside the bronze bell seemed to be suspended for an instant.

The flow of time has not stopped, and the battle between the enemy and ourselves continues. The key is to see who can get out of the ice first.


There was a crisp sound, and cracks appeared on the trunk of the mutated tree demon, and then the cracks spread all over the body.

Large and small pieces of wood crackled and fell down, like a huge collapsed building.

The fallen pieces of wood contained the death dust that had invaded the body, and were now fused together.

The decomposition of the mutated tree demon's body also affected the Gray Nightmare King, who was also in a state of being decomposed and imprisoned.

At this moment, the Gray Nightmare King is in a very bad state.

It's like a powerful weapon that has the ability to destroy the world, but it must be fully activated.

Disassembled into a pile of parts, no matter how powerful it is, it can't be exerted.

What Tang Zhen is doing at this moment is to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, as if they all died together.

This kind of operation is indeed effective, and it puts the Gray Nightmare King in a difficult situation, and there is no way to complete the assassination.

The scattered death dust also cannot be controlled.

At this moment, the Gray Nightmare King was angry and anxious, and at the same time he felt an ominous premonition.

At the same time, the mutated tree demon had changed greatly, and all the woody skin and flesh attached to the outside had fallen away.

Only a skeleton was left, shining with bright golden light, and its surface was covered with natural lines composed of ancient runes.

In this extremely cold environment, a strange flame suddenly appeared, rising slowly from the feet of the mutated tree demon.

The flame was bluish-white and seemed to have no temperature, but the flesh and wood it touched instantly turned to ash.

The flame ignited the mutant tree demon, and spread continuously along his body, reaching a height of more than a hundred meters in a blink of an eye.

The mutated dryad at this moment, like a burning oversized torch, released scorching heat.

The pieces of flesh and wood that fell on the ground were floated up by invisible forces, and were immediately affected by the burst of flames.


There was another loud noise, and countless burning pieces of flesh and blood flew around, exploding one after another like bombs.

Once again turned into fine dust, burning violently like adding fuel to the fire.

But in an instant, the high temperature of the flames filled the inside of the copper bell, turning the place into a blazing furnace.

The transition from extreme cold to high temperature occurs in just the blink of an eye, but the damage caused is extremely horrific.

Everything inside the bronze bell is being burned at high temperatures, and the stones will melt in a short time.

Extreme cold, high temperature, coupled with the change of hot and cold, as well as the closed calcination at this moment, are all Tang Zhen's attacks against the Gray Nightmare King.

Although the attack would also affect him, Tang Zhen had long been prepared, and it was impossible to die with the Gray Nightmare King.

Regardless of the mutated tree demon itself or the large forest of flesh and blood, there is actually a layer of ice shell on the surface.

With this layer of ice shell, it can resist the burning of the flames and reduce the fire damage as much as possible.

Other than that, there is no protection at all, but they are directly exposed to the changes of high temperature and severe cold.

The smaller the thing, the weaker the endurance, and the same is true for the death dust.

First it experienced extreme cold and quick freezing, and then it was calcined at high temperature, and it suffered great damage in a short period of time.

Each dust of death, wishing to be reduced to ashes at this moment.

The feeling of the Gray Nightmare King at this moment is beyond description in words. He is simply frustrated and angry to the extreme.

It was like a rag doll being trampled on the ground and ravaged without any resistance at all.

The dignity of the twelve demon kings was constantly being stepped on and rubbed against the ground.

"Damn tree demon, I will take revenge!"

The Gray Nightmare King was startled and angry, desperately trying to resist and defuse the attack, but it had little effect.

Originally, transforming into death dust and attacking targets was the Gray Nightmare King's most proud fighting method.

But he didn't expect that at this time, this method of turning into dust would become his biggest flaw.

The highly dispersed attack state made it impossible for the Gray Nightmare King to gather its strength, and the feeling of powerlessness made it even more uneasy.

If it were in a normal environment, this situation would definitely not occur, but the extreme cold and high temperature inside the bronze bell have had a serious impact on the death dust.

It can clearly sense that the death dust scattered around is losing contact at an extremely fast speed.

These special death motes are the physical body that it decomposes through secret techniques. The strength is indeed extremely high, but it is not in an immortal state.

Facing the extreme cold and high temperature, the death dust could not bear it for long before it disintegrated into real powder.

If it continues at this rate, it won't take long before it will be completely wiped out.

The Gray Nightmare King will not sit still and wait for death. He desperately summons the death dust and makes them gather together quickly.

Only by breaking it into whole parts can we gain stronger strength and resist the attack from the mutated tree demon.

Although the environment was extremely unfavorable, the Gray Nightmare King had his own tricks and finally managed to gather a group.

A metal lump-like thing suddenly appeared in the flames and shuttled at extremely fast speeds.

The death dust floating in different places, as if attracted by a strong magnetic field, moved closer to the metal bump one after another.

The appearance of these death motes also carried burning flames, turning the metal bump into a big fireball.

Immediately afterwards, more fireballs appeared from different places and ran around in the copper bell space.

These are the bodies of the Gray Nightmare King, controlled by it to gather together, from dust to particles, and from particles to larger individuals.

When the combination is finally completed, the invisible Gray Nightmare King will appear.

Faced with such a predicament, showing up is the only way, but in this way, the original myth of the Gray Nightmare King will be broken.

At the juncture of life and death, I don't care too much, so what if I show up?

Saving one's life is the most important thing, there is no need to care about fame.

If the mutant tree demon can be killed and all witnesses are eliminated, the legend of the Gray Nightmare King will continue.

Even if you are in adversity, you may not be able to turn things around, and you must not give up easily until the last moment.

Tang Zhen clearly saw the Gray Nightmare King's traces, attempts to save himself and counterattack.

He didn't stop it, and even acquiesced in this behavior.

With the current means alone, it is almost impossible to kill the Gray Nightmare King.

The opponent always has a way to save his life, but Tang Zhen cannot continue to burn, otherwise he and the flesh and blood forest will be damaged.

In the limited time, at most, the Gray Nightmare King would be seriously injured.

When the burning time is up, the copper bell must be turned on, and the high temperature like a furnace will disappear.

At that moment, the Gray Nightmare King had a chance to escape from the battlefield.

For the Gray Nightmare King, this is an excellent opportunity, and it is also true for Tang Zhen.

The Gray Nightmare King, who showed his figure, lost the advantage of concealment, and was in a state of being severely injured.

Facing such an opponent, Tang Zhen has more than one attack method.

However, in a short period of time, the Gray Nightmare King's body came together, looking like a deformed metallic mass of flesh.

There are sharp thorns on the outside, shining with strange light, and there are incomplete runes flashing one after another.

The whirlpool-like weird eyes stared at the mutated tree demon, as if a duel was about to start.

Its body is still vibrating, which is removing impurities, and wisps of magma-like fire poison are constantly squeezed out.

That fatal high temperature was also controlled by the Gray Nightmare King's death dust, forming a barrier to protect himself.

There are also more death particles, converging towards the main body, causing the size of the Gray Nightmare King to grow rapidly.

Just at this time, the high-temperature calcination has ended and the temperature has begun to drop rapidly.

The final showdown between the two sides will start in the next instant.

(End of this chapter)

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