I have a city in another world

4837 - Shocked group of demons

4837 - Shocked group of demons

Under the watchful eyes of the monsters from outside, the huge copper bell covering the flesh and blood forest began to fade and disintegrate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The scene inside the bronze bell gradually appeared in front of the group of demons.

It can be seen that in the burning flames, a patchwork of flesh and blood monsters are gathering and growing one after another.

Opposite is the mutated tree demon. At this moment, only a skeleton is left, but it appears to be more powerful.

Wrapped in blazing flames, the tree demon raised its branch and swung it violently forward.

The rune bone sword that had killed countless demons was now held by the tree demon, and it was emitting a dazzling sword light at this moment.

As the mutated tree demon slashed, a sword beam pierced the sky and headed straight for the irregular flesh and blood monster.


Facing this sharp sword light, the flesh and blood monster screamed and turned around to escape without hesitation.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, a strange python-like tree vine suddenly sprang out of the flesh and blood forest on the ground.

The tree vine opened its bloody mouth wide, and immediately engulfed the flesh and blood monster, refusing to open its mouth no matter what.

At the same time, that sword light cut down, splitting the snake's head of the vine directly.

With a scream of pain, the flesh and blood monster swallowed by the tree vines fell to the ground in two.

When a stone falls, it stirs up thousands of waves.

In the forest of flesh and blood that had been frozen at a rapid rate and burned by flames, countless trees and vines sprang out in an instant.

Like poisonous snakes of different sizes, they surrounded the falling flesh and blood monsters and frantically began to bite and devour them.

One mouthful after another, everyone competing for the first place.

Incomparably shrill screams sounded one after another, and during this period, the whole branches of trees and vines exploded.
This flesh and blood monster obviously refused to sit back and die, but tried its best to fight back.

Fragments of those exploded vines kept flying out, trying to escape from the purgatory made up of the flesh and blood forest.

But more tree vines appeared, rushing forward one after another, leaving those broken pieces of flesh nowhere to escape.

Seeing such a brutal fight, the monsters around them were stunned, and various conjectures arose in their minds.

Being able to make the mutated tree demon deal with it like this, and the battle situation is so tragic, is enough to prove that the enemy is definitely not easy.

However, the strongest person in this area is the Gray Nightmare King.

Thinking of the legend about the Gray Nightmare King, the demons were startled, and immediately thought of a possibility.

Could it be that the unknown monster in front of him who was besieged and beaten in such a miserable situation was actually the Gray Nightmare King himself?
If this is the case, it means that the Gray Nightmare King has launched an attack, but suffered a fatal defeat.

If this situation develops, it may be inevitable.

The monsters under the Gray Nightmare King did not want to believe this possibility at all, but the sight in front of them forced them to believe it.

If it's not the Gray Nightmare King, which demon has this kind of power?
Many monsters who were filled with fear and resignation were already roaring to the sky at this moment, not knowing whether they were cheering or cheering for a big demon king who was about to fall.

This cruel battle did not last long, and the screams of struggle and screams gradually stopped.

That unknown demon has been completely devoured by the flesh and blood forest, without a single residue left.

Soon the group of demons saw that the withered forest of flesh and blood was resurrected again. They stretched their limbs unscrupulously and let out bursts of excited screams.

Celebrate this one victory, and another rise from the ashes.

The mutated Dryad with only the skeleton left made a crisp sound, and its body rose again like a bamboo after rain.

Under the watchful eyes of the group of demons, but in a short period of time, the tree demon rose to a height enough to make them awe.

Countless flesh and blood meridians grew on the bones and quickly became entangled.

It turned into new flesh and blood, filling the bones and becoming plump.

Compared with the previous form of the dryad, it has undergone obvious changes now, more like a combination of trees and flesh and blood.

The whole body is covered with strong flesh and blood, and there are sharp wooden thorns sticking out, and the surface is covered with runes shining with seven colors of light.

There are also some fleshy leaves growing on some spikes, which are also covered with strange patterns.

This time, the purified dryads had three heads instead of two. One head had a face like a wood carving, another looked like the Black Winged King, and the third head couldn't see its face clearly.

It seems to be composed of countless particles, which are constantly changing, which makes it look even weirder.

This newly-appeared head immediately sparked many speculations, making some monsters more convinced that the Gray Nightmare King had fallen.

This faceless head represents the Gray Nightmare King.

Six thick arms, the length of which has increased significantly, hold different things respectively.

The ancient rune sword, the bark shield, and the ancient bronze bell were held in three hands.

There are three other hands, which are clenched, and I don't know what they are holding inside.

Looking back at the previous battles, the powerful power of various items made the demons increasingly fearful of the things held in the three hands.

Just like the assassination of the Gray Nightmare King, the unknown makes people feel terrible.

Looking at the surface of the dryad's body, it now has a layer of special armor that can effectively reduce damage.

There are still many fluffs on the surface, wriggling like tiny maggots, as if they are exploring the surrounding environment.

At the same time as the mutant dryad evolved, the flesh and blood forest expanded again, and many novel flesh and blood plants appeared.

The [-]-meter-long flesh-and-blood tree vine, like a spiked dragon, shuttles quickly through the flesh-and-blood forest.

The charming banshee born from the pod now has an extra set of crystal armor, as well as helmet gloves and combat boots.

The armor is slim and stylish, and the covered area is not very large, but it looks more charming and enchanting.

But as long as you sense it carefully, you will find that their aura is getting stronger and their speed is faster and more secretive.

Tang Zhen and his servants benefited greatly from this victory in the battle.

The demons, big and small, who were watching the battle witnessed the changes in the demon clones throughout the whole process, and their hearts were shocked beyond measure.

Regardless of who they are and who they are, or what camp they belong to, they all have the same idea at this moment.

The mutated tree demon in front of you must not be easily provoked, otherwise you will inevitably pay a heavy price.

The former Black Wing King and the Gray Nightmare King who may be killed are all the best proofs.

If it can be confirmed that the mutant tree demon has indeed killed the Gray Nightmare King, its strength must be re-evaluated.

Previously, there were demons who felt that the mutated tree demon was not worthy to be compared with the Twelve Kings. It was just a wild monster of unknown origin. How could it deserve such a high status?
It is purely to boost the enemy's ambition and destroy one's own prestige.

But the tragic facts are the best proof to make those who look down on the mutated tree demon shut up.

With the actual record in front of him, if he still discusses the blood inheritance, it is purely a brain hole.

Prince General Xiang Ning knows that not all demons who ascend to high positions in the underworld have noble blood.

Many noble bloodlines in the underworld started from them and were passed down from generation to generation.

Perhaps starting today, a new noble bloodline will appear in the underworld, and the first ancestor is the mutant tree demon in front of him.

Some monsters who followed Tang Zhen and were responsible for monitoring and reporting the news turned around and left without hesitation.

They must inform their masters of the news as soon as possible, so that they can prepare in advance.

The demons under the ten demon kings are especially anxious, fearing that their next target will be their own demon king.

The other idle demons are also watching from afar at this moment, wanting to see the next move of the mutated tree demon.

Soon they saw that the huge and terrifying forest of flesh and blood was moving rapidly, heading towards the direction that worried them the most.

The controller in that direction is also one of the Twelve Kings, a large territory controlled by the Blood Demon King.

Facts are enough to prove that the mutated demon really wants to sweep across the Plain of No Return, otherwise it would never choose this direction.

First is the Black Wing King, then the Gray Nightmare King, and the next one may be the Blood Demon King.

This mutated tree demon of unknown origin clearly wants to sweep across the Plain of No Return and kill all the twelve demon kings!

(End of this chapter)

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