I have a city in another world

Chapter 4861 Demon Body Tempering Completed

Chapter 4861 Demon Body Tempering Completed
Having found a solution to the problem, Tang Zhen continued to practice, striving to complete the tempering of the demon body as soon as possible.

During the period, if a monster was found to be peeping, he would fire a shot from a distance, and he would be merciless when he struck.

Some unlucky monsters were hit by this weird musket, and after being injured, they fled in terror.

There are also many demons who did not suffer losses because they were prepared in advance.

But towards Tang Zhen, he became more jealous and hated.

They were salivating, watching the mutated tree demon tossing and turning in the magic cloud, constantly making that soul-stirring sound.

For this kind of tempting sound, the group of demons has no immunity at all, and they are eager to occupy it.

The terrifying strength of the mutated tree demon made them flinch, and their hearts were filled with torment.

When the demons were jealous and wondering whether to continue robbing, the regular pattern appeared again.

The restless monsters immediately diverted their attention, and began to practice with howling ghosts and wolves.

The same is true for the mutated tree demon, who once again turned on the recording function of the ancient bronze mirror, and Tang Zhen also disconnected his perception connection at this moment.

At such a special moment, there will definitely not be any monsters attacking.

In the days to come, there will still be troubles, but Tang Zhen already has enough confidence to resolve them.

Time passed slowly, and it was another half a year in a blink of an eye.

Today's mutated tree demon has become so fragile that it looks like a hideous mummy.

Compared with the body shape when it came, it has shrunk by more than ten times.

But the aura released became more and more terrifying and fierce, which was the best proof of his strength improvement.

Looking at the surrounding open space, there are scattered bones one after another, and the flesh and blood have been eaten away.

The owners of these skeletons once attacked Tang Zhen, wanting to snatch the secret treasure of cultivation in his hands.

The monsters with perverted thoughts eventually lost their lives and became the fertilizer of the flesh and blood forest.

These crazy and greedy monsters, like moths to a flame, would attack from time to time.

Knowing that Tang Zhen is powerful, but still attacking recklessly, it is actually a last resort.

It was only later that Tang Zhen realized that the practice in the ruins square was not without restrictions, but contained great dangers.

Cultivate according to the rules and patterns, while relying on mysterious energy to harden the body, it is equivalent to starting the countdown to life.

The demon body that has completed its tempering is the culprit, and will continue to absorb the demon's vitality.

The higher the proportion of quenching is completed, the more blood essence and vitality can be absorbed.

The group of demons is like fighting for their lives. They must ensure that every time the regular patterns appear, they can achieve a full harvest.

This kind of mysterious energy can not only temper the devil's body, but also protect itself from damage.

If it fails to meet the standard, the essence and blood will be swallowed by the tempered part, which will lead to the loss of lifespan.

After absorbing the mysterious energy, the days of continuing to wait are painful every moment.

In this way, day after day, many monsters are about to run out of fuel, but they still can't find a solution.

In order to be able to survive, these monsters chose to sleep and hide in some hidden corners of the ruined square.

Only when regular patterns appear, they will appear collectively, and after practicing, they will be forced to sleep again.

There are far more monsters in the ruins square than Tang Zhen imagined, instead of the dozens he saw at first.

The ancient bronze mirror in Tang Zhen's hand has become the savior of these monsters. If he can grab it, he can continue to practice and absorb mysterious energy.

Not only can it reduce the loss of essence and blood, but it can also speed up the speed of practice, and strive to obtain the qualification to enter the abyss as soon as possible.

All the robbery actions of the group of demons ended in failure, and they even took their own lives.

The sacrifices of these demons actually fulfilled Tang Zhen and allowed him to obtain sufficient blood essence.

With the replenishment of essence and blood, he can resist the loss of essence and blood, otherwise he would not be able to practice quickly.

But even so, the size of the mutated dryad still shrunk severely, and now it is less than three meters tall.

The Flesh Forest, which is responsible for guarding, has completely fallen into a dormancy, so that part of the essence and blood can be saved.

When necessary, it can be reactivated, and the flesh and blood forest will be more luxuriant at that time.

Tang Zhen, who has practiced to this point, although he looks thin, is actually very happy.

After a long time of hard work, it has finally yielded results, and the tempering of the demon body has been completed.

In order to achieve this step, Tang Zhen paid a high price and suffered a lot during the period.

If you want to control the mutated tree demon, it is impossible to block your perception all the time, and he will feel the pain of the backlash.

Tang Zhen, who had completed tempering his demonic body, could already feel the attraction coming from below the ruined square.

The body of the mutated dryad also had a tingling feeling, as if countless bugs were gnawing on it.


The numb and itchy feeling became more and more serious, and even the mutant tree demon couldn't bear it, and he couldn't help but let out a roar.

With the violent twisting of the body, a strange scene happened, and the branches and bark fell off one after another.

After experiencing painful cultivation and paying a huge price, the mutated dryad was reborn once again.

The monsters peeping from a distance saw this strange change, and their eyes were full of envy.

They all know very well that from this moment on, the mutated tree demon has become a more powerful existence.

While envious and jealous, some demons quickly approached, ready to snatch the remains of the mutated tree demon.

Once a monster enters the abyss, it has a chance to become a demon god, and the items left behind will also be contaminated with divinity.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the mutated Dryad accidentally falls, and these leftovers will become useless waste.

Although there is a certain degree of gambling, the demons still do not want to miss the opportunity. If the mutated tree demon really becomes a demon god, they will definitely be able to obtain enough benefits.

Even if he has a grudge against the mutant tree demon, or even hates him from the bottom of his heart, he will never miss this opportunity to snatch benefits.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of demons, the mutated tree demon's body disintegrated, and its fragmentary remains fell to the ground.

Some of the wreckage shattered and disintegrated after landing, and disappeared in an instant.

The body of the mutated dryad is full of mysterious energy, and there is even a remnant of rules.

Most of the special substances like this are extremely unstable, and the possibility of being preserved after being separated from the main body is extremely low.

But there are also some parts that have been successfully preserved, including palm-sized bark and branch tentacles.

These wreckages fell on the ground, like a pile of peerless treasures, attracting a lot of greedy eyes.

At this moment, the mutated tree demon's form became extremely perfect, exuding a strange and delicate aura.

It seems that every part is a finely crafted work of art, so perfect that it is impossible to pick.

There is also a hint of coercion, which makes the group of demons intimidated, and it is very clear that this is the breath of high-ranking monsters.

Today's mutated tree demon is exactly what they yearn for.

Seeing the envious and awe-inspiring eyes of the monsters hiding around, Tang Zhen couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

The laughter was filled with pride and deep ridicule, obviously mocking the incompetence of the demons.

Among the monsters present, one counts as one, and none of them are good things.

His stomach was full of evil thoughts, and he wished Tang Zhen would die quickly.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, he mocked them and vented his anger.

To behave like this is obviously due to the influence of the demonic body.

Tang Zhen is aware of this, but has no intention of stopping it. If you suppress it for too long, problems will arise. It is also beneficial to vent properly.

Not to mention that the target was this group of evil demons, so Tang Zhen didn't have any psychological burden.

"A bunch of filthy garbage, take your time, and pray that you can live longer!"

Hearing Tang Zhen's taunt, the demons were shocked and angry, but none of them jumped out to fight back.

Tang Zhen is about to enter the abyss, and may need a sacrifice before leaving. How can the cunning monsters be fooled?

Jumping out at this time is purely looking for death.

"A group of garbage……"

Tang Zhen shook his head, stopped mocking the demons, jumped into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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