I have a city in another world

Chapter 4862 Horror Abyss

Chapter 4862 Horror Abyss

Below the ruined square, there is indeed an abyss.

Tang Zhen actually had a lot of guesses about the real bottom of the abyss, and he also had a little expectation in his heart.

He really wanted to take a look for himself, what would this so-called scariest place in the world look like?
It should be noted that on the cornerstone platform, there is only a small part of the information related to the abyss.

Most of them are general and outdated, and many of them are based on analysis and judgment. The information from on-the-spot investigation is completely blank.

From this, it can be determined how difficult it is to obtain information about the abyss.

If Tang Zhen gets the information, he can even sell it to the Cornerstone Platform and earn a huge amount of information fees.

This is a very meaningful thing. After all, Tang Zhen in the past has always been a consumer.

Consumption is equivalent to assistance, and Tang Zhen knows this very well.

Although he got a huge advantage from such a transaction, he didn't want it to continue like this.

Being able to make money back is actually a sign of growth.

There is quite a bit of the mentality of children growing up and showing off their achievements to their parents. What they really care about is the meaning of this thing.

As his body continued to descend, Tang Zhen's expression became more serious, and he gradually understood why the abyss was so terrifying.

The natural environment here is already extremely dangerous, full of terrifying pressure.

There is liquid energy. I don't know where it comes from, but it is completely different from water.

The energy with a high concentration showed a bright red color, like long oil droplets floating on the water surface, swimming wantonly around Tang Zhen's body.

Tang Zhen had a thought, and a stone appeared in his hand, just to test the environment at the bottom of the abyss.

After the stone was out of protection, it was filled with terrifying pressure and liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in a short time, the stone dissolved and disappeared without leaving a trace.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen threw out another corpse.

This was a demon king that Tang Zhen hunted. He did not use it as fertilizer for the flesh and blood forest, but stored it for emergencies.

Just take it out now and use it as a test material.

This demon king's corpse has a very high toughness, and the skin cannot be damaged even with guns.

Buried in the ground after death, it can even survive for thousands of years.

But after being taken out by Tang Zhen, the corpse changed drastically, and the appearance began to slowly foam and become crispy.

It didn't take long for the demon king's corpse to expand dozens of times, and then it was broken into pieces with a muffled sound.

The fragments after disintegration dissolved in a short period of time, leaving no traces like the stone.

The entire transformation process was seen by Tang Zhen, and now he understood the necessity of tempering the demon body.

If you can't complete the tempering, you will rashly enter the abyss of purgatory, which is tantamount to dying on your own.

It can be seen that the ruined square does not exist to make things difficult for the monsters, but the real intention is to help the monsters gain the ability to protect themselves.

If you cannot gain a strong body through tempering, you will inevitably die if you enter the abyss.

It is said that monsters are extremely selfish and only think about themselves, but the existence of the ruins square subverts this common sense.

But after thinking about it, it made sense.

If there was no training in the ruined square, the monsters who entered the abyss would definitely die. If this situation develops, wouldn't the high-level combat power of the monsters be completely extinct?
For long-term considerations, the Demon God cannot allow this to happen and must intervene to help.

The appearance of the ruined square has become a matter of course.

Tang Zhen thought about this clearly, and when he looked at the surrounding environment, there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

Although the internal competition among these monsters in the underworld is cruel, they still have a certain bottom line.

Developing according to the bottom line also makes the underworld become more powerful.

The demon gods lurking in the abyss will definitely pay attention to the changes in the ruined square, and he may have already fallen into their sight.

It is difficult to do anything in the outside world because of various restrictions. Now that he has come to the abyss in person, there is no guarantee that some demon ancestors will take revenge on him.

Previously in the ruins square, Tang Zhen controlled the mutated tree demon to show off his power, during which time he beat many demons to death with a stick.

These guys are not unknown, most of them come from powerful races in the underworld, and they can be called genius elites.

I believe that the races they belong to also have great expectations, hoping that they can become new demon gods.

In the end, he was beaten to death by Tang Zhen with a stick in the ruins square. This was simply a huge hatred.

Not to mention that Tang Zhen was acting in self-defense, the demons didn't listen to this explanation at all. According to their logical thinking, Tang Zhen had to cooperate obediently and give everything he had, otherwise something was wrong.

Tang Zhen would definitely not abide by such overbearing rules, and it was inevitable to form grudges.

This kind of thing that after beating the younger ones, the old guys appear one after another to seek revenge is indeed annoying and disgusting.

However, this is the case in the world of spiritual practice. There are many cases of bullying others, and they also rely on this kind of behavior to maintain their status.

With a vigilance in mind, Tang Zhen continued to dive.

The energy concentration inside the abyss is also a gradual change process from high to low, and it becomes stronger the lower it goes.

It's like the surface is dust, the middle is gravel, and further down it becomes pebbles.

After diving to a certain level, Tang Zhen couldn't continue because of his own lack of strength.

If you are strong enough, you can keep sinking and explore deeper areas.

At the limit level that he could reach, Tang Zhen began to search and explore, trying to find the location of the system.

Until this moment, Tang Zhen had no way to confirm what state the system was in.

If there is an accidental death, the consciousness should return to the artifact, instead of being like now without any news.

The system may be imprisoned, making it impossible to return, or it may be killed by the enemy, but the soul is controlled by special means.

No matter which possibility it is, it means that if you want to rescue it, you must go through some twists and turns.

Tang Zhen took out an object, which was a fist-sized skull covered with gilded and engraved runes.

The function of this item is to sense the direction of the system, but it can only be used three times.

Although the number of times is not many, but in the desperate situation, it is the only hope.

The system handed this thing over to Tang Zhen, perhaps already anticipating that something unexpected might happen during his trip.

According to the usage method informed by the system, Tang Zhen activated the Rune Skull, and then saw the thing emit golden light.

The skeleton turned dozens of times in his hand, and then slowly stopped. When the other runes were dim, only one golden rune shone brightly.

Runes are not inscribed randomly, they represent direction and distance, and a symbol can represent dozens of meanings.

Before starting the operation, Tang Zhen had studied the relevant runes and quickly made an accurate interpretation.

Following the direction prompted, Tang Zhen moved forward quickly.

Fortunately, he had a mini skeleton in his hand that could point him in the general direction, otherwise he would probably get lost during the journey.

In such a special environment, there was no difference in the surroundings, and even Tang Zhen couldn't accurately determine the direction.

While traveling, Tang Zhen discovered something.

The harsh environment of the abyss is not only filled with mysterious energy and unknown substances that look like oil.

From time to time, I could still hear some indistinct voices ringing in my ears.

Ordinarily, in such an environment, it should be very quiet, but the actual situation is not like this.

Tang Zhen originally thought that the sound was made by demons and was retained because of the special environment.

But when he carefully captured and distinguished them, he discovered that this was not the case. These fragmentary sounds clearly came from different worlds.

For some unknown reason, these voices were actually deposited in the abyss of the Demon Realm, and they were always preserved because of the special environment.

After carefully distinguishing these voices, I found that they were all negative, gloomy and full of malice.

Many of these words pray for the destruction of the world.

Considering that the abyss is known as an extremely evil place, combined with the content of this information, it is not difficult to imagine why it appears here.

It can even be understood in this way that the abyss is a super trash can, which precipitates and accommodates countless pure and extreme malice.

(End of this chapter)

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