I have a city in another world

Chapter 4882 Arriving at the True Spirit Realm

Chapter 4882 Arriving at the True Spirit Realm

In the deep valley, there was a sudden burst of energy fluctuations.

The air turned into a water-like state, like an ocean with a depth of [-] meters, which looked deep and terrifying.

Ripples appeared, as if something was about to emerge.

There is a blurry image slowly appearing in the deep valley, like an ink painting soaked in water, which may disappear without a trace at any time.

After about three to five minutes, the fuzzy image became clear, and a huge city suddenly descended.

The vegetation in the valley was directly crushed into ashes, and the uneven ground was instantly flattened.

The area of ​​the deep valley is huge, but now half of it is occupied by the city.

Although the city appears out of thin air, it is integrated with the surrounding scenery, and the transition between each other is also very natural.

It is as if this city was originally built in the valley.

Many wild beasts were frightened and fled to the distance hastily, and the birds in the sky were even more flocks.

The sudden arrival of the city caused quite a stir, and even the earth shook.

Fortunately, this place is deep in the mountains and valleys, a paradise where birds and animals gather, and there are no human beings around.

Otherwise, the coming building city will inevitably have a greater impact.

Not long after, there were heavily armed practitioners leaving the city in groups.

They are responsible for exploring the environment, clearing out dangerous hazards, and establishing concealment formations.

Looking at the equipment of these monks, they are clearly residents of Loucheng.

The city that came was naturally Lou City. It had just crossed over from the lower realm and appeared in this deep valley.

According to Tang Zhen's setting, the descending place of Loucheng should first choose a remote place with thin aura.

Few high-ranking monks would pay attention to places like this, and the major races in the true spirit world would not settle in such places.

The realm of the true spirit is huge, with countless poor mountains and rivers, as well as countless forbidden and dangerous places.

Those powerful races will choose the place where the aura gathers, and they must ensure enough safety.

Places with thin spiritual energy are mostly the residences of mortals.

There are also some special areas, places where monks in the true spirit world dare not rush in, and they will fall into them if they are not careful.

Ancient prohibition, broken space, lost land...

Places like this are bound to breed geniuses and treasures, attracting practitioners to keep exploring.

If you come to this kind of place, although you can get a lot of benefits, all kinds of troubles will continue to flow.

The landing point chosen by Lou Cheng is a place where the aura is thin, so that conflicts with the races of the true spirit world can be avoided.

Maybe there are mortal countries and some small sects, but they won't have much impact on Loucheng.

Tang Zhen sat in charge of the building, waiting for the news to return.

After half a day, the monk Loucheng who was in charge of the investigation returned and brought back detailed information about the nearby area.

This place is called Guteng Mansion, located in the southeast of the True Spirit Realm, and belongs to a relatively remote area.

The controller of Guteng Mansion is a true spirit race named Huo Xi. The family has been passed down for thousands of years, and its headquarters is located in the center of the city of Guteng Mansion.

There are many practicing sects in Guteng Mansion, but they are all under the control of the Huo Xi family and must pay tribute at regular intervals.

The important cultivation resources here are all controlled by the Huoxi family, which is also the main reason why the major sects obediently obey orders.

If you dare to disobey, you will definitely be suppressed and attacked, and you may even have your clan destroyed.

The valley where the building city descends belongs to a small sect and is a medicinal garden used by the other party to cultivate elixirs.

When the building city came, it touched the restriction set by the other party, and mistakenly thought that the medicine garden was attacked by destruction.

The two sect practitioners immediately rushed to the valley to check, for fear that the cultivated elixir might be lost.

Because some of this batch of rare elixir needs to be handed over to the Huo Xi family, and if they fail to hand in, they will be punished.

As soon as they approached the valley, they were discovered by the monks of Loucheng, and they were captured easily.

By asking the other party, we learned the basic information.

A few hours later, a group of Loucheng monks left and went straight to the small sect.

Tang Zhen's plan is very simple, which is to control this sect and hide the news that Loucheng has come to the true spirit world.

Otherwise, once the news is leaked, those races who know the existence of Lou City will inevitably take action immediately.

Facing the threat from the mythical beast clan, these races must be on pins and needles, eager to find a solution.

However, the solution is only available in Lou Cheng's hands.

After such a long time, I don’t know if the secret has spread, or if it will be deliberately concealed?

The possibility of being concealed is extremely high. Whether it is the high-level officials of the major races or the mythical beasts hiding behind the scenes, they certainly do not want the truth to spread.

Now that the situation is unclear, it is very necessary to hide one's own existence. It is not too late to make plans for the next step after the matter is clarified.

Not long after, monk Loucheng arrived at the small sect and rushed directly into the other side's mountain gate.

There are no more than thirty practitioners in this small sect, and there are dozens of mortals who provide services.

Facing the uninvited monks from Loucheng, the practitioners of this sect reacted very quickly and immediately entered a fighting state.

Holding the magic weapon and talisman, he will fight with the monks from Loucheng.

As a result, as soon as the two sides met, they were suppressed by the Loucheng monks and collapsed on the ground like a dead dog.

In just one hour, this sect was completely controlled and all kinds of information collection was completed.

In the following days, the residents of Loucheng will be responsible for the disguise and take over the entire sect.

The original big and small monks of the Zongmen will be sent to Loucheng for education until the other party becomes a resident of Loucheng.

After a series of intensive operations, the impact caused by the arrival of Lou Cheng was finally erased, otherwise, it would not take long for this news to be reported to the Guteng Mansion.

Once the Huo Xi family finds out about this, the other party will definitely send people down to investigate, and things may become uncontrollable at that time.

After controlling this sect, the next thing to do is to completely hide the traces of Loucheng's existence.

This is not a difficult matter. You only need to arrange rune circles around the valley to prevent outsiders from breaking into it.

In the upper area of ​​the valley, a misty phantom array can also be arranged to block the peeping of outsiders.

It is normal for a large amount of fog to exist in a deep mountain valley like this, and it does not cause special attention.

Of course, you can't take it lightly, you must always be vigilant to prevent powerful monks from discovering abnormalities.

Loucheng will arrange residents to patrol, and is always on guard against strong people crossing the border, and will deal with it immediately if there is an abnormality.

With the strength of the monk Loucheng, he can deal with general problems. If it is impossible, Tang Zhen will come forward to solve them.

Although there are clouds of strong people in the real spirit world, they are not everywhere, especially in these barren lands, it is even more impossible for high-level strong people to come casually.

Tang Zhen had already made all kinds of preparations before the teleportation in Loucheng, and now it is being carried out in an orderly manner.

It is precisely because of sufficient preparation that the building city can descend smoothly, instead of encountering various troubles as soon as it lands.

If the start is unfavorable, Loucheng will definitely be in trouble and there will be no chance to breathe.

Entering a new environment and about to face a complex struggle, Tang Zhen's originally nervous mood calmed down.

This is the case with many things. When they do not happen, they are always full of various fears and worries, for fear that they will encounter various problems.

But once things happen, you will find that it is nothing more than that.

After entering the true spirit world, Lou Cheng's request to be promoted to the sixth level finally came to Tang Zhen's expectation.

After seeing the requirements for promotion, Tang Zhen was slightly taken aback, and then smiled helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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