I have a city in another world

Chapter 4883 Zongmen Gathering

Chapter 4883 Zongmen Gathering
Huayu Sect is a ninth-grade sect.

In the vast world of true spirits, there are strict distinctions between the sects of practice, the ninth rank is the lowest sect, and the first rank is the highest sect.

Coexisting with the cultivation sects, there are also various cultivation families, as well as more powerful true spirit races.

The evaluation of the Zongmen level is determined by the representatives of these organizations, and different levels of Zongmen will have different benefits.

At the same time, however, corresponding responsibilities must be assumed.

Today's Huayu Gate has fallen into the hands of Lou Cheng, and all monks from the head to the following have been replaced.

The monks in Loucheng changed their appearance to cover up their own cultivation, so that outsiders could not see the abnormality at all.

In the room of the head sect at the moment, Tang Zhen was sitting next to the desk, looking at the "fax" message from the superior sect that he had just received.

The Huayu Sect is required to take part in the opportunity and hand over the spiritual materials at the same time.

Among the materials handed over by Huayu Sect, there were cultivated medicinal materials, mined ores, as well as some talismans and spiritual stones.

The number is not very large, but for a small sect, it is not a small burden.

After paying these materials, Huayumen can obtain the qualifications to attend classes and receive guidance from senior monks.

You can also enter the practice shopping mall, obtain the qualifications to trade and set up stalls, and have the authority to enter secret realms and dangerous places to hunt for treasures.

For private transactions and private entry into the secret realm, the superior sect will severely punish them.

This is how higher-level sects use this method to firmly control the resources of the practice world and make practitioners of lower-level sects obey orders.

If you want to obtain more resources, and want to know how to advance in practice, obeying the command is the only choice for lower-level sects.

This kind of practice environment runs counter to the idea of ​​unfettered practitioners, and countless monks feel resentful about it.

But in the face of the powerful sect and the major true spirit races, the low-level monks dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Now that Loucheng has arrived and Huayumen is under control, the rules may need to be changed.

The cultivation resources of higher-level sects were like garbage to Lou Cheng, so there was no need to offer them as offerings.

There is no need to fear the other party's retaliation. If necessary, the guarantee will ensure that the other party has no chance of coming back.

However, Tang Zhen felt that this was a good opportunity to explore the outside world.

Let him pretend to be the head of the sect, and go around the Guteng Mansion.

The Huayu Sect has already prepared all the various cultivation materials handed over, and there is no need for Tang Zhen to collect them at all.

After tidying up briefly, Tang Zhen took five residents of Loucheng and left the sect in a cloud boat.

Yunzhou is a means of transportation, one foot long and six feet wide, can travel two feet above the ground, and needs to use spirit stones as energy.

Although the speed is okay, the consumption of spirit stones is not low. Unless there is something wrong, low-level sects will not easily use them.

Especially for small sects, spirit stones represent money, and they dare not spend them at will.

Tang Zhen has no shortage of spirit stones, even if it costs a hundred times more, he can still afford it.

Riding on a cloud boat, walking along the official road, the scenery along the way is constantly passing by.

Compared with the Lower Realm, the species of the True Spirit Realm are more abundant, and the physical fitness of ordinary people is also better.

During the march, you can often see male and female warriors, all of whom have strong physiques.

These are mortals with weak spiritual roots or no spiritual roots. Practicing martial arts has become their only choice.

When they saw the spirit boat passing by, these warriors all showed expressions of envy, with a hint of regret in their eyes.

Martial artists tempered their bodies and couldn't control energy, so naturally they couldn't control the cloud boat either.

In the process of driving the cloud boat, I also met other sect monks, and they would salute and greet each other.

After a while, they speeded up and distanced themselves from each other.

The spirit boat travels along the official road, mainly because it flies too low and is prone to collisions during high-speed travel.

If you fly in the wilderness, it is even more dangerous. Hitting trees and mountains is a common occurrence.

There are no obstacles on the official road, you can fly with confidence and boldness, and you can easily dodge the occasional obstacles.

The warriors on the ground envied the monks who could fly on the cloud boat, but little did they know that these monks also had someone to envy.

A powerful sect can drive a higher-level cloud boat, so that they can fly freely in the air.

Among the monks in the true spirit world, the spirit boat that travels along the official road is actually the lowest form of long-distance transportation.

Although it is only the lowest level, it is not affordable for ordinary monks.

Going all the way like this, after flying for three days, I finally came to the vicinity of a teleportation array.

Guided by the road signs, Tang Zhen came to the location of the teleportation array, a medium-sized square on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, many practitioners have gathered in the square.

They were all monks of various sects who had been notified to go to Guteng Mansion. They wore various badges on their bodies, engraved with the name and level of the sect.

There are many sects at the ninth level, and there are also sects at the seventh and eighth level, all of them are full of pride.

In front of lower-level sects, they do have the capital to be proud of.

Other more advanced sects did not use the teleportation array, but took the cloud boat directly to the Guteng Mansion.

The practitioners in the square looked at each other, and when they met acquaintances, they would go up and say hello.

There are also enemies, who glared at each other, as if they would start a fight if they didn't agree with each other.

However, they also knew very well that if they took action here, they would be punished by the superior sect.

Even if there is a real feud, it must be resolved in private, and one must learn to forbear in public.

Tang Zhen took a few residents of Loucheng and deliberately concealed his own strength. In the eyes of outsiders, he was just a practitioner in the foundation establishment period.

In addition, the number of people was small, and it was still a ninth-level sect, so not many people paid attention to it.

However, some monks from the sect took the initiative to come forward to say hello, showing a surprised expression.

"Cultivator of Huayu Sect, why didn't your head come?"

The monk who asked this question had obviously dealt with the Huayu Sect.

"The head of the sect is practicing in closed doors, so he will pass it on to me temporarily. This time, I will represent the sect to participate in the gathering."

There is nothing wrong with Tang Zhen's explanation, and this kind of thing often happens in other sects.

When the leader is practicing in seclusion, if he happens to encounter a gathering of the superior sect, he can only entrust others to participate.

At this time, the leader's seal needs to be handed over, and the client will take it to the superior sect for review and update.

To put it bluntly, this head seal is more like a monitor and communicator, which is convenient for the superior sect to better monitor and command.

Hearing Tang Zhen's explanation, all the monks nodded. Similar things happen often, and no one doubts whether it is true or not.

Then we started chatting again, mostly related to current events, and occasionally we talked about our insights during practice.

Tang Zhen smiled and listened, and said a few words from time to time, but it shocked a group of practitioners.

They raised their respective questions at this moment, and asked Tang Zhen to help answer them.

Although Tang Zhen didn't say much, the monks felt enlightened and all the confusions in their hearts were answered.

When he looked at Tang Zhen again, his eyes were filled with awe, and his tone became much more respectful.

In the world of spiritual practice, those who are strong are respected, and Tang Zhen's insights on spiritual practice are enough to gain their respect.

The lecturers of the higher sects were not as thorough as Tang Zhen.

If nothing else happens, Tang Zhen's status will definitely be higher than theirs in the future.

The senior sect monks in the distance were also listening attentively, and from time to time they would look at Tang Zhen intently.

In the eyes of the monks from high-level sects, Tang Zhen should be that kind of genius, but he happened to join a low-level sect.

For them, this is an excellent investment object.

The heads of some sects have now made up their minds and are preparing to contact Tang Zhen in private.

See if you can use coercion and inducement to introduce this genius into your sect, you will definitely get more benefits in the future.

There is such an idea, which is naturally related to the rules of the superior. Every once in a while, there will be a monk competition, and the winner and his sect will be rewarded generously.

The winner will go one step further and get the key training from the superior sect, and the original sect can also get support in terms of resources.

Tang Zhen ignored the prying eyes from around him and always maintained a faint smile.

After waiting for a while, the teleportation array was officially opened, and the practitioners entered in order, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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