I have a city in another world

4888--Andrew Guteng sect's coveted

4888--Andrew Guteng sect's coveted
Practitioners who entered the magic city bought what they wanted.

It's not an equal-value transaction, but every item is of great value.

If you put it in the Gu Teng Sect, you may not be able to buy it no matter how rich you are, because many items are restricted from trading.

If you want to get it, you have to pay a huge price.

There are also some rare items that cannot be bought even in the Guteng sect, but they can be sold casually in the shops in the magic city.

The most surprising thing is that there are various underworld items sold in the magic city, not only in sufficient quantity, but also at very cheap prices.

Based on these special items, combined with the surrounding environment, the practitioners had a faint guess.

This mysterious magic city may be in the legendary underworld, or it may have a certain connection.

In the practice world of the true spirit world, there are many legends about the underworld, and underworld items appear from time to time.

But these things have nothing to do with low-level monks.

They are not qualified to contact the underworld, let alone buy items from the underworld, and have even always regarded these legends as stories.

But at this moment, they may be in the underworld, and at the same time they bought a lot of special products from the underworld.

If these are genuine products, then if they are resold, they will definitely earn tens or even hundreds of times the profit.

If you are afraid of the Gu Teng Sect's ban and dare not sell it, you can also refine the magic weapon yourself.

Various magical weapons and weapons refined from items from the underworld often have special effects.

When used to fight against the enemy, it can have a surprising effect.

In addition to various commodities, there are many secrets hidden in this magic city, which are worthy of careful exploration by practitioners.

Once excavated successfully, you can get great benefits.

When the monks lingered, they suddenly saw a giant ghost king appearing in the sky of the city.

The appearance is majestic and ferocious, and the sharp corners of the fangs are extremely fierce.

The monks were secretly terrified. Looking at the giant ghost king in the sky, they felt a sense of imminent disaster.

I'm afraid that in the next second, it will be devoured by this ghost king.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for everything in the city to return to normal.

The residents and traders in the city looked indifferent. They were obviously accustomed to such things.

The ghost king was condescending, opened his bloody mouth, and issued a notice to let them leave.

Following the ghost king's narration, the practitioners realized that the magic city can only be entered after the sun goes down.

When it is almost dawn, those who enter must leave.

It doesn't matter if you don't leave. You can wait until the next day, but you will definitely be attacked by evil spirits during this period.

Ordinary practitioners can't stand it at all, and are very likely to suffer serious injuries.

Knowing the disadvantages of staying, the practitioners did not dare to hesitate and walked towards the exit of the city.

As a result, when they arrived at the city gate, another practitioner informed the monks that they could receive a positioning ring.

After obtaining the positioning ring, you can sense the location of the entrance to the magic city, thus eliminating the time of searching.

Only then did the monks know that the entrance to the magic city was not fixed.

Practitioners who have benefited naturally want to come again a few times to get more good things.

There are also many sect leaders who have already planned to open their own treasure troves and take this opportunity to make a good purchase.

Such a large purchase can be said to be a steady profit.

After the incident spreads, Gu Teng Sect has occupied this place, and all kinds of benefits will be denied to them.

After receiving the positioning ring, the practitioners left one after another and returned to their respective sects as quickly as possible.

No need to think about it, there must be some guys who will take the initiative to report this matter to Gutengzong.

If the things were brought back to his home, even if Gu Tengzong was dissatisfied, he would definitely not say anything.

The secret realm of the magic city is a land without owner, and it is only natural for them to enter, and they have not violated any rules.

But if you are stopped halfway and your items are forcibly taken away, you will only suffer the consequences.

What we have to do now is to compete in terms of traveling speed. No one dares to waste any time.

When all the monks left, the sky was already bright, and the mysterious nine-story archway slowly dissipated.

In less than an hour, a sharp whistling sound was heard, and a high-end cloud boat with a strange shape descended from the sky.

Nearly a hundred monks of the Guteng sect flew around at an extremely fast speed, carefully examining the traces left by the magic city.

A senior monk from the Guteng Sect stood in front of Yunzhou, looking around with cold eyes.

A seventh-level sect leader stood humbly behind him, with a respectful and flattering expression on his face.

Last night he entered the Demon City and bought a bunch of good things, but as soon as he turned around, he reported the matter to the Guteng Sect.

Obviously, it is very clear that this matter cannot be concealed at all, and whoever acts fast enough will be able to earn this merit.

The suzerain of the seventh-level sect was obviously the winner of the competition, and easily obtained two benefits.

The reason is naturally that the speed is fast enough to reach the Guteng sect in the first time.

The monk who was not as fast as him had already returned cursing.

And secretly vowed in his heart that after making money this time, he must change to a faster cloud boat.

A group of monks from the Guteng Sect searched for a long time, but did not find much.

On the contrary, I found many marks, all left by the practitioners last night, and tried to locate them in this way.

Including the nine-story archway, there are also various signs on it, and there are always some cautious and cunning guys doing something secretly.

These positioning marks are destined to have no effect. When the nine-storey archway disappears, all kinds of marks will be erased together.

Even the strongest of the Guteng sect can't mark their positions, so searching for them naturally won't yield much.

The leading monk of the Guteng Sect looked at the seventh-level sect master beside him.

"Your Zongmen monks should have obtained a lot of positioning rings last night, let them hand them all over to Zongmen."

Hearing the words, the seventh-level suzerain was taken aback for a moment, and a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't expect that as a hero, he would have to hand over the positioning ring.

This also means that he will not be able to know the entrance location of the magic city, and it will be very difficult to enter.

After thinking about it, I felt that it didn't matter.After all, after tonight, this magic city will be controlled by the Guteng sect.

Although other sects also have positioning rings in their hands, they are destined to have no chance of using them.

The originally unbalanced mentality quickly turned into joy, and even a hint of pride.

According to the current development of the situation, he will get the most benefits. When the value evaluation of the Magic City Secret Realm is completed, the reward given to him by the Guteng Sect will definitely be indispensable.

The secret realms controlled by the Guteng sect cannot be compared with the magic city. Those places only produce natural materials and earthly treasures, but there are countless commodities for sale in the secret realm of the magic city.

Even the Gu Teng Sect seems unable to compare with it.

The only concern now is that when Gu Tengzong wants to control the magic city, will he be attacked by the other party's resistance?
Looking at the environment of the Demon City, it is obvious that it is not weak, and it is absolutely impossible to give in easily.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to worry about this matter at all, he just needs to wait for the results and benefits.

Soon this area was completely blocked by the practitioners of the Guteng Sect, prohibiting any practitioners from approaching.

The Guteng sect activated the head seal again, telling the monks who let them enter the magic city to report the whole process truthfully.

There must be no omissions, otherwise you will be severely punished.

At the same time, he ordered the suzerains of each sect to return as quickly as possible and obey the next order.

He did not make any demands on the sect practitioners who followed him, and apparently allowed them to take their harvest back.

As the superior sect, the Guteng sect has great power, but they still have to follow the rules.

If they forcibly robbed the harvest of various sects, they would inevitably provoke the wrath of those monks, and would be ridiculed if it spread to the outside world.

Compared to the secret realm of the Demon City, those items are just a piece of cake. Even if they need to be recovered, it will only take a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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