I have a city in another world

4889--Andrew Guteng sect's snatch

4889--Andrew Guteng sect's snatch
Seeing the sunset, the night is coming.

A large group of monks gathered together, looking at the positioning ring in their hands, a trace of struggle flashed in their eyes.

They are the major sect leaders who were forced to return after receiving the news, and are now under the supervision of the Guteng Sect.

The Gu Teng Sect attaches great importance to this secret realm of the Demonic City and specially dispatched a group of monks to investigate.

According to Gutengzong's plan, if the magic city reappears tonight, they must enter it to investigate.

Areas like this must be firmly controlled, otherwise a series of changes will occur.

It will also have a considerable impact on Gutengzong's rule.

Due to the limited resources, the major sects have been acting as service providers, using limited resources to cultivate elites, who will eventually be recruited by the superior sects.

The emergence of the magic city secret realm is equivalent to breaking the original restrictions, giving these low-level sects a chance to stand up.

If they successfully turn over, the status of the Guteng Sect will be affected and may even be replaced.

In order to avoid accidents, Guteng Sect must take action.

Time passed slowly, the night filled the sky, and the surroundings were dark and gloomy.

The positioning rings in the hands of those sect leaders actually glowed at the same time, and then a blurry arrow appeared.

The direction pointed by the arrow is exactly where the entrance to the Magic City is.

"Act now!"

The law enforcement elder of the Guteng Sect gave the order coldly, but there was a hint of fire in his eyes.

Some of the items sold by Mocheng are very suitable for his practice, and he wished to have them all.

In particular, some underworld materials were rarely encountered in the past, and the price was extremely high, so it was difficult to obtain with his status.

Now in the magic city, they can be purchased in large quantities.

If the truth turns out to be as expected, it will definitely be a great opportunity.

If grasped well, the Guteng sect can even take advantage of this opportunity to raise the sect's level to another level.

The Gu Teng Sect's exclusive Yunzhou has been on standby for a long time, and at this moment it flies out like a sharp arrow.

Following the ring's guidance, after using it for less than half an hour, I saw the huge nine-story metal archway.

This time, the place where it appeared turned out to be on the edge of a small town, in the center of a large cemetery.

The location where the archway appeared twice was related to the tomb, which gave the monks a sense of a pattern.

The practitioners of the Guteng sect quietly launched their actions and surrounded the building with the fastest speed.

Except for them, no outsiders are allowed to approach.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of practitioners stood at the entrance of the metal archway, looking at the brightly lit magic city behind the door.

The eyes of the practitioners who entered the city last night were full of anticipation, and they wanted to enter the city as soon as possible to make purchases.

It's a pity that there are monks from the Guteng sect following tonight, so they dare not act without authorization.

"You entered last night, are you sure nothing happened?"

The law enforcement elder of the Guteng sect asked again for confirmation, and finally made up his mind.

"Enter the city!"

The monks passed through the nine-story archway and followed the avenue towards the Demon City.

There are tall light poles on both sides of the road, and strings of lanterns are hung on them, releasing a faint green light.

The flames in the underworld are all green, without any temperature, but the killing effect is not reduced at all.

Not long after, the monks entered the Demon City, and the lively scene appeared in front of them again.

Brightly dressed and exaggerated monsters stand on the street and perform to welcome customers, and the shops on both sides of the road are shining with precious lights.

The operators of those shops looked like monks of the magic way at first glance, with a flamboyant and unruly personality.

There are countless monks in the true spirit world, and there are various schools, and there are also many monks in the magic way.

The strange and eccentric way of practice gave demonic monks a bad reputation, but it did not lead to incompatibility.

But if it is not necessary, practitioners who claim to be righteous will not easily come into contact with monks of the evil way.

But in the magic city, there is no difference between camps. As long as there are good goods in hand, who will care whether he is right or evil?
Looking at the dazzling array of treasures, the elder of the Guteng Sect was excited, but his eyes became more and more serious.

He felt that this secret realm of the magic city should not be an ownerless thing, and there might be a powerful organization behind it.

Otherwise, where would these practitioners and the vast amounts of materials come from?

Seizing what belongs to the hegemony will inevitably lead to disputes.

It's better if the strength is not as good as the Guteng sect, so there is still a possibility of success, but if the strength is stronger than the Guteng sect, it may cause disaster.

However, as a landlord, the Guteng sect already has a huge advantage. If this secret place of the magic city is really worth a shot, there is no problem in taking some risks.

There is another possibility. The magic city evolved on its own, and such a magical secret realm appeared.

If this is the case, the value of the magic city will become even higher.

The investigation has not yet ended, so there is no need to rush to a conclusion, and besides, the war cannot be decided by him alone.

A group of monks from the Guteng sect roamed the streets of the magic city. They were not just for business, but mainly for the purpose of detecting intelligence.

During the investigation, there was no obstruction.

The Guteng Sect monks secretly wondered. They always felt that the defense of the Demon City was too loose, and it seemed that they were not at all vulnerable to the detection of unexpected comers.

But this is also good, save a lot of trouble.

This continued until early morning, when the magic city was about to close, and the practitioners evacuated one after another.

However, there were also a few monks who took the risk to stay in the city, hoping to obtain more information.

These bold practitioners, all from the Guteng Sect, shoulder the important task of detecting the enemy's situation.

When the monks left, those who did not have a ring still received one.

Just like last night, this group of monks still returned with a full load.

For this purchase at night, they deliberately borrowed a sum of spirit stones from the Guteng Sect, and now it seems that they must make a lot of money.

When the monks crossed the nine-story archway and turned around to look back, they found that the entrance to the Demon City had disappeared.

"The Gu Teng Sect will recycle three times the items in your hands. I hope you will not keep them secretly."

At this moment, the law enforcement elder suddenly spoke, with a matter-of-fact expression.

When the monks heard this, their expressions froze slightly, and they cursed secretly in their hearts.

Recycling at three times the price sounds very good, but if it is sold outside, it may cost more than dozens of times.

After the Guteng Sect recycles the items, it either digests them internally or sells them to sects of the same level at high prices. Practitioners of lower-level sects are not qualified to have access to them.

It can be said that this night was busy, and they acted as tool people, needless to say the inner depression.

But they didn't dare to refuse such a request.

In the next few days, these suzerains continued to serve as tool people, entering the magic city every night to make purchases.

On the fifth day, the Guteng Sect mobilized a large number of experts and once again went straight to the entrance of the Demon City.

Tens of thousands of Guteng sect practitioners, all fully armed, arrived at their destination as quickly as possible.

Several defense circles were established near the nine-story metal archway, completely surrounding the entrance to the Demon City.

Led by the law enforcement elders, followed by ten Guteng sect elders, more than ten thousand practitioners directly entered the magic city.

After several days of investigation, the Guteng sect has obtained detailed information, and will launch an attack on the magic city tonight.

Once the goal is achieved, the magic city will fall into the hands of Gutengzong.

The suzerains of the various sects are now outside the entrance of the magic city, waiting for the final result of the war.

As the fake head of the Huayu Sect, Tang Zhen was naturally among them, witnessing Guteng Sect's plans with his own eyes.

For such behavior, Tang Zhen just sneered.

This gang of greedy guys will be punished tonight.

When greed arises and attempts are made to rob and occupy something, it means that one has fallen into a trap.

If you are not greedy, there will be no danger, otherwise you will have to pay the price.

In the magic city at this moment, the lights are still brightly lit, waiting for customers to come to consume.

The guests did not wait, but were greeted by greedy enemies, who rushed into the city aggressively.

"Control all stores, guard all exits, and kill those who dare to resist on the spot!"

The law enforcement elder commanded the battle with a gloomy and indifferent expression, but the hidden fire in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

After tonight, the Demon City will belong to the Guteng Sect, so how could he not be excited.

(End of this chapter)

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