I have a city in another world

Chapter 4890 The magic city that comes without warning

Chapter 4890

More than [-] heavily armed practitioners rushed into the Demon City in an aggressive manner, trying to control the place in a short time.

Such large-scale wars rarely occur in the Guteng Sect, but the expectations of the sect's practitioners are very high.

Although war brings destruction, it can also bring wealth. Wealth can be found in danger, and it is not a dream to increase your wealth in a short period of time.

These monks of the Guteng sect are eager to reap a lot of spoils and merits through this war.

They have enough self-confidence, and with the strong strength of the Guteng sect, they have no opponents in this area.

Before the war started, they believed they could win.

However, the place in front of them made them hesitate because the environment was too eerie and strange.

After the army entered the city, the expected battle did not happen, and the streets were actually empty.

The dazzling shops that were originally filled with all kinds of treasures have now become empty.

It looks like it has been abandoned for many years and looks dilapidated.

The products in the store have long since disappeared, as if they never existed.

"How is this going?"

Practitioners who have entered the magic city and purchased various supplies can't help but feel very puzzled at this moment.

Things can be moved away, but the traces of time are hard to forge. This place has obviously been abandoned for many years.

An ominous premonition welled up in my heart.

Although something didn't feel right, the action plan still had to be implemented. The practitioners of the Guteng Sect spread out and headed straight to every corner of the city.

Control the city first, and then study the rest.

The law enforcement elder of Guteng Sect looked around with an indifferent expression, trying to contact the monks lurking here.

But after waiting for half a day, there was no reply at all.

The situation in front of them is enough to show that the Demon City is already aware of this operation, so those businessmen will escape in advance.

Thinking of this possibility, the law enforcement elder was annoyed, he had long been fascinated by the various treasures in the magic city.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this war to make a good fortune, but in the end, he encountered such a situation.

"Damn it, who leaked the secret? If I let this person know, his life will be worse than death!"

With such a big piece of fat slipping away from his bowl, no wonder the law enforcement elders were so angry.

Suddenly there were a few screams from the corner of the magic city, and immediately after that, human skin lanterns were seen floating into the sky.

The originally pitch-black sky turned into a miserable green at this moment, and the scene looked particularly frightening.

In those human skin lanterns, ghostly figures floated out one after another, fiercely rushing towards the Guteng monks.

The number is so dense that it almost blocks out the sky.

Immediately outside the wasteland, there were countless demons, overwhelmingly sweeping over.

They surrounded the Demon City and blocked the evacuation path of the monks in the ancient city.

On the roofs and walls of dilapidated buildings, and on top of the withered tree pavilion, figures appeared one after another out of thin air.

Their costumes are quite strange, they are completely arbitrary and full of devilish aura.

The practitioners in the ancient city were shocked by the sudden change. How could they not realize that they had fallen into a trap?

The law enforcement elders were decisive, or rather prepared for the battle, and ordered the attack without hesitation.

He believed that with the strength of the Guteng sect, he would be able to defeat the enemy and gain control of this magic city.

The law enforcement elder is not afraid of fighting. If the enemy flees, he will feel uneasy.

Following the order, the monks of the Guteng Sect immediately launched an attack, and the entire city instantly turned into a battlefield.

But after the fight, the Guteng sect monk discovered in shock that he had obviously miscalculated the enemy's strength.

The demon monks occupying the demon city are all fierce and strange, and they are not afraid of death at all when fighting.

The fierce and cruel tactics made the Guteng Sect monks secretly frightened.

He was originally high-spirited, but at this moment he was dumbfounded and his confidence collapsed.

From the very beginning of the battle, the monks of the Guteng sect fell into a disadvantage, and the away game made their situation extremely bad.

"No, this is a trap!"

An elder of the Guteng sect let out an exasperated roar, and was about to lead people to evacuate this place immediately.

The situation on the battlefield is very bad, and we must not delay it any longer, otherwise the casualties will become even heavier.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move. Judging from the situation in front of them, it is obviously extremely unfavorable for the monks of the Guteng sect.

Turning to look at the law enforcement elder, his face was full of shock and anger, because the situation on the battlefield had exceeded expectations.

Before this operation, the senior officials of Guteng Sect conducted deductions and thought that they might encounter an ambush and resistance.

But in the end, it was concluded that the Guteng sect was stronger and would surely win.

Not to mention that the Guteng sect has stood for thousands of years, in fact, there are many hidden cards, but there are very few opportunities to use them.

This time the war may be able to show it.

But the situation in front of him made him lack confidence, feeling that those hole cards might not work.

The enemy behaved too ferociously. They were definitely not ordinary demon monks, but more like a group of monsters in human skin.

He was determined to continue fighting, but the monks who kept falling to the ground and dying made him have to think of evacuating.

If we continue to hesitate and miss the last opportunity to evacuate, the consequences will be disastrous.

Being able to become a law enforcement elder must be a decisive person, and he has made up his mind in a short period of time.

"All monks in the ancient city, all withdraw from this place!"

After hearing the order, the Guteng sect monk who was caught in a hard fight withdrew towards the outside of the city without hesitation.

The battle formation that has been trained for a long time has been in chaos for a long time, and less than one-third of its supposed effect has been achieved.

If it is placed on a normal day, if there is such a performance, it will inevitably be reprimanded and punished.

But the battlefield at this moment was already in chaos, and there was no one to direct and supervise the battle.

Those cultivators from the Demon City obviously knew how to coordinate the battle formation, which made the cultivators of the Gu Teng Sect feel like they were in a chokehold.

Even because of the exposure of shortcomings, he was attacked by the opponent frantically, so he paid a heavier price.

After discovering that the routine has been seen through and targeted attacks, the monks of the Guteng sect will naturally not form an formation to kill the enemy, leaving an opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of.

During the fierce and fierce battle, several elders and monks had already rushed to the outer areas of the Demon City.

But at this moment, another unexpected thing happened.

On the road leading outside the city, more than a dozen terrifying monsters appeared, with a height of a hundred meters.

The monster at the front has three trumpets on its head, and it staggers when it walks.

The sound played was sharp and strange, making a group of monks feel dizzy.

Following closely behind was a demon whose head was replaced by a cannon barrel, which was now spraying projectiles crazily.

The bullets were dense like rain, and many monks were hit in the body and torn apart in an instant.

There are more monsters, some are as beautiful as gods, some are extremely ugly, but all of them are full of evil energy.

"This is indeed the devil's nest!"

Seeing this, the law enforcement elder roared angrily, but felt a little regretful in his heart.

It should be investigated for a period of time before taking action, otherwise it would not have encountered a crisis like today.

Fortunately, the exit is just ahead. As long as a monk rushes out smoothly, he can call reinforcements from the Guteng sect.

A group of elders of the Guteng sect immediately rushed towards the monsters, trying to delay time for the sect monks.

If there is a suitable opportunity, they will also voluntarily evacuate.

Other Guteng Sect monks also seized the opportunity and wanted to rush to the exit below the nine-story archway.

However, those demon monks also followed closely, launching attacks in coordination with a large number of monsters.

The remaining monks of the Guteng Sect were forcibly gathered together at this moment, and they became the turtles in the urn.

However, the short distance has become an insurmountable chasm.

Along with the brutal fighting, the monks of the Guteng Sect continued to fall to the ground. Of the more than 1 practitioners, there were only less than a thousand left at this moment.

The remaining monks have completely lost their fighting spirit and only want to escape.

The law enforcement elder was covered in bruises and one arm was broken. He looked like a ghost at the moment.

The original indifference and calmness had long since disappeared, and now his face was full of despair and fear.

"Why, why is this so?"

The unwilling roar of the law enforcement elders echoed over the wilderness outside the Demon City, but it soon stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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