I have a city in another world

Rumors About Magic City

Rumors About Magic City

Changlong Mansion, Shuangshan City.

There is a place here where a large number of immortal cultivators gather, most of whom come from various major sects.

There are also many casual cultivators gathered here, and they are at peace with each other.

Practitioners in the real spirit world don't always stay in the sect to practice hard, and they also go to the outside world from time to time.

The market established by Chang Longzong is the best temporary foothold.

The rules are also different between different states. Not all sects are as harsh and greedy as the Guteng Sect.

Although there are three, six or nine levels, the difference lies in attitude.

The third-level sect in Changlong Mansion is very friendly to casual cultivators, at least on the surface.

A trading market is specially established to sell recycled cultivation materials, allowing casual cultivators to enter freely.

Practitioners from various sects will also come here to conduct transactions, and they only need to pay the fee according to the proportion.

If it were placed in Guteng Mansion, this would be an illegal act and would definitely be severely punished.

But in Changlong Mansion, not only will the officials not pursue it, but they will even encourage transactions.

This happens naturally because it is profitable.

In this way, Chang Longzong collected various folk items, and then exchanged the mass-produced items of the sect for rare materials.

In this way, we can control the practitioners within the territory and extract the benefits from the steady stream.

Compared with the Guteng sect of the same level, who plundered like a vampire, the behavior of Changlong Mansion is undoubtedly more popular.

As a result, Changlong Mansion became more prosperous, and the number of monks in the territory was greater, which was far beyond what the Gu Teng Sect could compare with.

In the Shuangshan Market at this moment, the monks are all talking about one topic, which is the magic city that appeared out of thin air.

What happened to the Guteng Sect has long been spread at an extremely fast speed, shocking many monks.

After all, it was a third-level sect, but it was so miserable by the Demon City that even the reinforcements from the second-level sect fell into it.

Such a terrifying place is enough for monks to stay away.

However, this magic city sells all kinds of cultivation materials, as well as many rare items that the outside world cannot find.

Even the major sects may not have similar things.

But in the magic city, they can be traded freely, and there are still many of them.

The skills to practice are almost like giving away for free.

The most critical point is that Demon City's heaven-defying methods can actually allow mortals to obtain spiritual roots.

In fact, the major sects in the true spirit world also have similar methods, but they often require paying a huge price.

Unless they are of special status or have a strong background, they are not eligible to enjoy this transformation at all.

I don't know how many people have regretted it all their lives.

But with the emergence of the Demon City, countless traffickers and lackeys obtained spiritual roots overnight by chance.

The monks in Changlong Mansion are deeply worried about this.

Guteng Mansion is located in a remote location, which is equivalent to poor mountains and bad waters to the outside world, which makes the monks there even more greedy.

But because of the magic city, the number of monks in the Guteng mansion increased dramatically, and the people in many villages and towns all obtained spiritual roots.

Even some prosperous state capitals do not have such a high density of monks, which is simply appalling.

Moreover, they are all demonic cultivators. Influenced by the practice of martial arts, they are all cruel and ruthless people.

With their presence, Guteng Mansion is destined to have no peace.

Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I can imagine that the Guteng Mansion must be in chaos now.

Maybe it won't be long before a group of fierce demon monks will emerge from the Guteng mansion that has turned into a gu pot.

There will be more demonic monks who will infiltrate and spread to nearby state capitals due to lack of sufficient cultivation resources.

Changlong Mansion is the closest, with a relaxed environment and rich resources, so it must be the first choice for those demonic monks.

Thinking of the large number of demon cultivators competing for resources in the coming days, the cultivators discussing at the gathering sighed for a long time.

If you fight for something, you can't avoid taking action, and if you take action, you can't avoid death or injury. Who knows if bad luck will fall on you?

He wanted to resist and prevent those demonic cultivators from entering, but he was unable to do so.

As the controller of Changlong Mansion, Changlongzong has not issued any related orders so far.

This situation is enough to prove that Changlong Mansion is not opposed to this kind of thing and does not mind the large-scale entry of those demonic cultivators.

Of course, it is also possible that Changlong Mansion is afraid of the strength of Demon City and does not want to provoke him too much for the time being.

With the example of the Guteng Mansion, Chang Longzong didn't want to cause trouble for himself and end up in a precarious end.

Besides, what happened to the Guteng Mansion was entirely his own fault. If it weren't for his insatiable greed, what happened next would never have happened.

Knowing the cause and effect, Chang Longzong will definitely not repeat the same mistakes.

If you analyze it carefully, the appearance of this magic city is actually a good thing.

The large amount of cultivation materials flowing out will not only benefit ordinary monks, but also major sects.

Not only can you trade directly, but you can also bring those monks into the sect, which is equivalent to gaining both money and man.

Not to mention taking this opportunity to send relatives into the magic city so that they can gain spiritual roots and become practitioners.

The emergence of the magic city has both advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, there are still many advantages. Although there are many hidden dangers, they are within the tolerable range.

In the final analysis of this matter, the strength of the Demon City was strong enough to deter these cultivating sects.

Otherwise, the Demonic City at this moment would have long been the target of robbery, and even the bones and dregs would be eaten away.

"This is it, let's just go in and wait!"

Along with the noise, another large group of figures rushed in at the gate of Xiuzhenfang City.

In this trading market, people flowed back and forth, some in small groups, and some alone.

Occasionally there will be dozens of them, most of them are sect monks leading their disciples to practice.

But this group of monks, totaling more than 300 people, not only wore strange clothes, but also had a very strange aura.

It seems that the lights in the dark night can be seen from a long distance.

In the monk's perception, this group of monks was like turning on loudspeakers, and there was no possibility of ignoring them.

The monks who were sitting upstairs chatting or trading on the street also looked at these newcomers.

But then, they discovered something unusual.

The monks in the market are not only well-informed, but they also know a lot about the spiritual world. However, they have never seen this group of monks in front of them.

She has a monk's breath, but her demeanor is rustic, but she is dressed in a weird way.

Just as they were secretly surprised and guessing about each other's origins, another group of monks walked in.

This time there were more of them, six to seven hundred in total, and they were all dressed in the same aura.

The merchants and customers in the trading market were all attracted by this group of weird monks, watching and observing them with vigilance and curiosity.

"Are you... monks from the Demon City?"

The owner of a sect shop suddenly widened his eyes and asked in a probing tone.

When the other monks heard this, they suddenly realized, and their hearts trembled at the same time.

They were chatting about the magic city just now, talking about those lucky ordinary people, but they didn't expect to appear in front of them in the blink of an eye.

As expected, the other party answered the shop owner, saying that he had indeed entered the magic city.

They came from one village, and the group behind them came from another village, and they all got fairy fate after entering the magic city.

There are more people behind, and they are all on their way.

Listening to the other party's story, the monks in the market pricked up their ears, fearing that they would miss any information.

When they heard that the men and women in front of them were ordinary farmers before, but had received many benefits from entering the Demon City, the monks in the market were extremely envious.

Hearing is delusion, seeing is believing, those who were half-believing at first, but at this moment yearn for it in their hearts.

I hope that the magic city will appear soon, and I can enter it myself.

"Since you have received the fate of immortality, why don't you stay at home and practice well, but instead show up together in Changlong Mansion?"

A curious monk asked again.

"Because tonight, the Magic City may appear nearby, and we hope to be able to enter it again!"

Hearing the news, the monks were surprised and happy.

According to previous rumors, the magic city appeared randomly, causing countless immortal seekers to break their legs and enter it all by luck.

Now when the magic city reopens, there is an exact location, which is simply a great thing.

When the monks confirmed again and again that this news was not false, they sent a notification to the outside world as quickly as possible.

Don't miss such an excellent opportunity no matter what, otherwise you will regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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