I have a city in another world

Chapter 4902 Eight parties are waiting for the opportunity

Chapter 4902

However, in a short period of time, the news about the emergence of the Demon City quickly spread throughout Changlong Mansion.

Everyone from the sect to the casual cultivators to those mortals looking for immortals were shocked by this incident.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of joy.

Although the Demon City is dubbed the Demon City, among practitioners, it is an out-and-out place of opportunity.

Whoever can enter it will definitely gain countless things.

Originally, he was just envious of others, but now, the opportunity has come to his door.

Suddenly, there was sincere joy and eager anticipation.

Regarding this matter, the one who had the biggest reaction was naturally Changlong Zong.

Previously, some practitioners were worried about whether the strange and wandering demonic city would appear within the scope of Changlong Mansion.

After all, the two mansions are adjacent and the border can be entered and exited freely. Once the Demon City really appears, how will Changlong Sect respond?
Including those demonic monks, how should they be treated after they appear in Changlong Sect.

After some discussion, Changlongzong made a decision and stayed on the sidelines on this matter.

The Magic City comes when you like and leaves when you like. Changlongzong will not interfere too much.

If it doesn't harm your own interests, you don't need to pay too much attention to it, otherwise you may get into trouble.

The Guteng Sect is a warning to other sects, and they know that there may not be a simple thing behind the Demon City.

Perhaps it was a special place deliberately released by some behemoth, involving an undisclosed plan.

If so, be sure to avoid it.

Although the strength of the third-level sect is strong, in the face of a truly powerful force, it is actually nothing at all.

Unexpectedly, just after the plan was formulated, the magic city would suddenly descend, and the location where it would appear was also announced.

What may seem like a small change can have a huge impact.

Can you imagine how much of a sensation this piece of news will cause?
Wherever the Demon City appears, countless monks and countless seekers of immortality will inevitably gather.

Although there have been many negative rumors about the Magic City during this period, there are still countless people who are willing to fly into the flames.

Just to seek a chance and embark on the road to immortality.

As the controller of Changlong Mansion, he must participate in such a major event, and get the most benefits.

But he couldn't follow the example of the Guteng Sect. Not only did he want to gain exclusive benefits, he even wanted to take the Demon City as his own.

The high-ranking monks of Changlong Sect immediately gathered to discuss, and it didn't take long for them to take action.

The sect master personally led the team and drove twenty cloud boats directly to the location of Shuangshan City.

At the same time, other sects, large and small, also sent monks here one after another.

However, in a short period of time, Shuangshan City Market became very lively.

The common people living nearby have never seen such a magnificent scene. They only saw cloud boats flying overhead, and a large number of warriors and dignitaries came riding on horseback.

The streets were overcrowded, the inns were full, and many wealthy families had distinguished guests staying overnight.

It's inconvenient to live outside, so naturally you have to borrow the other person's house to live temporarily for a period of time.

The vast majority of immortal seekers choose to live outside the city, so that they will not be restricted in their actions.

Otherwise, at night, the city gates would be tightly closed, making it even more difficult for ordinary people to go out.

If you don't believe me, the soldiers guarding the city are extremely nervous, fearing that something will go wrong.

Today's Shuangshan City can be said to be a mixed bag, with both immortal masters and royal family members, and some criminals are also hiding in it.

Once someone makes trouble, it is likely to have a huge impact.

Those ordinary villagers who had entered the Demon City and gained opportunities were interrogated by various sects.

Of course, the whole process was very civilized. These sect monks maintained restraint and did not dare to show the arrogance and arrogance they had in the past.

If it's just ordinary people and monks, they naturally don't need this attitude, but the monks who came out of these magic cities are different.

Although they have no family or sect, they can be regarded as belonging to the Demon City, and all of them are Demonic monks.

If a grudge is formed because of this, it will inevitably cause endless trouble.

Therefore, these rookies who have just entered the path of immortality and are only in the Qi training period have not been bullied by the monks of the major sects.

After questioning, they learned that the news about the appearance of the Demon City was obtained when they left.

The specific location is known, but the date is not certain. It is only said that within half a month, the magic city will appear here.

After learning the news, many monks breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Demon City appeared tonight, time would be too hasty and many things would not be able to be arranged.

There are also many people who have no way to arrive in time, thus missing this opportunity to change their fate against the sky.

But it's different now, at least there's more time to arrive.

After the news came out, it really was a wild ride, and more people rushed towards Shuangshan City.

Especially in the major sects, many relatives without spiritual roots are now rushing to come.

However, in a short period of time, Shuangshan City became the most lively place, and there was a grand event that had never been seen before.

The local people have become numb. They have also heard what is going to happen, and they are full of expectations deep in their hearts.

Poxia Village.

The originally dilapidated small mountain village became lively because it was located within the territory of Shuangshan City and backed by Tianzhu Mountain.

After the news spread, some outsiders came one after another.

Most of these people rode horses and drove cars, and some brought guards and servants with them into the village to rent houses.

Although the villagers' houses are dilapidated and dirty, they are better than the wilderness, at least there are no harassment from mosquitoes and wild animals.

If it's windy or raining, you can find a place to take shelter.

For these foreign guests, the villagers naturally dare not drive them away, let alone the other party will give enough rent.

Ten days' rent is comparable to a year's income.

The villagers who rented out their houses were all extremely excited and always had bright smiles on their faces.

Other villagers are also looking forward to it, hoping that more people will come and rent out their houses.

Under the big tree at the entrance of the village, a young man looked forward eagerly.

When he saw other villagers renting out their houses and getting a large amount of rent, the young man was very excited.

He wanted some money so he could go out and make a living.

It's a pity that there is only one person in the house. The house is dilapidated and in disrepair. Those noble people must look down upon it.

Knowing the news about the magic city, the boy knew in his heart that there would definitely be more guests coming to the village in the future.

Foreigners who have no choice may fall in love with their own home.

But if you don't clean it up, those outside guests will still not rent your own house.

The young man understood this and immediately tidied up his courtyard.

Clean up the messy yard, dig up wildflowers for decoration, and do your best to do it the best.

After completing this step, the young man immediately headed to the entrance of the village, waiting for the arrival of guests from afar.

But at the entrance of the village at this moment, there is not only one villager waiting, they all want to earn this lucrative rent.

Sure enough, not long after, another foreign guest arrived.

The villagers immediately rushed forward and said that their houses were clean and could be rented out to guests from afar.

Seeing how enthusiastic the villagers were, the foreign guests just smiled faintly, and there was even a trace of disdain in their eyes.

The guests naturally knew very well that the villagers all wanted to earn some rent, and they were not short of the money.

Some people followed him into the village, while some guests stayed outside the village and even climbed directly to the top of the mountain.

You can see far when you stand high. If it weren't for the existence of Tianzhu Mountain, these guests from far away might not come.

The young man followed him in and recommended his house to the foreigners, but unfortunately the guests did not take a fancy to it.

With a trace of depression, the young man could only return to the entrance of the village, hoping that the next wave of guests would choose his home.

In the evening, a large group of people suddenly came.

The villagers became excited and rushed forward to greet the guests and recommend their houses to the guests from afar.

The young man was among them and fully recommended his courtyard, saying that it was kept clean enough and there would be no mosquitoes, snakes or harassment.

Perhaps because there were not too many choices, or perhaps because he was moved by the boy's persistence, a group of guests finally followed.

(End of this chapter)

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