I have a city in another world

Chapter 4903 Agen’s opportunity

Chapter 4903 Agen’s opportunity

“Boy, go and prepare some water, it’d better be clean.

Go get some melons and fruits, wash them with water and bring them up, and serve them well, the rewards will definitely not be less. "

In the dilapidated courtyard, there are more than [-] men and women standing at the moment, their clothes are incompatible with the environment.

Judging by their clothes, they obviously came from wealthy families, but they deliberately changed into short robes for easy movement.

There are also some warriors who carry swords, bows and crossbows, obviously to prepare for unexpected situations.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for nobles like this to enter the village.

Even when passing by, I would cover my nose and turn my head, for fear of being contaminated by the filthy stench.

But it's different now. In order to obtain immortality, even the harsh environment can be endured.

There were also a few women among them, looking at the dilapidated hut in front of them, a trace of disdain flashed in their eyes.

On the contrary, the flowers and plants in the courtyard looked very bright, which diluted the trace of dissatisfaction in my heart.

The boy's name is A Gen, and he is smiling all over his face at the moment.

"No problem, I'll get you whatever you want!"

The group of nobles in front of him are the God of Wealth in Agen's eyes.

This kind of money-making opportunity does not come every day, so you must seize it.

"My lord, hurry up and rest, I'll go to the river to fetch water."

As Agen spoke, he hurriedly carried the barrel out, fearing that the noble man would be unhappy if he was too slow.

When we arrived at the river outside the village, we found many people collecting water and fishing, probably for the guests of the village.

This road is full of dust and dust, and it is necessary to wash up, and the fish and shrimp can be sold for a few dollars.

At this moment, all the villagers had happy smiles on their faces, happy to be able to earn a rent.

The same thing happened to the boy, who quickly found a clean place to fetch water.

As a result, at this moment, a foreigner passed by, and the sound of talking and laughing reached the young man's ears.

"This group of ignorant villagers are still busy working for a few taels of silver, but they don't know that the real opportunity is right in front of them.

If you become a monk, you can live forever and live freely in the world.

At that time, the wealth in this world will be nothing more than dung, and you can get as much as you want. "

Hearing this, the young man was slightly taken aback.

Before that, he also heard a few words about what kind of magic city descended, but he didn't know anything about the specific situation.

The same is true for the people in the village.

It is actually very normal for such a situation to occur. Even if the news of the magic city spreads all over the world, not everyone knows the details.

Ordinary villagers such as Agen, for example, know very little about this matter.

Hearing these words, Agen's heart jumped slightly, and then he showed an excited expression.

He does not aspire to become an immortal, but he does want to make money.

If he could earn enough money by becoming a practitioner, he would definitely give it a try.

Having made up his mind, Agen returned with the bucket.

After fetching ten buckets of water in a row, he barely satisfied the needs of the guests, and then he went around looking for wild fruits.

Tianzhu Mountain has a strange shape, like an independent stone pillar, holding up the sky alone.

Around this mountain peak, there are many vines and wild fruits, and the taste is not bad.

However, it is difficult to obtain. Many vines grow on the cliff in mid-air, and it takes a lot of effort to pick them.

In order to make money, A-Gump climbed up the rock wall and stepped on a lot of fruits.

He took it to his home, cleaned it, and gave it to the nobleman to taste. As a result, he was rewarded with one tael of silver.

These ladies from noble families liked the taste of wild fruits very much, and asked Agen to pick some every day.

The heavy amount of money made A Gen feel very happy and became more motivated when working.

The nobleman stayed here, and it took three days in a blink of an eye.

During these three days, more and more people came to the village, and cars and horses often passed by on the road outside the village.

Many people are either rich or noble, many are warriors with swords, and there are even some rare immortal masters.

Some went to nearby villages, while others simply camped in the wilderness and went to the villages to buy food.

Agen was surprised to see it, and he yearned for the magic city more and more.

During the past few days, he secretly inquired about the situation of the magic city.

Knowing that these noble people all want to enter the magic city to obtain fairy fate, so that they can live forever.

Agen also wants to enter the magic city and get what the nobleman yearns for.

However, he also heard that the items in the Demon City must be obtained by spending money.

It is not a good thing for the poor.

Agen prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the magic city would appear a little later, so that he could make more money.

At that time, even if he doesn't get the opportunity of the magic city, he will still have the money to develop far away.

Looking at those foreigners, all of them in fresh clothes and angry horses with bulging pockets, Agen felt very envious in his heart.

He also hopes that one day he will be able to return to his hometown in fine clothes and be envied by the whole village.

Before I knew it, the sun gradually set.

Agen is still outside the village at the moment, taking back the rattan basket for fishing, and selling the fish and shrimp to the nobles in exchange for rewards.

But as soon as he left the shore, he felt the temperature drop sharply and a hint of cold air rose in the river.

Agen, who was soaked in water, felt cold all over and could not help but shiver.

Just as he was about to rush home and get closer to the stove to warm himself, he suddenly froze in place.

It turned out that a strange building suddenly appeared on the river bank, not far from him.

This building is dozens of meters high, divided into nine floors, and its shape looks extremely exquisite.

The seemingly majestic appearance exudes a strange atmosphere.

A straight and wide avenue passes under the building and ends at a brightly lit city.

Agen grew up here since he was a child, and he is very familiar with the surrounding environment. Both the buildings and the city behind are things that have never existed in the village.

Thinking of the previous rumors, Agen opened his mouth in shock and his body trembled slightly with excitement.

"Magic city!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a beam of light shooting up into the sky, which could be seen even from a great distance.

In the field in the distance, huge figures appeared one after another, wandering around leisurely.

Under the bloody moonlight, he could vaguely see the appearance of the huge figure, as ferocious and terrifying as a god statue in a temple.

When Agen was shocked and surprised, screams came from the village, followed by a chaos of people screaming and horses neighing.

Many people shouted "Magic City" and rushed over, fearing that if they slowed down a step, others would snatch the benefits.

Those arrogant and indifferent nobles, completely disregarding their image at this moment, were like hungry victims fighting for food.

Seeing this scene, Agen's heart trembled, and then his eyes lit up.

The nobles are all fighting for it, so it must be a real good thing. Now that the Demon City is right in front of us, how can we miss this God-given opportunity?
Agen thought of this, holding a string of live fish in his hand, and rushed towards the nine-story archway with all his strength.

Now that the magic city appeared in front of him, and everyone was scrambling to enter, he must be the first to enter.

There seemed to be a voice in his mind, telling him to strive for No. 1.

This made Agen realize that the opportunity was right in front of him.

At this time, behind him, a martial artist appeared and shouted loudly.

"Boy, just stand there and don't go in!"

Agen ignored it and continued to run forward.

"I'll give you money, and stand there right now!"

It seemed that the other party also knew that it would be beneficial to be the first to go in, so they made this move.

Seeing the other party like this, Ah Gen became more determined and continued to run forward.

"Damn you bastard, if you dare to steal my opportunity, I will kill you with a thousand knives!"

Seeing that the threat was ineffective and that there was no hope of competing for first place, the warrior issued a severe threat.

At this moment, he had already stepped into the door, and Agen, who heard the reminder in his mind, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Turning his head to look at the other party, there was a complex expression in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, the warrior immediately smiled and said: "Stinky boy, it's considered a flattery, get the hell out of here immediately!"

In the end, when he saw the young man in front of him, he shook his head slightly, and a trace of coldness flashed in his humble eyes.

"If you want to harm me, then I can only protect myself."

The young man muttered to himself, but the warrior's expression changed.

A tall and sinister figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, swinging the mace in his hand forward.


The warrior's head was smashed, and the headless body fell into the cold river water.

Seeing this scene, Agen's heart trembled slightly, and he turned around and entered the magic city.

(End of this chapter)

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