I have a city in another world

Chapter 4905 There is no gain in vain!

Chapter 4905 There is no gain in vain!
In a shop on the Demon City, Tang Zhen stared into the void, and scenes flashed before his eyes.

At this moment, a large number of figures gathered in the city square.

These are seekers who have no spiritual roots and are trying to obtain from the magic city, waiting to enter the sarcophagus for transformation.

Now it has been spread outside that the magic city's spiritual root activation success rate is [-]%, which has won unanimous praise from seekers.

With a good reputation, it naturally attracted more seekers.

Over the past period of time, Demon City has cultivated a lot of monks who implanted pseudo-spiritual roots like this.

It can be said that wherever the magic city goes, good things can be done wherever they go, and countless seekers of the Tao have their wishes fulfilled.

He has invested a huge amount of resources for this. If it were not for the cornerstone platform, Tang Zhen would not be able to afford it.

However, Tang Zhen never let himself suffer when doing things.

Such crazy consumption of resources and continuous training of monks is naturally for the long-term layout.

Practitioners transformed by the magic city will eventually become pawns that will play a role at critical moments.

It's more like seeds that germinate and grow slowly until they grow into towering trees.

However, the growth of seeds requires water and fertilizers, as well as meticulous care.

There are too many seeds and it is impossible to take care of every one. You must choose the best quality ones.

For example, Tang Zhen at this moment is querying the recorded data to select outstanding remodeling monks.

They will be included in the list, accept the inspection and monitoring of the magic city, and receive an invitation letter when the time is right.

If the practitioner agrees, he will become a hired monk in the magic city and enjoy his exclusive status and special benefits.

The magic city will issue tasks to be completed by these transformation monks, and corresponding rewards will be given.

Compared with ordinary tourists, hiring monks enjoys many benefits.

Not only can you get rewards through points and exchange them for various rare materials, but you can also share a lot of intelligence information.

They help each other, and when the critical moment comes, they can get support from the Demon City.

Unknowingly, the Demon City was built into a huge organization.

Lou Cheng can't show his face easily, he can only push Demon City to the eyes of the world, and when his reputation is loud enough, Tang Zhen will start the next move.

Of course, in this process, you will definitely encounter all kinds of troubles, and there will be no shortage of guys like Gu Teng Sect.

But it doesn't matter. Any force that wants to rise must face the same challenges.

It is better if the magic city suffers an impact than if the building city is damaged.

However, Tang Zhen also knew very well that with the previous display of strength, ordinary sects did not dare to make a move easily.

This has always been the case in the spiritual world, with people bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

After seeing the strength of the Demon City and enjoying the benefits of the Demon City, most monks still hope that the Demon City exists.

For example, among the tourists at this moment, many came from various sects, and the aura on their bodies could not be hidden from Tang Zhen at all.

There are even some monks who have the aura of turning into infants and returning to the void, but they use special methods to cover it up.

But it doesn't matter, Tang Zhen opens the door to welcome guests, and treats them equally.

As long as you don't cause trouble in the city, there won't be any problems. Magic City's products are not afraid of being sold. The more you sell, the better it will be for future plans.

But if he wanted to cause trouble, Tang Zhen would definitely make the other party regret it.

Tang Zhen's interest at this moment was attracted by the boy who entered No.1 because he had a top-level spiritual vein.

Naturally, the young man didn't know the truth. In order to avoid being cheated, he even played a clever trick.

Use your own conditions in exchange for a safe promise.

The seemingly clever behavior is actually a little childish. The right to raise conditions is given by Tang Zhen, so he can naturally operate as he wants.

Tang Zhen will naturally satisfy A Gen's request.

There is no need for transplant surgery at all, just activate Agen's spiritual root, which is safer and has no hidden dangers.

However, in order to complete the plan, Tang Zhen still had to implant the pseudo-spiritual root specially developed by Lou Cheng into Agen's body.

This special pseudo-spiritual root will not only help mortals to generate spiritual roots, but it is also a special system.

The system will modify the body, giving it special abilities, and it will be monitored by the magic city at all times.

Many exchanges and interactions can be carried out through the system.

Of course, on the surface, some social assistance is needed to cover, otherwise the monk will inevitably think wildly.

The truth about the spiritual root will never be disclosed to the outside world.

Agen's talent is good, he just happens to act as an experimental subject and complete some special tests.

When Tang Zhen was pondering, A Gen had already completed the activation of his spiritual root and sat up from the opened sarcophagus.

After waking up, Agen did feel the changes in his body, as if he had been reborn.

Wisps of energy continued to flow in, nourishing his meridians and bones.

Before there is no spiritual root, the energy of heaven and earth cannot be retained at all, just like the strong wind blowing through the blades of grass without leaving any trace.

It's different after having a spiritual root. After the energy of heaven and earth passes through the body, there will be a trace of energy deposited and absorbed.

Over time, it will make the body stronger and stronger.

If you practice the exercises, you will retain more energy from heaven and earth, and you will truly be reborn.

"Great, I've become an immortal master!"

Feeling the changes in himself, Agen shouted excitedly to express his joy.

There are many cheerers like Agen on the square, all happy for their journey to the fairyland.

After cheering and celebrating, they immediately left the square and prepared to go to the city to obtain cultivation resources.

Now that you have embarked on the road of practice, you must have exercises and materials, otherwise it will be difficult to move forward in the future.

They have nothing, they can only pin their hopes on the magic city, hoping to get more good things.

The same is true for Agen, thinking about the shops he passed before, which contained many medicinal herbs.

However, I am short of money at the moment, I only have a few taels of silver, and I don’t know what I can buy.

Is it necessary to replace the last condition with ten thousand taels of gold to buy items in those shops?

Agen felt a little reluctant, feeling that this condition was very precious and should not be wasted so easily.

When he hesitated secretly, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

A glowing line appeared on the ground under his feet, which seemed to lead to a dark street in the magic city.

At the same time, in his mind, a calm voice sounded slowly.

“While everyone else is heading to the busy shops, ready to find their own opportunities, you discover a path that others haven’t noticed.

You don't know where this road leads, but you know that there is no harm in following it. After all, you are penniless, and there is no way that the Demon City could plot against a poor boy like you.

Don't hesitate, boy, this is definitely a good thing.

Once you miss an opportunity, you will definitely regret it. "

Listening to the voice in his mind, Agen showed a hesitant expression, but finally followed the guidance of the light.

The voice in his mind was right, he had nothing in the first place, so naturally he did not lack the courage to try.

After walking slowly away from the crowd, Agen came to a long and gloomy street not long after.

Different from the lively streets, there were not many pedestrians at all on this gloomy street.

Without the lighting rendering, the eerie horror of the magic city can finally be revealed at this time.

Agen felt a little regretful, and wanted to turn around and leave, but he was a bit reluctant.

After hesitating for dozens of breaths, he finally gritted his teeth and moved on.

At this time, he saw, at the end of the light, a deserted grocery store appeared in front of him.

Other shops are built on the main street, with gorgeous decorations and bustling bustle, with an endless stream of customers coming and going.

The shop in front of me has no customers, it is pitifully deserted.

Agen hesitated for a moment, but finally stepped into it.

After entering, he saw a handsome young man sitting inside, holding an ancient book and reading quietly.

Seeing A Gen walk in, the boy put down the book in his hand and showed a faint smile.

"In this shop of mine, only those who are predestined are accepted, and those who are not predestined are impossible to find.

Now tell me, what do you want to get? "

(End of this chapter)

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