I have a city in another world

4906 - Give the enemy a chance to retaliate

4906 - Give the enemy a chance to retaliate
The owner of the shop is naturally Tang Zhen himself.

Tang Zhen was very concerned about his action plan and would go into battle personally whenever he had the opportunity.

A monk like Agen is a very important link in the plan.

Looking at the ignorant young man in front of him, Tang Zhen remembered his past self, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Therefore, I asked the boy if he had any wishes in his heart, even if it was an unrealistic type.

"What do I want?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, Agen was slightly startled, with many thoughts flashing through his mind.

The jokes among the villagers gave him a flash of inspiration, and he couldn't help saying: "I want to be the emperor, can you help me do it?"

For Agen, being able to become a secular emperor is the greatest achievement.

A beautiful woman who sleeps a lot, has countless money, lives in the Golden Temple all day long, and everyone in the world has to obey his orders.

Such a good day may not even compare to the immortals!

Hearing this, Tang Zhen couldn't help smiling.

"Are you sure you want to be an emperor, not an immortal?"

"To become an emperor in the world, at most decades, you will die like ordinary people and turn into a pile of dry bones."

"Being an immortal is different. You can watch the rise and fall of dynasties with a smile. Emperors from generation to generation are born and die in your eyes. After seeing you, it is like a mortal seeing an emperor."

"Think about it carefully, and then tell me what choice you will make."

Hearing Tang Zhen's rhetorical question, Agen froze in place, not knowing how to answer.

Is it really better to become an immortal than to become an emperor?

He didn't know the specific answer, but he knew that he had to make the right choice, otherwise he might regret it too late.

Looking at the young man in front of him, it seemed that he was not much older than himself, but that kind of demeanor made him feel ashamed.

"Excuse me, are you also an immortal master?"

Agen asked cautiously, it was related to his final choice.

"of course."

Tang Zhen nodded slightly, and waved his hand to draw a ray of light. The bright scene seemed like a falling galaxy.

Agen was dazzled by the sight, and had a clear answer in his heart.

"I also want to practice and become the strongest monk."

Do your best if you want to do it. This is Agen's simple and true idea.

Although he didn't know how difficult it was to do this, it didn't stop him from letting go of his bold words at this moment.

“It’s good to have dreams, but it’s not easy to achieve them.

But with my help, if you work harder, you might really be able to succeed. "

Although Agen has good potential, it does not determine future achievements, it just makes it easier for him to approach his goals.

Practicing is about wealth and companionship, opportunity and hard work are also indispensable. With excellent talent, coupled with Tang Zhen's help behind the scenes, maybe there will be some achievements in the future.

Of course, the time cannot be too long, otherwise it will affect Tang Zhen's plan.

Previously, Tang Zhen had a plan to train several elite figures among these reformed monks.

Let them serve as role models to stimulate those who practice hard.

The power of an example is infinite, and it will inevitably attract more people to follow suit and try their best to join the Demon City camp.

After Tang Zhen said this, he personally helped Agen choose the exercises and provided him with a set of novice equipment.

All the pills and talismans needed are well prepared, and they are definitely of the best quality.

In the next time, Agen only needs to practice according to the plan and complete the tasks issued by the magic city.

If the performance is good enough, he will get more investment and higher authority.

It wasn't until he left the shop and looked at his harvest that Agen came back to his senses.

Originally, he was worried that his pockets were empty and he had no money to trade in the magic city.

As a result, the harvest of this trip far exceeded expectations.

Looking at the crowds of people on the street, Agen suddenly felt elated and happy. He knew that his future life would be very exciting.

But in the days to come, you still have to practice low-key to avoid dying before you grow up.

When he grows up, he can perform various tasks and receive generous rewards from the Demon City.

After making up his mind, Agen quietly left the magic city and started his own legendary life.

At this time, Agen didn't know that he was not the only lucky one, and many monks also received this honor.

They are not only companions, but also competitors.

Once they grow up, they will be able to perform the advanced actions of the magic city, or act as some messengers and the like.

When the time comes, use your emissary status to contact other practitioners and let them provide various services for the magic city.

As it continues to develop, the influence of the Demon City will become greater and greater, and it will eventually be able to gain a foothold in the true spirit world.

When that time comes, you can compete with the True Spirit Race and snatch the other party's True Spirit Secret Treasure.

As for the soul of the mythical beast, Tang Zhen doesn't dare to make plans now, and he even has nowhere to start.

Beings like mythical beasts were at least at the level of immortals, and Tang Zhen couldn't afford to offend them now.

Before I knew it, another night passed.

The Magic City is closed and most of the tourists have left, while some choose to stay.

For such stayers, Demon City will never forcibly expel them, but will give corresponding warnings.

If a body of flesh and blood stays in the underworld, it will inevitably be attacked by demon energy, which will cause great consumption to itself.

While being corroded by demonic energy, there are also benefits. If you can persevere, you can greatly increase your practice speed.

After this successful attempt, Tang Zhen decided the frequency of the Demon City's appearance and announced the general area where it would appear in advance.

Such an operation can attract more seekers and make the magic city's influence even greater.

But at the same time, it will also provide enough opportunities for the enemy to launch offensive operations.

But it doesn't matter, this is what Tang Zhen did on purpose.

Anyone who dares to attack the Demon City is tantamount to leaving a clue and being counterattacked by the Demon City.

Not only will the culprit be punished first, but the backer behind him is also in the ranks of retaliation.

If the opponent's backer is a certain true spirit race, that would be perfect.

At that time, Tang Zhen had an excuse to take action, and he followed his example when doing things.

In the days to come, Tang Zhen will still operate according to this model, and will even increase his throwing intensity.

In the eyes of outsiders, Magic City may be taken advantage of.

But little did he know that Tang Zhen was just helping Lou Cheng destock his inventory in exchange for useful gold and silver spirit stones.

Tang Zhen originally thought that after seeing the wealth of the Demon City, Changlong Zong, a landlord, would not be able to resist the temptation.

It turned out that this sect was not blinded by greed, nor did it launch actions against Lou Cheng.

Instead, they sent monks from the sect several times to trade with gold, silver and spiritual stones, and bought back a large number of specialties from the underworld, as well as elixirs and magic weapons practiced by the residents of Loucheng.

In such a transaction, both parties are winners and have earned enough benefits.

Because they had received enough benefits and the risks involved in attacking the Demon City, Changlongzong chose to stand still.

However, Tang Zhen also knew that once the opponent seizes the opportunity, he will definitely launch a vicious attack.

The sects in the spiritual world are not charitable places. They are all ferocious beasts that eat people without spitting out their bones.

There was another reason why Changlongzong didn't take action.

Because at this moment in the Demon City, there are already two deadly enemies, one is the precarious Guteng Sect, and the other is the more powerful Ziyun Sect.

The hatred between the two sides is already endless.

At the moment, the Guteng Sect is too busy taking care of itself that it has no time to take revenge on Demon City, let alone enough guts and courage.

But the Purple Cloud Sect was different, possessing greater strength, and also did not suffer fatal wounds.

They will definitely retaliate, they just can't find the right time.

The magic city has changed the law of action, choosing to appear in a fixed place is equivalent to providing an opportunity for the opponent.

If nothing unexpected happens, it won't take long before the two sides are likely to fight.

What Tang Zhen has to do is to be fully prepared for this war that will determine the status of the Demon City.

(End of this chapter)

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