I have a city in another world

Chapter 4907 Ziyunzong's actions

Chapter 4907 Ziyunzong's actions
Rumors about the magic city spread more and more widely.

Many state capitals in the southeast region have heard various rumors and know about the magical place called Magic City.

Mysterious and strange environment, abundant cultivation materials, helping mortals obtain spiritual roots for free...

No matter what it is, it is a topic worthy of hot discussion.

Regarding the background and purpose of the Magic City, there are various speculations from the outside world, and most of them are based on speculation.

There are also some statements that are based on speculation.

For example, the place where the Demon City is located is considered by many monks to be a small world, a special semi-independent space.

Spaces like this are not uncommon in the true spiritual world.

Many sects at level two or above, including those true spirit races, have their own small worlds.

These special small worlds rely on the big world to exist, so they can be regarded as connected with each other.

It's like a big room, the hall is the main world, and the small room is the small world.

The vast majority of small worlds are formed naturally under the influence of rules, and once they are conceived, they will become new worlds.

There are also some small worlds that are built by relying on secret techniques.

Those who can build a small world must have strong strength and a rich enough background.

No matter what the situation is, it means that the Demon City cannot be underestimated.

There are also some monks who believe that the Demonic City actually comes from the underworld and is a trap specially set by terrifying monsters.

Those easy benefits are actually bait thrown by the devil, specifically to attract greedy people to take the bait.

It may seem that you have received benefits, but in fact you have to pay a huge price, and you may be in trouble at some point.

However, there is not enough evidence to support such a statement, and not many people are willing to believe it.

Even if he believed this kind of statement, he still couldn't bear the benefits of the Demon City, including those big and small sects.

Especially the casual cultivators and seekers are now trying every possible means to pursue the Demon City, looking for an opportunity to change their fate against the will of heaven.

Even if they have to pay the price, they are willing to do so.

But at the same time, there are many people with malicious intentions who are secretly eyeing the Demon City.


At the mountain gate of Changlong Sect, a cloud boat approached quickly.

When the monk in charge of guarding the door saw this, he immediately stepped forward to intercept it because Yunzhou was not a means of transportation from the same sect.

Yunzhou also stopped at this moment, and then several figures appeared, wearing purple magical robes.

"Special envoy of Ziyun Sect, come to visit Sect Master Changlong."

Hearing that the other party revealed his identity, the gatekeeper monk was slightly startled, and then informed the sect of the news.

In fact, before this, the monk guarding the door had already received a notice that the Purple Cloud Sect was likely to come to visit.

Once the Ziyun Sect comes to visit, the gatekeeper monks must not stop it and must notify it as soon as possible.

Not long after, the senior monks of Changlong Sect appeared at the gate of the mountain and welcomed the monks of Ziyun Sect inside.

Ziyunzong's operation in Changlong Mansion will definitely notify the controller of this place, and strive to obtain the other party's consent and cooperation.

Depending on the strength of the second-level sect, you may not necessarily care about what the third-level sect thinks, but you must abide by the rules.

Otherwise, the Changlong Sect could have appealed, found its own backers, and asked the Ziyun Sect to give him justice.

Not to mention the need for Chang Longzong's cooperation during the operation, otherwise it would be difficult to guarantee the smooth success of the operation.

Although until now, Changlongzong has remained silent and has not shown any intention to attack the Demon City.

But this silence is actually just secret observation and lack of confidence in one's own strength.

Otherwise, as the controller of Changlong Mansion, he will definitely be the first to take action and control the Demon City in his own hands.

Whether they will take action this time depends entirely on whether Ziyun Sect is sincere enough.

After half a day, the Ziyun Sect monk left and went to an unknown place.

The mountain gate of Changlong Mansion is tightly closed, and no monks are allowed to enter or leave at will.

The monks of the sect knew that something big had to happen, otherwise this situation would not have happened.

At the same time, a demonic monk lurking near Changlong Mansion quietly sent a message.

He handed over what he saw, as well as his analysis and judgment, to the Demon City.

It didn't take long for him to get the tip and earn a bunch of bonus points.

When the monk saw the prompt, he was filled with joy and became more motivated.

Not long ago, he received a message from Demon City, asking if he was willing to perform a mission.

Go to the vicinity of Changlong Mansion, conduct observations secretly, and report any abnormalities in a timely manner.

For this task, the monk originally did not want to accept it, after all, the target of monitoring is too terrifying.

A behemoth like Changlong Zong could crush him into ashes without any effort.

But the reward given by the Demon City made him extremely tempted, not to mention that it also came with a concealment technique.

This is not a free skill. You have to pay a huge price to have a certain chance of obtaining it.

The monks who pay attention to the Demon City actually have a clear understanding that the Demon City can help them easily enter the path of immortality, but this benefit is only limited to the first time.

When entering Loucheng again, if you want to obtain something, you must conduct a fair trade.

There are also some items that can only be exchanged for points, which cannot be bought with gold and silver spirit stones in hand.

All the monks know very well that this is actually the magic city's routine.

For such a routine, many monks feel that it should be taken for granted. The magic city does not owe anyone, and the cost must be recovered after the investment.

It's impossible to do good deeds all the time and let greedy people reap the rewards. Wouldn't that make you a fool?

If you feel that the Demon City is trustworthy, you can continue trading in the future. Compared with the outside world, the Demon City's cultivation materials are more complete and cheaper.

If you are not satisfied with this, you don't have to come to the magic city, and find a way to search for cultivation materials by yourself.

This kind of practice of Mocheng is actually a real conspiracy, which allows you to see it clearly, but you take the bait on your own initiative.

In addition to ordinary commodities, good things require points to purchase. The way to obtain points is to accept the mission of the Magic City.

After the emergence of this rule, there were various comments from the outside world, as well as the exclamation that "it is so".

Obviously there are many monks who have seen through the Demon City's tricks a long time ago.

However, after the news spread, it did not have much impact on the Demon City. Instead, more and more monks came here.

It is not scary to have rules, so that you will feel confident. If there are no rules, you will be on tenterhooks.

There are more and more monks who accept the rules of the Demon City and accept various task delegations.

In a short period of time, Tang Zhen obtained a group of available people.

Although it is still very weak for the time being, it has great potential, and with the development of time, the number will become more and more.

The appearance of Purple Cloud Sect means that the opponent has already launched an action, and the war may start at any time.

The enemies that Demon City will face are not only Ziyun Sect, but also Gu Teng Sect and Changlong Sect.

With the experience of the previous two times, the enemy will definitely try his best this time when taking action.

For Tang Zhen, this is also a challenge, and he must go all out.

However, most of today's Magic City players maintain their strength at the realm of refining gods, and only a few are comparable to Huaying.

It is not easy to raise one's strength to this level in a short period of time.

In a short period of time, it is difficult to significantly improve the strength.

In this way, when facing the enemy, at most it has a numerical advantage, but it is far from enough in terms of realm.

Even if they have the home court advantage, they may not be able to defeat the enemy's high-level powerhouses, and eventually end up in a group.

Out of careful consideration, he planned to use the Demon God's projection this time, and his body was naturally the mutated tree demon in the abyss.

Today's mutated tree demon has not become a real demon god, but its strength should not be underestimated.

Even Tang Zhen, who is in the tribulation period, cannot guarantee a steady victory over the opponent.

The clone projections of some mutated tree demons, coupled with various means set up by the magic city, should be able to resist the joint attack of the second and third sects.

(End of this chapter)

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