I have a city in another world

Chapter 4908 Moon Lake City

Chapter 4908 Moon Lake City

Yuehu City is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

This is a thousand-year-old city, built in the huge moon lake, the lake is clear to the bottom, there are countless fish swimming in the water, and it is rich in countless delicious river fish.

One kind of white fish is extremely delicious when eaten raw, and it melts in your mouth as thick as soup.

Two long embankments of white sand rise vertically and horizontally from the Moon Lake, connecting different directions.

There are weeping willows on the long embankment, and from time to time you will see a long wind and rain bridge, where tourists and travelers can rest and take shelter from the rain.

During the period, there are also arch bridges, showing exaggerated arcs, allowing ships of all sizes to pass through easily.

In the daytime, Yuehu City is a holy land on earth, with beautiful scenery everywhere.

But the place that is really famous is the night view of Moon Lake City, which has attracted countless literati and poets for thousands of years.

Whenever the bright moon hangs high and the surrounding scenery is shrouded in smoke, tourists slide across the mirror-like water surface by boat, and shuttle among the glowing plants. The bright stars and the water surface merge into one.

It's like being in a painting, and it's hard to tell whether it's reality or illusion.

In addition to the island city in the lake, there are many small islands in Moon Lake City, which look like thick and twisted stone pillars, with stairs winding upwards.

On these islands, there are exquisite pavilions built one after another, and the shapes of many buildings are exquisite.

Many of the buildings on these small islands belong to merchants who operate restaurants and hotels.

There are also some buildings on the island, which are privately owned and more beautifully built. From time to time, the sound of silk, bamboo, music, dancing, drunkenness and carnival can be heard.

No matter day or night, the lake is full of boats and boats, which can be said to be very lively.

It is said that there will never be a shortage of tourists in a place like this, and it is normal for people to gather.

But just yesterday, the number of tourists in Moon Lake City increased dramatically, almost ten times more than before.

Hotels and restaurants, large and small, are all booked in full, and it takes half a month to make a reservation.

Aristocratic families, wealthy businessmen and tycoons rushed in one after another, as if they had made an appointment in advance.

Practitioners from all over the world also appeared in groups. They arrived in spirit boats and landed on the water one after another.

These fairy cloud boats have become a scene in Moon Lake.

Yunzhou is a treasure of both water and air. It can not only fly at low altitude, but also travel freely in water.

Compared with driving in the air and whizzing by, the cloud boat driving in the water is more fairy-like.

The fairies on the cloud boat are so handsome and charming that all the onlookers are dazzled and filled with deep yearning.

Due to the influx of a large number of outsiders, Moon Lake City became noisy, and the peaceful life in the past was completely broken.

The people of Yuehu City did not know what happened at first, and they were filled with confusion.

But not long after, news spread that the legendary magic city would come to Moon Lake City.

After this period of spreading, the Magic City has already been known to more people, and they know that it is a magical place with mixed reputations.

I don't know how many people got the chance in the magic city.

However, they never expected that the magic city would come to Moon Lake City, no wonder it would attract countless people to gather and wait.

Who doesn't want to ask about immortality, and who doesn't want to see the grand scenery of the magic city so that they can brag to others in the future.

Even if you have no other ideas, you can go to the magic city and get a few things, which can be exchanged for a lot of wealth.

Nowadays, the items in the magic city are extremely expensive outside, and it can even be said that there is no market for the price.

If the family is poor, if you get one piece, you can turn over, and if you get two or more, you can pass it on to the family.

It is precisely because of this rumor that many people regard the Demon City as a place to make a fortune and try their best to enter it.

However, many times, wealth is destined by God. Even if some people arrive at the location, they may not be able to enter it in time.

A city is not far away, but the road is rugged and winding, and driving at night is even more difficult.

Many people missed the opening time of the Magic City due to poor roads or various unexpected reasons.

In the end, he couldn't arrive in time, so he could only watch the magic city disappear.

That scene of beating their chests and wailing loudly can be seen every time they disappear in the Demon City.

At the very beginning, some people missed entering the magic city because of accidents and time.

But something changed later, the magic city began to limit the number of people entering, but the number was not fixed.

Sometimes there are tens of thousands of people admitted, and sometimes there are only a few thousand. There is no pattern at all.

For such a rule, there are many complaints from the outside world, and many people even slander it.

The favor of rice rises against the hatred of rice. Originally, the reward was too much, but now the reward is less, and dissatisfaction arises in the heart.

They may even feel that this kind of giving is a matter of course, and a smaller amount means that the Magic City is doing something wrong.

People in the world are greedy and greedy, but they must also distinguish between objects.

With such a shameless mind, if you want to go to the magic city to find a bargain, you will suffer retribution sooner or later.

A few days passed quickly, and more and more monks gathered.

Scenes like this have appeared in other places, and no one thought there was anything wrong.

This night, the sun was sinking and the moon was rising again.

On the surface of the boundless moon lake, cold air suddenly rose, and the temperature dropped at an extremely fast rate.

The bright moon turned into a blood moon, scattering bursts of blood-like moonlight ooze.

The sudden rise of fog and the bloody moon did not affect the scenery of Moon Lake.

On the contrary, it adds a bit of beauty in the haze.

This miraculous and strange change made the people guarding around Moon Lake overjoyed, because it was a sign of the emergence of the Demon City.

Sure enough, in the next second, on the surface of the water about ten kilometers away from Huxin City, an emerald green beam of light rose into the sky.

The light pillar is the positioning mark, and where it is located, below is the entrance to the Magic City.

The originally quiet Moon Lake suddenly fell into a boiling state.

"Come on!"

"The opportunity is right in front of you, don't miss it!"

"Hurry up and rock the boat. If you can arrive in time, each person will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver!"

Countless figures shouted, driving large and small boats and sprinting forward, for fear that their speed would slow down a bit.

At this moment, the lake surface is really showing its talents.

The practitioners who had been waiting for a long time used various methods at this moment to move quickly towards the position of the light pillar.

Moon Lake, which has been calm for thousands of years, completely boiled tonight.

Some monks stepped on the water at a speed like flying, while others swam like big fish in the water, leaving a clear white line on the lake.

There are also monks with swords, or water animals and birds riding on them, competing to participate in the competition.

But the one with the fastest speed is still Yunzhou of the sect, many of them come late and come first, firmly occupying the front of the team.

No matter which time the magic city appears, it is the practitioner who has the advantage and can enter the magic city faster.

It was still the same this time, with large and small spirit boats rushing ahead, and the strong wind piercing the water.

The monks on Yunzhou were all looking forward at this moment, with excitement and longing in their expressions.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that some monks have nervous expressions, which are obviously different from others.

It seemed that the magic city in front of him was not a place of treasure, but a place of horror with hidden dangers.

But in a blink of an eye, the nine-story archway appeared in front of him, and the dozen or so cloud boats rushing forward all entered it in no particular order.

Seeing this, the cloud boats in the rear sped up one after another, passing through the nine-storey archway one after another.

At this time, someone suddenly took action and blocked some Yunzhou boats that were about to approach, making them unable to take another step forward.

Some monks on the Yunzhou tried to resist the attack, but were knocked directly into the water.

This kind of violent behavior is quite rare in daily life.

Many practitioners approaching the magic city suddenly sensed something was wrong, and silently slowed down.

Then they saw groups of cloud boats descending directly from the sky, locking onto the entrance of the magic city and charging.

All of a sudden, the sky is blocked out!

(End of this chapter)

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