I have a city in another world

Chapter 4909 Three solo battles in the magic city!

Chapter 4909: Demon City fights three sects alone!

The sudden change stunned countless bystanders.

Seeing hordes of cloud boats pouring into the entrance of the magic city overwhelmingly, everyone knew that an accident had happened.

Many monks chose to watch, their hearts were like a mirror, knowing that this was an attack by a monk organization.

When encountering something like this, it is best to stay away as soon as possible, otherwise you will easily get involved.

Compared to these behemoths, they are just humble ants and have no qualifications to fight against them.

Even if you stand by and watch, you may be affected by the battle and lose your life in a daze.

But in the blink of an eye, the crowd that came flooding in like a tide seemed to have been pressed the pause button.

The wide lake was filled with all kinds of boats, and countless men and women looked up and down.

Although they knew the danger, they still did not want to evacuate and wanted to know the final outcome of the war.

Many people secretly cursed that these damn sects were so shameless that they were unable to enter the Demon City.

I am even more afraid that this group of guys will really succeed and take this magic city as their own.

At this moment, in my heart, I prayed and cursed, hoping that the Demon City could survive this disaster.

All the monks who attacked the city never returned.

This matter was related to their own interests, and the onlookers were extremely angry, and it was natural for them to curse the attacking sect.

From this, it can be determined that people's hearts are still biased towards the Demon City and do not have any favorable impression of the attackers.

But the will of the people does not affect the outcome of the war, the key still depends on who is stronger.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the spectators could only look inward through the entrance and could not see the entire battlefield.

But the flying streamers and the chaotic sounds of fighting are enough to prove that the battle is extremely fierce.

Unfortunately, until now, it has been impossible to determine the identity of the enemy, so that an accurate analysis can be made.

As a result, at this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly spoke up, expressing knowledge of the specific situation.

"The monks who launched the attack came from the Ziyun Sect, the second-level sect, and the Guteng Sect, the third-level sect, and even the Changlong Sect was involved!"

The spectators were shocked when they heard this, they did not expect the enemy attacking the magic city to be so powerful.

Facing such a powerful enemy, can Magic City win?
At this moment, inside the Demon City, the battle was in full swing.

The three major sects assembled strong men and directly launched an attack on the Demon City. The lineup is indeed quite powerful.

The Purple Cloud Sect sent nearly ten thousand monks, all of whom were cultivators above the level of god refining, and there were also five monks who had returned to the Void Realm.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of monks fighting with the Ziyunzong monks. They look more like puppets, daring to fight and rush without fear of death.

As a vassal, the Guteng Sect has a blood feud with the Demon City, and this battle has put all their wealth on the line.

There are a total of [-] monks, which is equivalent to coming out in full force.

As a landlord, Chang Longzong dispatched the fewest monks, with a total of more than [-] monks.

Located at the rear of the battlefield, it serves as an auxiliary emergency response force.

They follow to join the battle, just to show their attitude, and they do not need to charge into battle during the battle.

However, this arrangement is only suitable when you have the upper hand.

When the three major sects entered the magic city, they fell into a trap directly, and were in a giant sinkhole.

The avenue leading to the magic city has disappeared without a trace, and the entrance is in the center of the tiankeng.

Countless demons gathered around the sinkhole and launched attacks one after another.

Nearly [-] Loucheng players are all online at this moment, fighting with monks from the three major sects.

Among them, more than half of the players are only in the foundation building stage, which is equal to the enemy's strength.

Tang Zhen didn't use crowd tactics because the vast majority of players were only around the base building stage.

On such a large battlefield, practitioners in the foundation establishment stage may only serve as cannon fodder.

It's not easy for players to level up, and they still need to protect the magic city in the future, so they can't be wasted like this.

These [-] game players are considered the elite among Loucheng players, and the strongest demon player among them is comparable to Huaying.

But compared with the enemy, there is still a big gap.

Although they do not have an advantage in terms of strength, the Loucheng monks are quite powerful in their methods. They rely on the advantages of equipment and battle formations to defeat the enemy to the point where they cannot even raise their heads.

The Void Returning cultivators of the Purple Cloud Sect were very angry when they saw this, and launched attacks one after another.

As a senior monk, his methods are naturally extraordinary, and dozens of monsters and players were wiped out.

The magic city quickly counterattacked, and with a loud bang, all the enemies were directly killed by the thunder.

When this kind of thunder kills the enemy, there is no damage on the surface, but the soul is torn to pieces.

Whenever an enemy is killed, the soul will be sucked into the huge vortex above the head. Such a strange sight brings great pressure to the monks of the three major sects.

The senior monks of the three sects realized that the situation was not good, so they immediately unleashed a fierce killing move.

One by one, the powerful magic weapon exploded with power after being activated, and players and demons were harvested by the enemy in pieces.

The battlefield in the giant pit at this moment was truly extremely brutal, with both sides trying their best to kill their opponents.

Because the realm has an advantage, the enemy has a slight upper hand at the moment. If this situation develops, the ultimate loser will definitely be Demon City.

Tang Zhen watched the battle from a distance, his brows furrowing slightly as he watched the players being harvested in pieces.

Although players can be resurrected from the dead, their realm cannot be restored and they must practice and improve again.

Moreover, such casualties are indeed detrimental to morale.

Besides, those monsters are also the targets he intends to cultivate, trying to build a powerful army of demon kings.

Now that the plan has been harvested by the enemy before it even started, how could Tang Zhen be willing to do so?

Originally, I thought about waiting before using the mutant tree demon's clone projection, but now it seems that I can no longer hesitate.

The casualties of every player and monster are their own losses and will affect the initial development.

In fact, there is a method, that is, his deity descends in person and crushes the enemy with his strength during the tribulation period.

But in that way, it is very likely to expose his identity and make Loucheng fall into the eyes of those who want to.

If this is the case, it will inevitably affect the original plan, and it must be more harm than good.

When Tang Zhen thought of this, he no longer hesitated and immediately cast a spell to summon the mutated tree demon.

As a beam of light rose into the sky, bursts of roaring followed, and dark clouds surged crazily.

In the direction of the magic city, a figure approached quickly, with a height of about several hundred feet, and a tree crown like a dark cloud above its head.

When the tree demon was walking, it made the sound of gold and iron colliding, which could be heard clearly even from a great distance.

If you observe carefully, you can see that the leaves of this giant tree are actually sharp willow leaves and long knives.

Tourists who once entered the magic city immediately recognized the origin of this strange tree, and it was clearly the strange willow on the square of the magic city.

It turns out that Tang Zhen borrowed strange willows to serve as the carrier of the mutated tree demon, which could reduce a lot of consumption.

Because of the particularity of the magic willow, it can also increase the projection power of the mutated tree demon, causing greater damage to the enemy.

But in the blink of an eye, the mutated dryad entered the battlefield.


As the branches trembled, countless willow leaves fell one after another, while bursts of fluorescence flashed on the surface.

The willow-leaf long sword flew wantonly, forming a terrifying formation of swords, and rushed towards the monks of the three major sects.

But in an instant, people's heads were rolling, and the enemy monks were killed and injured countless times.

Seeing this, the Void-returning cultivator of Ziyun Sect immediately roared and attacked the mutated tree demon.

High-level monks from the other two sects came to help one after another, preparing to kill this biggest threat first.

According to their thinking, no matter how powerful this tree demon is, it is impossible to defeat the high-level monks of the three major sects.

How did the enemy know that the mutated tree demon in front of him was an existence that broke into the abyss and tried to become a demon god.

I don’t know how many demon kings died at the hands of mutated tree demons.

Seeing the monks of the three major sects approaching, the tree demon controlled by Tang Zhen swung a branch and slapped an enemy fiercely.

Accompanied by a scream, the cultivator of the Purple Cloud Sect broke in two, and fell into the dust with a wail.

(End of this chapter)

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