I have a city in another world

Chapter 4910 Three defeats!

Chapter 4910 Three sects were defeated!

"The enemy is fierce, be more careful!"

Seeing the fellow cultivators being killed, the other four Ziyun sect cultivators screamed and screamed, the anger in their hearts was beyond words.

The two sides had just fought, and their own senior monks had fallen, no wonder they were so excited.

The five Ziyunzong monks could have formed an attack formation, but now they have no hope at all.

Combat effectiveness is affected, which may affect the final victory.

"How could this damn tree demon be so ferocious?"

Seeing that in the blink of an eye, a senior monk of the Purple Cloud Sect was beheaded, the hearts of the other two high-ranking monks sank.

The eyes looking at the waistband were full of vigilance at this moment.

Being able to kill the Void Returning cultivator with one move is enough to prove that the tree demon is of extraordinary strength. If they fight one-on-one, they will definitely be able to crush any one of them.

I was observing carefully at this moment, and immediately discovered the abnormality of the tree demon, which was clearly possessed by some powerful beings.

Similar methods are not uncommon in the true spirit world.

Especially the true spirit race, they like to attract the descending of divine beasts, so as to gain powerful combat power.

Facts are enough to prove that there is a powerful being behind the Demon City, otherwise it would be impossible to attract clone projections.

For such an existence, the weakest is the immortal who has successfully crossed the tribulation.

It seemed natural that the tree demon possessed by the projection could kill the returning cultivator with one strike.

Even if the projection is so terrifying, let alone the deity coming, killing them is not as good as cutting melons and vegetables?
This kind of thought made the enemy even more frightened.

But they are also very clear that since the deity did not show up on the battlefield, it means that there are restrictions.

Although the projection clone is strong, it also has many limitations, and it is not truly invincible.

With good cooperation, it shouldn't be difficult to kill the tree demon.

Besides, now that the two sides are fighting, there is no possibility of evacuating, and a result must be achieved.

"Let's shoot together, trap it and kill it!"

The monks of Ziyunzong issued orders viciously and took action first.

The high-level monks from the three major sects gathered together again, using various methods to trap the enemy one after another.

As a result, at this moment, the tree demon raised its big hand, and then saw the billowing demonic energy quickly condense.

A huge ancient bronze sword took shape in an instant and slashed hard at the Ziyun Sect monk.

This sword was so fast that the enemy on the opposite side had no chance to dodge, and was directly cut in half by the sword light.

Before the other enemies came back to their senses, another musket protruded from the canopy, and suddenly a burst of flames shot out.

The enemy who was locked on to shoot screamed and threw out a defensive magic weapon, and dodged towards the distance.

Unexpectedly, the scorching bullet directly pierced through his defensive magic weapon, and exploded his head in the next instant.

From the headless corpse, the soul of the Ziyun Sect monk flew out, with a look of horror and anger on his face.

Just as he was about to escape from the battlefield, a long illusory vine suddenly protruded from the vortex above his head.

Seeing this, the soul of the cultivator of the Purple Cloud Sect turned pale with fright, and subconsciously wanted to burrow into the ground to escape.

However, his escape speed was still a little slow after all, and he was firmly tied up by the tree vines in an instant.

The tree vine quickly retracted, and the soul of the Ziyunzong monk continued to struggle, but was still dragged into the whirlpool.

Seeing this strange scene, the other monks felt chills all over their bodies. Demon City not only wanted to kill the enemy, but even the soul after death would not be spared.

"Damn you, these vicious devils!"

The deputy sect leader of the Gu Teng Sect cursed fiercely, but could not hide the fear in his eyes.

I originally thought that following the Ziyun Sect and being well prepared would be enough to capture and destroy the Demon City.

But looking at the current situation, the tree demon has firmly gained the upper hand, and the senior monks of the three major sects may not be opponents.

He thought that in this battle, the Gu Teng Sect's entire family fortune had been staked, and failure was absolutely not allowed.

However, the result of the war will not be changed because of his thoughts. Seeing the situation getting worse, the deputy suzerain is in a mess.

Originally, I was holding my breath and wanted to fight the Demon City to the end, but at this moment I had the idea of ​​​​escape.

Not to survive, but to preserve the roots of the Guteng Sect.

However, such thoughts must not be revealed, otherwise they will definitely anger the Ziyun Sect monks.

After confirming that no one was paying attention to him, the deputy suzerain of the Guteng sect crushed the jade talisman and told the elite disciples in the sect to retreat immediately.

The three major sects cooperate on the surface, but in fact they have various thoughts hidden in them, and they have ways to deal with various situations.

The monks of the Guteng sect immediately retreated after receiving the message, trying to dodge to the edge of the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another scream came out, and two senior monks who were besieging the tree demon were killed again.

One of the monks is the deputy suzerain of the Guteng sect.

Seeing this tragic scene, the Guteng sect monk was extremely sad and indignant.

Before this action, even though he had sworn a blood oath and made preparations, he still didn't want to see such a scene.

Not to mention the killing of the leader would have a huge impact on morale.

With the fall of the deputy suzerain, the Guteng sect camp was affected, and it was in chaos in a short period of time.

As a landowner, Chang Longzong had been assisting with paddling on the periphery before, but he did not work hard at all.

Obviously, they have already made plans, they will take advantage of the advantage, and hide immediately when there is danger.

This style of behavior is also in line with the previous operations, and is in stark contrast to Gutengzong's greed.

This method of operation can also leave more escape routes.

In the end, unexpectedly, a Void Returning cultivator was killed, completely exceeding previous expectations.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the monks of Chang Longzong immediately withdrew towards the edge of the battlefield, completely ignoring the monks of the other two sects.

Looking at the Guteng sect monk, he has already fled around at the moment, obviously losing his fighting spirit.

Only the cultivators of the Purple Cloud Sect managed to keep their formation in order because they controlled the puppet soldiers.

But precisely because of this, he became the target of Demon City's attack.

At the moment when the situation on the battlefield changed, the Loucheng players immediately seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack on the Ziyunzong monks.

Among the three major sects, Ziyun Sect is the most threatening one, possessing the strongest strength and also the initiator of this attack.

At the beginning, they attacked the Demon City because of the Gu Teng Sect's request for help, but they suffered heavy losses.

As a result, the two sides have enmity, and it is only natural to take revenge.

Revenge is one reason, and another possibility is that Ziyunzong wants to occupy the magic city.

All the previous performances are enough to prove that the Demon City is special, and it is reasonable for it to attract the covetousness of Ziyun Sect.

If it can occupy the magic city, the previous losses can be made up, and even more benefits can be obtained.

Pulling Gutengzong and Changlongzong was actually out of prudence, at least they can cheer on the battlefield to make up for it.

When victory is achieved and the benefits are distributed, the initiative is also in the hands of the Ziyun Sect.

The three parties have their own calculations, but they don't have the determination to win. It's okay to fight with the wind, but they are afraid that the situation on the battlefield will reverse.

The monks in Ziyun were extremely angry at this moment, they did not expect the methods of the Demon City to be so fierce.

On the battlefield at this moment, the magic city was crushed in all directions, and the situation became more and more dangerous.

Under such unfavorable circumstances, it is simply difficult to make a comeback.

But in a short period of time, Ziyun Sect lost three Void Returning monks, and the casualties of low-level monks were countless.

The remaining two Void Returning cultivators are also in a very difficult situation at the moment, being entangled by the tree demon and unable to escape.

A little carelessness may be beheaded by the tree demon.

The cultivator of Ziyun Sect, who was hit hard by repeated attacks, has no desire to fight again, and urgently wants to withdraw from the battlefield.

If there is no hope of victory, we must evacuate decisively instead of losing our lives in vain.

A monk embarks on the journey of longevity, but his life is becoming more and more real, and he will never die easily.

The battle damage was so serious, but Ziyun Sect still persisted, entirely because of those puppet soldiers.

However, as the players took action and launched snipe attacks against the cultivators of the Purple Cloud Sect, the originally neat formation finally began to disintegrate.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

It didn't take long for the camps of the three major sects to collapse, like a flood bursting its banks.

The players cheered, and immediately led their demons to chase and kill them like chopping melons and vegetables.Tang Zhen

(End of this chapter)

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