I have a city in another world

Chapter 4911 After the Great Victory

Chapter 4911 After the Great Victory
The tall figure of the Dryad has become the enemy's nightmare.

When he entered the battlefield, the situation immediately reversed, and the victory of Demon City was a certainty.

When he found that the three monks were defeated and tried to escape from the battlefield, Tang Zhen immediately ordered to hunt them down.

Today's entrance to the Demon City is actually a state where entry is allowed and no exit is allowed.

This is a kind of space technique. It seems that there is a passage exit, but in fact it is an empty water moon mirror flower.

The exit has always existed before, but it was just to confuse the enemy and make them think that there is a way out.

But unless you accidentally hit it and find the hidden real exit, there is no possibility of escape.

Discovering that the exit of the magic city was a false illusion, the monks of the three sects became more and more flustered. While resisting desperately, they fled in all directions.

Although the surrounding environment is eerie and terrifying, it seems that there are countless dangers hidden, but it is better than staying here and being killed by the magic city.

Facing an enemy who is in a desperate situation but wants to desperately survive, it is not wise to besiege and kill them with all their strength.

Leaving a gap to let the enemy see life is the most correct operation.

Kill the enemy on three sides, let the enemy go on the one hand, and then chase and kill from behind.

Such an operation can not only reduce its own casualties, but also reduce the resistance of the enemy.

Seeing the enemy fleeing hope, he broke through the defense and fled towards the distance as expected.

They didn't know that there were countless underworld monsters wandering in the direction they were escaping at the moment.

This trip is doomed to death, even if he escapes successfully in a short period of time, he will be killed by other monsters sooner or later.

Tang Zhen controlled the tree demon, looked at the tragic battlefield in the deep pit, and found that there were broken corpses everywhere.

Blood flowed everywhere, and the fishy smell rose to the sky.

They fought each other to the death during life, but became entangled with each other after death, which seemed to have a strange sense of intimacy.

With the war over, players begin to clean up the battlefield.

Broken instruments and equipment, all kinds of materials carried with them, and even the organs of some corpses, all belong to the scope of recycling.

The corpses on the battlefield also don't need to be buried, as some monsters will use them as food.

The player is not really dead, so naturally there are not so many taboos.

The demonic thoughts swept across the entire battlefield, and after confirming that there was no problem, Tang Zhen controlled the tree demon to return.

The willow-leaf long knives flying all over the sky have now become low-level magic weapons, which can be used as standard equipment for monsters.

Take this opportunity to hand it out, there is no need to recycle it.

This time, after the willow leaves are exhausted, they can grow again and continuously create the magic sword.

To be able to do this is already quite remarkable.

Even some demon generals may not possess magic weapons, let alone a standard long sword.

This level of equipment is enough to crush most monster legions. It is necessary to know that the monster races in many territories rely on fangs and claws when fighting.

In the following days, Tang Zhen will prepare armor and more war tools for the demon.

Three consecutive wars have occurred, providing a large amount of raw materials, and then only need to drive the demons to forge.

Using these trophies, plus various materials from the underworld, we will surely be able to forge excellent enough legion equipment.

Once the equipment is deployed, the combat effectiveness of the demon army will increase again.

If the enemy invades in the future, the demon army will no longer serve as cannon fodder, but will become the main force in the battle.

Tang Zhen no longer needs to participate in the next battle, and the time for the projection of the abyss will soon end.

The pursuit of enemies is even more dispensable.

Among the three major sects today, the most threatening ones are the Void Returning cultivators. If they choose to fight desperately, they can indeed cause considerable losses.

But Tang Zhen had already given the order, there was no need to fight to the death with the enemy, all he had to do was track slowly.

As time goes by, the monks who have been invaded by demonic energy will definitely become weak.

Even if it is not killed, it will mutate itself and may even turn into a monster.

These enemies who fled are now nothing to worry about.

In this war, the magic city won a big victory, and its position will become more stable from now on.

Even the second-level sects would not dare to provoke the Demon City easily.

After the news spreads, more monks will be attracted, making the Demon City's influence even greater.

But before leaving, Tang Zhen still controlled the tree demon and hung the corpses of many senior monks on the branches.

As a super tree demon, it must need sufficient nutrients when growing up, and the remains of these senior monks are the best supplements.

The huge tree demon passed through the city, slowly walked to the center of the square, and then took root in the soil again.

The remains of those monks were also buried in the rolling soil.

The projected power descending on the tree demon quietly withdrew at this moment, and the dancing branches also slowly fell down.

Tang Zhen's consciousness withdrew from the tree demon, and then entered the abyss again.

In the area above the mutated dryad, there is a black vortex, and the souls of the monks who died in battle keep falling.

These souls were extracted according to the rules, then gathered together, and then released into the territory of the magic city.

It won't take long for these monks who fell because of attacking the demon city to turn into monsters guarding the demon city.

Things in the world are so absurd, and most of the time we can’t help ourselves.

Today's mutated tree demons can already operate on their own, constantly absorbing source power and creating crystals.

It will also continue to capture evil thoughts and condense demon seeds so that they can launch plane invasions in the future.

With the frequent appearance of the Demonic City, the target of the mutated tree demon has become the true spiritual world, and those who enter the Demonic City will become the cultivators of the seeds of demonic thoughts.

Because of their existence, the demon city can roam around, and the mutated tree demon can also launch an invasion into the real spirit world.

Compared with the ordinary world, the invasion of the real spirit world is more difficult, and today's mutated dryads cannot come smoothly.

If it breaks through forcefully, it will be attacked by backlash. Facing the powerful power of plane rules, the mutated dryad is very likely to suffer serious trauma.

There is even a certain possibility that they will be killed by the power of the plane rules.

Tang Zhen knew this and would never try it easily.

The biggest role of the mutant tree demon today is to protect the Demon City. As an existence comparable to the Transcending Tribulation Period, the mutant tree demon will be the biggest reliance of the Demon City in its early days.

Tang Zhen was confident enough to repel the enemies who did not exceed the transition period, and would even kill them under the right conditions.

After confirming that there was no problem with the mutated tree demon, Tang Zhen once again pulled away from his consciousness and returned to the player's avatar in the Demon City.

It may seem like a troublesome operation, but it is the guarantee for the success of the plan. You must do it yourself to feel confident.

Today's Loucheng residents haven't really grown up yet, and they can't cope with the vicissitudes of the outside world.

The residents of Loucheng work very hard, and the speed of their strength improvement is also very fast, but the upgrade speed of Loucheng is too fast, and it is impossible for the residents of Loucheng to catch up.

As the city lord, Tang Zhen naturally has to shoulder more responsibilities.

The battle in the Demon City has ended, and the next thing to do is to disclose the battle situation to the outside world.

As for what to say and what to hide, Tang Zhen had already prepared a draft.

Not long after, a group of demon monks left collectively from the exit below the nine-storey archway.

The onlookers waiting in the Moon Lake immediately regained their spirits at this moment, rushing forward to inquire.

About this war, spread at an extremely fast speed, and soon caused a huge sensation.

(End of this chapter)

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