I have a city in another world

Chapter 4912 Great reputation!

Chapter 4912 Great reputation!

Time passed slowly, and a month had passed since the three major battles.

In this short period of time, many things happened.

The location of the Guteng Sect's sect was occupied by a fourth-level sect, and it was declared to be the owner of this place.

The remaining monks of the Guteng sect did not respond to this, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

There were originally two fourth-level sects in the Ancient Vine Domain, but now only one remains.

Another sect perished in the competition.

It is said that Guteng Mansion will change its name in the coming days, which also represents the beginning of a new era.

Once the name change is successful, Gutengzong will officially become a thing of the past.

As for whether this newly promoted sect will be as greedy as the Guteng sect, it is still impossible to know.

The practitioners in the Ancient City Mansion all believe that the days ahead will be darker, and that the victorious fourth-level sect may become even more greedy.

Having been oppressed by the Guteng sect for too long, now that he is able to stand up, he will naturally regain everything he lost before.

The low-level sects of Gu Teng Mansion naturally became victims and became targets of blackmail and blood-sucking.

They may not obey management, and a war may break out to fight for their own rights.

In the final analysis, this matter is because the original monopoly model was broken, allowing the grievances of the major sects to be vented.

However, some monks felt that the victory of this fourth-level sect was purely due to luck, and they may not have the ability to control Guteng Mansion.

If Guteng Mansion had not been defeated by the Demon City and not a single monk had returned, otherwise it would have been impossible to win the competition with the strength of this fourth-level sect.

Everyone who is the master of the Guteng Mansion is eligible to compete.

Not to mention the current Guteng Mansion, the structure has long since changed, and it is no longer dominated by a family of Zongmen monks.

In a short period of time, casual cultivators and demon cultivators have grown up, and their strength is not weaker than those low-level sects.

They set up various organizations, obviously to fight against the sect and to gain control of one area.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and there will inevitably be a fight between the two sides. It is impossible to determine the final winner at the early stage.

At least one thing is certain, Guteng Mansion will definitely fall into a state of chaos in the future.

Compared with Guteng Mansion, which has been delisted, Chang Longzong's situation is better. After all, he did not suffer the fate of being annihilated and forcibly delisted.

But the current situation is still quite passive.

I originally thought that with the Ziyun Sect taking the lead and the Guteng Sect assisting, this war would definitely be won.

In the end, it was unexpected that none of the monks escaped when the three major sects formed a coalition army.

You can tell from the rumors that the situation is probably in danger.

Changlongzong, who had suffered heavy losses, was now frightened and angry, and immediately spread the news.

Demon City is required to return the prisoners, otherwise revenge will inevitably be launched.

He even showed off his muscles on purpose, constantly dispatching troops, as if preparing for war.

However, if you look closely, you can find Changlongzong's guilty conscience.

After all, it is only a third-level sect, no matter how strong it is, there is a limit, and now it has suffered heavy losses, how can it not be afraid when facing the magic city?
After all, today's Demon City has proven its strength through battles. A third-level sect was destroyed as a result, and a second-level sect suffered two consecutive setbacks.

Such tyrannical strength made Chang Longzong very afraid, for fear that he would become the second Gutengzong.

Today's performance is actually just a bluff.

In this way, he expressed his anger and let the outside world know that Cangchang Longzong would never be messed with.

Another purpose is to intimidate and confuse the enemy, letting them know that they are not afraid of fighting.

When fear arises in the heart, one will not dare to act rashly again.

The current Sect Master Changlong is panicked to the point of death, and the entire sect is filled with uneasiness.

Even if you lend Changlongzong some courage, you don't dare to take the initiative to launch an attack on the Demon City. That is simply asking for death.

Not only will they not act alone, but they will not easily join in cooperation to avoid making the same mistakes again.

Being cheated in this action is enough to hurt one's muscles and bones, so how dare to do it again?
Compared with Changlongzong who was panicked but stubborn, Ziyunzong was calm.

Until now, there has been no movement.

It is not surprising that this situation occurs. After all, Ziyun Sect is in a secret realm. Not only is the location difficult to accurately determine, but the news is also difficult to spread.

After suffering heavy losses this time, Ziyun Sect will definitely not be reconciled and will most likely launch revenge.

However, everyone knew that the environment in the Demon City was extremely unfavorable to the attackers, otherwise Ziyun Sect would not have suffered two disastrous defeats in a row.

In the following days, how the Ziyun Sect will take revenge has always been a hotly debated topic in the cultivation world.

There has been no such large-scale war in the real spirit world for a long time, and it is only natural that it has attracted attention.

Another reason is that many people have made plans and are preparing to go to the Magic City to seek opportunities.

They pay attention to the war and current events, so they naturally don't want to be affected by the war.

If you find that something is wrong, you will definitely stop going to the Magic City and wait for the situation to calm down.

In short, the outside world at this moment is extremely concerned about the movements of the magic city, and various news emerge in endlessly.

It's hard to tell the truth from the fake, and you don't know who to trust.

Of course, there are many people who don't care about the rumored war at all, but want to go to the Demon City.

They inquired around for news, determined the location of the opening of the magic city, and then went to wait in a swarm.

Every place where the Magic City is opened will become lively in a short time. In just a short time, the number of outsiders will be several times the number of local residents.

Some never-before-seen strange phenomena also occurred because of the existence of the magic city, which amazed the viewers.

For example, nowadays, there is such a large group of followers, following the path of the Demon City.

This group of people has all kinds of religions, traffickers, warriors and monks, as well as some royal family and nobles.

They all have one goal, which is to keep entering the magic city to gain more benefits.

At the beginning, there were only a few thousand followers, but it grew to tens of thousands in a short period of time.

After the three major sects attacked the Demon City and suffered a disastrous defeat, the number of followers actually reached hundreds of thousands.

These people were mighty and powerful, traveling across the state and across the government along the way, causing great commotion and influence.

Fortunately, they are not refugees, and they will not do bad things easily. Their only purpose is to follow the magic city.

Because of them, many local economies have developed, and even bandits have been eliminated.

In addition to following the magic city, the group of followers will also conduct transactions within the group and discuss their practice experiences with each other.

At the beginning, many followers were not used to traveling, and some people chose to give up.

However, the people who stayed were still in the majority, and the number became more and more.

There are still many people outside who are looking for this special group, hoping to conduct transactions with them.

After all, in their hands, they hold the most supplies of the Demon City, and even the major sects secretly covet them.

However, because they are afraid of the magic city and dare not do things to rob, now they can only obediently conduct fair transactions.

As for the places where the magic cities are opening, once they get the exact news, it will be like celebrating a grand festival.

The city is filled with joy and laughter, and everyone is ready to welcome guests and take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

At the same time, he was still praying secretly, hoping to enter the magic city, so that he could get more gains.

Previously, many monks from the sect claimed that the emergence of the Demon City would be a disaster and would definitely bring huge disaster to the true spirit world.

But looking at the present, the magic city is not a disaster, it is clearly a great opportunity.

Wherever the magic city is opened, there will be benefits, and countless people will even change their destiny because of it.

Based on this alone, no monk organization can compare.

Compared with those sects that regard mortals as ants and use their power to bully others and squeeze monks, Demon City is even more like a saint and a savior.

(End of this chapter)

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