I have a city in another world

4913 - Ziyunzong's plan

4913 - Ziyunzong's plan
Purple Cloud Secret Realm.

In a white jade hall, a group of high-level monks gathered here to hold an important meeting.

Ziyunzong was sitting in a high position, and below was a group of elders, all of whom had serious expressions at the moment.

After two consecutive defeats, a large number of monks fell into the magic city. Even Ziyunzong could not afford such a loss.

Since the establishment of the sect, there have been only three such tragic losses in total.

The previous two bloody battles between the sects established Ziyun Sect's position and gained the secret realm to become a second-class sect.

But this loss brought a fatal crisis to Ziyun Sect.

Master Ziyun was extremely furious, and all the monks in the sect were stunned, and felt confused and uneasy because of this.

They all want to know, how should Ziyun Sect deal with such a crisis?

Is it war or peace?

For the sect's high-ranking officials, this is a very troublesome problem, even a matter of life and death.

On the jade steps below, there are chairs placed on which the elders of Ziyun Sect sit.

The elder who had a close relationship with the Guteng Sect and proposed sending troops to assist had a gloomy expression on his face at the moment.

Since his last defeat, he has been secretly attacked.

Many monks complained behind their backs that he had brought trouble to Ziyun Sect, causing a large number of monks to remain unknown.

With the failure of the actions of the three major sects, the voices of complaints became more and more, and some even claimed that he should be punished and atone for his sins.

Feeling the strange gazes around him, this elder was extremely depressed. If he had known this would happen, he would not have agreed to help at the beginning.

Several of his direct disciples are also in the legions of the three major sects, and there has been no news of them until now.

According to outside rumors, it is very likely that he has died.

The hatred in his heart is far stronger than other elders, if given the chance, he would like to commit suicide into the magic city himself.

However, he also knew that even if he wanted to lead someone to revenge, Sect Master Ziyun might not agree.

The previous loss was too heavy, and it had already hurt Ziyunzong's vitality, so nothing could happen again.

Even if you take action, you must ensure victory.

At this time, a monk appeared in front of the high-level people.

The monks knew his identity. He was a direct disciple of Master Ziyun, and was responsible for collecting intelligence.

Now in public, something is bound to happen.

"Meet the elders."

He first bowed and saluted, then took out a jade talisman and threw it towards a white jade magic weapon in front of him.

In the next second, the hall became dark, and an extremely clear image appeared in front of everyone.

As if seeing it with the naked eye, the details are clear.

The images played by Jade Talisman are all related to the Magic City, including fierce scenes of people fighting for it, as well as the weird and prosperous interior of the city.

The scene inside the magic city has long been no secret, and it has been continuously recorded and disseminated by the entrants.

Many organizations even have detailed maps and annotations.

It has long been no secret that there are shops on which street and what is in the shops.

Among the followers of Demon City, there is more detailed intelligence information, but it is basically a secret that is not shared.

Benefits like this must be enjoyed exclusively by oneself.

Ziyun Sect had also investigated the Demon City during previous operations, and believed that they had a sufficient understanding of it.

The result is this kind of conceit, which made Ziyunzong make two major mistakes in a row, and many monks paid a heavy price for it.

Therefore, the third investigation was far more serious and careful than the previous two, and we did not dare to be perfunctory at all.

When a group of high-level people watched the video, the monk in charge of the investigation began to introduce, and from time to time, he would take out items obtained from the magic city.

Use these items from the underworld to support your investigation.

Following the other party's narration, the expressions of the senior officials of Ziyun Sect became more and more serious.

Because the conclusions of this investigation have proved one thing, the background of the magic city is far more terrifying than imagined.

There is a great possibility that the magic city came from the underworld.

"The magic city actually came from the underworld, you can really be sure of this!"

An elder asked in surprise, as if he couldn't believe this conclusion, and so did the other elders.

They are naturally not unfamiliar with the underworld.

In the true spirit world, there are many legends about the underworld, and there are also some related items.

Before the emergence of the Demon City, the prices of items in the underworld were extremely high, and even those with money might not be able to buy them.

Most of these rare underworld items appeared by accident, because the two worlds are not connected to each other at all.

If they really merged together, it would definitely be a terrifying disaster, enough to cause shocks in the entire True Spirit World.

At this moment, someone told them that the Demon City came from the underworld, how could they not be shocked and inexplicable.

It is really incredible to be able to connect the underworld and the real spirit world in this way.

After shock comes fear, and if this is indeed the case, it definitely needs to be taken seriously.

No one can be sure whether the demons from the underworld will invade and trigger a horrific catastrophe.

"If this is really confirmed, the news can be announced to the outside world, especially those true spirit races.

If they act, the crisis in the magic city can be resolved.

We can also take the opportunity to take revenge, rescue the trapped fellow monks, and then completely eradicate the Demonic City! "

An elder of Ziyun Sect had an excited expression on his face, as if he had seen the scene of the Demon City being destroyed.

The other elders murmured to themselves. In addition to being shocked, there was also a hint of hesitation in their hearts.

If the investigation results are true and the magic city is related to the underworld, then it is really a headache.

There are many legends about the underworld, and they have all heard of them, but the contents are all eerie.

Especially the Abyssal Demon God, who is even more terrifying than a fairy, and every time he comes, it will cause disasters and catastrophes.

Provoking such an opponent and being hated by the other party made the monks feel as if they were facing an abyss.

If the Demon City knew that it was the Ziyun Sect that revealed its true origin, I wonder what kind of revenge it would take?
Given the background possessed by Demon City, no matter what kind of retaliation they take, it may not be something Ziyunzong can bear.

It is precisely because of this concern that the elders are wary of reporting, fearing that they will suffer revenge from the Demon City in the future.

The stronger the monk is, the more cautious he is in doing things. He has been able to survive the wind and rain until now, and he has already cultivated to become an old fox.

When doing things, you often think twice. The stronger the enemy, the more so.

In particular, the special existence of the magic city has a strong background, which makes them even more afraid to draw conclusions easily.

At this moment, the interior of the hall fell into an eerie calm.

The elder who was supported by the Guteng sect and provoked the war between the two sides could not help but sneer secretly at this moment.

A group of cunning bastards all pretended to be dumb at the moment, and none of them wanted to take responsibility.

Such a courageous act deserves to despise himself?
The aloof Ziyun Sect Leader's face was as dark as water at this moment, obviously weighing the pros and cons.

Seeing that there was no movement in the hall, Master Ziyun snorted coldly and said in a light tone: "I know you are worried, fearing that you will suffer revenge from the Demon City after making this matter public.

But have you ever thought that things have already happened and there is no possibility for the sect to escape.

Demon City's revenge is also unavoidable. "

Sect Master Ziyun said this, looked at the group of elders below, and finally gave an order.

"Instead of sitting still and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative to attack. Only after the news is made public can the safety of Ziyunzong be guaranteed!

Immediately sort out the information and send it to the major sects, especially the true spirit race in the southeast region. They must be informed of this matter.

In addition, send people to spread the word in various state capitals, and must clearly explain the dangers of the magic city!

Create as much panic as possible, the more attention the better! "

A group of elders nodded in agreement after hearing the words.

Sect Master Ziyun issued an order, and the monks of the sect must obey it, and then use all the strength of the sect to complete it.

If the action plan succeeds, the Ziyun Sect will survive, otherwise it will become history like the Guteng Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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