I have a city in another world

Chapter 4914 Ziyun Sect’s provocation!

Chapter 4914 Ziyun Sect’s provocation!

As a second-level sect, it must be extremely powerful, and it also has a huge network of relationships.

The world of martial arts is not about fighting and killing, it is about human nature and sophistication, and the same is true in the world of spiritual practice.

The relationships between the major sects are intricate, and the true spirit world, which has been at peace for a long time, has long been corrupted internally.

Things that seem as difficult as climbing to the sky are actually very easy for Ziyun Sect.

All of a sudden, rumors spread.

Ziyunzong spread all kinds of news, slandered and slandered the magic city, and only talked about the bad and not the good.

Some people in the market, as well as the official media, also regarded the magic city as a demon to cause trouble, and warned the public to stay away as much as possible.

These rumors tried their best to describe the magic city as a terrifying place, and they would inevitably suffer all kinds of backlash after entering.

As the saying goes, three people make a tiger, and the rumors are enough to deter many people from approaching the Demon City easily.

Being able to do this means that Ziyun Sect's plan has been successful.

If there are no tourists in the magic city, it is equivalent to water without a source, and sooner or later it will face a dry situation.

According to Ziyunzong's analysis, it was determined that the magic city attracted the world into it, and there must be some unknown despicable intentions.

Deliberately ruining its reputation and making people afraid to enter it is equivalent to destroying the plan of the magic city.

Although it won't hurt muscles and bones, it still has a certain effect after all, which makes Ziyunzong monks feel the joy of successful revenge.

However, those with a strong mind will definitely not be affected by the rumors and will continue to go to the Magic City.

There are thousands of ways to seek the truth, and the Demon City is the easiest.

Faced with the temptation of immortality and immortality, these rumors and slanders will not have much effect at all, and may even have the opposite effect over time.

It will make the seekers mistakenly believe that this is Ziyun Sect deliberately spreading the news to prevent them from obtaining immortality.

If you want to completely attack the Demon City, gossip alone won't have much effect, you have to come forward from all the sects.

In order to achieve this, Ziyun Sect can be said to have spared no effort in recruiting a group of large and small sects through coercion and inducement.

The elders of the sects personally went into battle, forcing the major sects to cooperate to intercept and suppress the seekers who were going to the magic city.

The followers of the Demon City were also dispersed by them, and the conflict also caused a lot of casualties.

All of a sudden, there were complaints everywhere.

Ziyunzong took the opportunity to issue a warning that those who dared to go to the magic city would be severely punished.

It ranges from expulsion to beheading, with no mercy at all.

And it also publicly declared that this is an act of justice, only to prevent the magic city from encroaching on the real spirit world.

The seekers who go to the magic city are all obsessed and obsessed, and they will cause great harm in the future.

Killing them to death is also doing harm to the people, and there is no need to bear any punishment.

When this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

The demonic monks who were born in the demonic city felt the strong hostility and felt fearful in their hearts.

This kind of behavior of Ziyunzong is short of directly saying that they are disasters and evildoers, and then ordering a large-scale beheading and cleaning up.

The reason for not doing this is probably because he was afraid of offending the public. After all, not only casual cultivators entered the Demon City, but also many monks from major sects.

If they are treated differently, they will inevitably attract criticism and affect Ziyunzong's reputation.

But after a long time, Ziyunzong might tear his face apart and do some shameless things.

If there is nothing we can do against the Demonic City, we can take it out on the Demonic monks and selectively kill and provoke them.

Don't think it's impossible, this bunch of unscrupulous guys can definitely do this kind of thing.

For a time, everyone was in danger, and many demonic monks disappeared, fearing that they would be implicated.

The location where the Demon City was opened was also targeted by Ziyun Sect, who sent monks in advance to block and clean up.

All the traffic arteries are assigned monks to guard them, only allowed to go out and not allowed to enter.

At the same time, Yunzhou was dispatched to patrol, and the government was asked to post notices everywhere, prohibiting discussion of topics related to the Magic City, and took the opportunity to throw dirty water.

Ziyun Sect is becoming more and more arrogant, and there is naturally a reason for this.

After the news of the Demon City was released, many Zongmen prefectures responded, and they all expressed great concern about this matter.

In particular, a first-level sect and the True Spirit Race behind it actually contacted Ziyun Sect.

After learning the details, he expressed his support for Ziyunzong's actions and would send troops to assist at critical moments.

Not only made a verbal promise, but even sent a special envoy, and now they are hiding in secret.

After gaining support, Ziyun Sect became more confident and launched more and more brazen attacks and provocations.

In addition to having a backer, there is another reason why Ziyun Sect dares to be unscrupulous.

Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the strength of the Demon City lies in the fact that it has the underworld at its back and has a huge advantage in defense.

After crossing the nine-storey archway, life and death cannot be controlled by oneself.

The three major sects were strong enough, but they still suffered a tragic failure when they attacked the Demon City.

Facts are enough to prove that actively attacking the magic city is actually tantamount to throwing oneself into a trap.

But outside the Demon City, the situation becomes completely different.

After the magic city appeared, it could only control an area, no more than a hundred miles in length and width.

Within a hundred miles, there will be demonized monks wandering around, responsible for guarding the magic city and helping seekers.

Beyond this distance, the Demon City is powerless.

As long as this area is controlled, the Demon City will be under control and cut off all contact with the outside world.

The magic city in this state can only rely on the monks of the magic way.

However, most of these demonic monks are extremely weak and cannot be used at all.

Not to mention the Ziyun Sect has already launched an operation against the demonic monks to keep them away by killing and expelling them.

For such an operation, the magic city has no way to stop it.

Facts are enough to prove that the Demon City has limited influence on the outside world. This is a perfect opportunity for Ziyun Sect.

The senior officials of Ziyun Sect were holding back their anger. Now that they saw the effects of their actions, they all wanted to take this opportunity to destroy the Demon City.

Ziyunzong's operation also caused an uproar in the outside world. It should be known that this kind of behavior is equivalent to directly declaring war.

However, considering the tragic losses Ziyun Sect suffered before this, it is quite normal for such acts of revenge.

When two tigers fight, there is bound to be an injury. In the next time, it depends on how the magic city fights back.

Inside the building, Tang Zhen looked calm as he looked at the information he had just collected.

The outside world is turbulent, Ziyunzong launched a revenge action, the situation is very unfavorable to the magic city.

Tang Zhen had expected this situation.

He even knows that the current situation is just the beginning, and the future situation may be more severe.

Ziyunzong's behavior is more like a deliberate provocation to attract the magic city to attack.

Obviously, they are very clear about where the magic city's advantages lie, and they will definitely not launch an attack on their own initiative.

I want to lure the snake out of its hole and then attack the magic city.

If there were no accidents, the current Purple Cloud Sect must be ready, waiting for a thunderous strike.

Knowing this, Tang Zhen would definitely not give the opponent a chance to succeed.

Tang Zhen had also thought about how to deal with this matter for a long time and had already made a decision.

In the face of Ziyunzong's retaliation and provocation, it is necessary to give a fierce counterattack, thus proving the strength of the magic city.

If this war is won, the status of the Demon City will be completely established, and thus it will be qualified to compete with the top forces in the true spirit world.

The aborigines in the real spirit world will also gain enough confidence to move closer and join the magic city more actively.

After completing this step, Tang Zhen can use his status in the Demon City to try his best to obtain the real treasure.

The ultimate purpose of all the previous operations was to help Loucheng upgrade. This was the foundation that Tang Zhen could rely on.

After obtaining enough True Spirit Secret Treasures and the Soul of the Divine Beast, Lou Cheng can be promoted to the sixth level smoothly.

By that time, Tang Zhen's cultivation level will rise and he will directly become a powerful person at the immortal level.

The overall strength of Loucheng will also increase accordingly, with more powerful means.

After completing the upgrade, Lou Cheng will no longer need to hide, but will appear openly and openly in the true spirit world.

(End of this chapter)

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