Chapter 4915

The outside world was turbulent, but Tang Zhen remained unmoved.

He is no longer the ignorant young man he was back then. He has experienced bloody storms along the way. Whether he is unifying the lower realms to fight against the sea tribe or fighting monsters in the game world, he is still in the same situation as he is today.

When you encounter a crisis, find a way to solve it.

The advantages of the Demon City are great, but the disadvantages are also obvious. It is not surprising to be discovered by the enemy.

How to exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses, and attack the enemy is what Tang Zhen needs to consider.

Because of the blocking of the crystal wall of the plane, the players in the magic city in the underworld have no way to leave the country to attack.

Facing Ziyunzong's provocation, he gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do.

The magic monks cultivated by the magic city are still relatively weak and cannot be of much use.

Facing the monks of Ziyun Sect is equivalent to sending them to death.

Besides, these magic monks will have great uses in the future, and they are definitely not being used as cannon fodder at this moment.

It seems that the only people who can make a move conveniently are the residents of Loucheng.

But in today's Loucheng, the highest state residents are only in the early stage of returning to the void, and most of them are foundation building and spiritual cultivation.

There are also some in the realm of transforming babies, but monks in the realm of refining gods are the backbone of Loucheng.

Except for Tang Zhen, the city lord who was in the tribulation period, the other residents of Loucheng had no ability to fight against the Ziyun Sect.

Behind the enemy this time, there is likely to be a cultivator who is hiding, and only Tang Zhen can deal with it.

However, due to Tang Zhen's status, he was destined not to leave casually, and if an accident happened, he would lose everything.

The last time I went to the Guteng sect was already a very risky thing, and it almost caused a catastrophe.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Tang Zhen used a substitute puppet, which was directly split into flying ash by the five-color robbery thunder.

Tang Zhen was still frightened, fearing that he would offend again.

The calamities will continue to accumulate, and their power will become more and more powerful. The longer it goes on, the more lethal it will be.

If Tang Zhen goes out of Loucheng again, it won't be long before the Heavenly Tribulation will smash down his head and face.

This happens because every time the building is upgraded, the realm of rewards is the pinnacle.

It was okay when he was at a low level, but when he encountered the period of crossing the catastrophe, which had to go through the catastrophe, it caused Tang Zhen a lot of trouble.

Under normal circumstances, the solution is also very simple, everything will be fine if you survive the five-color thunder tribulation.

There is no shortage of protective magic weapons in Loucheng, and even artifacts can be obtained if necessary.

But Tang Zhen's situation is special. If he really encounters a thunder disaster, he will not stop automatically [-]%.

No matter how well-prepared you are, it is absolutely impossible to guarantee that everything will go wrong when faced with endless thunder disasters.

Tang Zhen knew about these situations because of the prompts from the Cornerstone Platform. However, the platform did not provide any explanation for why this situation occurred.

Tang Zhen knew this and did not dare to joke with his own life.

The only solution is to promote Loucheng to level six, when the catastrophe will dissipate naturally, Tang Zhen will also become a fairy.

Not to mention this time, the enemy is fully prepared, and there is no guarantee that it will be safe during the tribulation period.

Due to these restrictions, Tang Zhen was unable to go out in person to avoid unexpected situations.

After some thinking, Tang Zhen decided to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Tang Zhen built a demon city in the underworld and sent players to harass everywhere, collecting and robbing various cultivation resources.

In addition to war and plunder, various intelligence information will also be collected, including the summoning method of the Abyssal Demon God.

In the underworld, the method of summoning the Abyss Demon God is not a rare skill.

If they are willing to pay the price, ordinary demon generals can also summon the projection of the demon god. The difference lies in the strength of the realm.

During this period of time, players have collected many summoning methods, involving many demon gods in the abyss.

After statistics, it was discovered that the number of abyssal demon gods far exceeds imagination, and the number of known ones is tens of thousands.

Some of these tens of thousands of Abyss Demon Gods are probably fabricated fantasies and do not actually exist.

Even if you accept the summons, it is possible that other demon gods will impersonate you, just to receive sacrifices and benefits.

Some of the demon gods are not too strong, and are not even as strong as the mutated tree demons.

Tang Zhen decided to summon the Abyssal Demon God in the Real Spirit Realm to induce the opponent to attack the enemy.

The abundant spiritual energy in the true spirit world and the high-quality monk souls are top delicacies in the eyes of the Abyss Demon God.

Without Tang Zhen's temptation, the Abyss Demon God would attack with all his strength, thereby obtaining more flesh and blood sacrifices.

When such a thing happens, it can cause a major blow to the enemy, and it will be considered to have something to do with the magic city.

Ziyunzong had previously declared that the Demon City was an invader of the underworld, and outsiders were not allowed to argue.

Ziyun Sect was so sure, and Tang Zhen used facts to prove that their judgment was accurate.

Tang Zhen is currently unable to determine what consequences it will cause.

Although there are hidden dangers, some things are imperative. Just like encountering a rough sea, the only choice is to move forward through the waves.

Moreover, from the beginning, Tang Zhen had no intention of concealing the origin of Demon City, and there was no possibility of concealing it.

It’s better to take this opportunity to publicly reveal the background of the Demon City.

Origin is not important, the key is to look at one's own strength and whether it can bring benefits to others.

If all conditions are met, Demon City can still be recognized by other forces and become a powerful force to dominate one side.

Unless the Demon City exists in the world, causing all harm but no benefit, it will never be besieged by a group of people.

Don't look down upon these sects. They are not noble and selfless, but greedy and hypocritical to the extreme.

As a combination of interests, the practice sect controlled by a group of high-level monks must first consider its own interests when doing things.

Unless it hurts one's own interests, or is about life and death, otherwise one will never fight to the death easily.

The demise of the Guteng Sect was due to being too greedy and arrogant, and it still refused to stop even after suffering heavy losses.

Today's Purple Cloud Sect is also making the same mistake, but it just doesn't think that it is wrong.

It's the same thing, Gutengzong's operation is stupid, Ziyunzong's operation is well-prepared.

Be lenient to yourself, be strict with others, and always think that it is not you who is wrong.

Such conceited behavior will eventually pay a heavy price.

Although there is a preliminary plan, how to operate it still needs to be carefully planned.

What time and place to choose, who to send to perform the task, and which abyss demon to summon.

It can be said that every link needs to be carefully deduced to ensure that there are no omissions.

After another half day, Tang Zhen released the mission.

The task was issued to the selected demonic monks, and generous reward points were given.

These demonic monks carry concealed communication systems that allow them to communicate regardless of position or distance.

They are called special envoys, they have better equipment and more high-end skills, and they belong to the key training objects of the magic city.

The relationship between the two parties is more like that of an employer and a mercenary.

Not long after, the ten closest special envoys accepted the mission issued by the magic city.

Tang Zhen was in Loucheng, locked on the ten special envoys through the map, and watched them approach quickly in one direction.

At the same time, a drone that took off from Loucheng flew straight to a certain location like lightning.

Until a certain moment, the drone landed on the ground, and ten special envoys from the Magic City also arrived one after another.

In the next time, they will carry the supplies delivered by the drone to the azimuth coordinates they just obtained.

These special envoys from the Demon City did not know what was special about the location of the coordinates.

Tang Zhen would not tell them that fifty kilometers away from the coordinates was actually the entrance to Ziyun Sect's secret realm.

What they have to do is to build a demon altar and summon an abyss demon god.

Ziyun Sect chased the Demon City and provoked him unscrupulously, thinking that Tang Zhen had nothing to do.

But how did they know that Mocheng was really powerless, but Tang Zhen had a way to fight back.

Ziyunzong dared to block the door to provoke, Tang Zhen dared to destroy its lair, even the secret realm would be smashed to pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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