I have a city in another world

Chapter 4916 Demon god descends!

Chapter 4916 Demon god descends!

Inside a hidden valley, ten figures are busy.

They were wearing short black robes and black masks on their faces, and their auras were completely restrained.

Leave no footprints or fingerprints, no sweat or hair, and no possibility of being tracked.

It's not difficult to perform the mission, but not getting caught is the key.

They assembled the items in their hands according to the requirements, not daring to make any mistakes.

Before these items are assembled, they are sealed in special boxes and cannot have any contact with the outside world.

Such strict requirements are enough for people to know that these items are definitely not ordinary things.

At this moment, with the assembly, the altar is gradually taking shape, and the feeling in my heart is getting stronger.

But even so, no one said much.

After all, before taking action, they already knew that the task this time was definitely not easy.

Their identities are not simple, they are special envoys selected by the Demon City, and each one has its own special features.

Now they are gathered together to perform special tasks.

Following the operation of the special envoy of the Magic City, a medium-sized altar was built, with a rather eerie and strange shape.

When ordinary people see this altar, even if they don't know the specific purpose, they know that it is definitely not a good thing.

But if you have been to the magic city and seen all kinds of architectural scenery inside, you will be used to this kind of shape.

The special envoys have seen that this is an altar of summoning.

As for what will be summoned, it is currently unclear because it is not mentioned in the mission content.

The ten people also made a tacit agreement not to ask, not wanting to cause too much trouble.

For actions like this, they are just a part of it, and they just have to do their jobs well.

As for why the mission started and what goal it was aimed at, there was no need to ask.

The more you know, the shorter your life may be.

Seeing the modular objects being completed by continuous splicing, the envoys were full of amazement.

This method of building an altar was indeed unheard of. While they felt it was novel, they also felt in awe of the maker behind it.

Such modular items often represent mass production.

What would it be like if the Demonic City let go and placed such summoning altars everywhere?
I dare not imagine too much, it is really creepy.

When the last box was opened and the square crystal inside was inserted into the altar, streams of light flashed on the altar.

A breath of alien world gradually emanated from the altar.

"The activation was successful, the task is completed, please evacuate the scene immediately!"

In front of the eyes of the ten special envoys, a reminder that the task was completed popped up at the same time, and the reward points were also issued to the account at the same time.

"Take care everyone, we will see you soon!"

One of the special envoys clasped his fists and said to the other special envoys, and then turned into black smoke and quickly floated away.

"Take care of yourself!"

"See you later!"

The other nine special envoys of the Demon City, wearing black devil masks on their faces, all clasped their fists and said goodbye at this moment.

They have already noticed the ominous aura released by the altar, and they dare not stay here any longer.

I am afraid that something abnormal will happen and endanger my own safety.

The system has prompted them to stay away from this place as soon as possible. This warning is obvious enough.

If you are obsessed with obsession, you deserve to die.

It didn't take long for this valley to be deserted, leaving only the summoning altar running slowly.

The beasts in the valley seemed to be attracted by mysterious power, and they rushed towards the altar in groups.

When he was about to approach the altar, he suddenly collapsed to the ground, and the blood all over his body turned into mist and drifted out.

But in an instant, he was absorbed by that altar.

In the following time, more and more beasts came running wildly, and corpses drained of their essence and blood piled up like mountains.

At this time, a black cloud suddenly appeared over the valley, expanding crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The thunder and lightning continued to strike, making a loud rumbling noise, which could be heard clearly even if it was far away.

The Ziyun Sect located nearby naturally noticed something unusual here.

The cultivator who was in charge of patrolling the periphery immediately rushed over at an extremely fast speed, wanting to see what happened.

As soon as they reached the top of the valley, they heard a roar and an indescribable terrifying aura rising from the sky.

The Purple Cloud Sect cultivator in the air was trembling with fright, and looked into the depths of the valley in horror.

A substance like black smoke appeared out of nowhere in the air, which was caused by the collision between the breath of another world and the real spirit world.

The smell of friction and collision is like volcanic sulfur, and the strong sour smell is extremely pungent.

That terrifying power was filled with a depressing sense of desperation, which made it impossible for people to have the courage to resist at all.

The Ziyun Sect monk who came to investigate was already trembling all over at this moment, staring blankly at a figure walking out of the valley.

This is a monster made up of countless beast carcasses, plus vegetation, bamboo and rocks, and the gaps are covered with black tough fascia.

The monster has a giant head, which is made up of countless heads. It is full of large and small eyes, shining with cruel and indifferent light.

There are countless strange hands on his body, wriggling crazily like tentacles, and an indescribable bloody smell hits his face.

It opened its mouth, and a tongue flew out, directly penetrating the Ziyun Sect monk in the air.

The next second it fell into the mouth, chewed and then swallowed.

This abyssal demon god was very satisfied with the practitioner's unique taste, and immediately walked forward quickly.

It can clearly perceive that there is a secret place in front of it, and there are many delicious foods in it.

The demon god who lives in the abyss has not tasted such high-quality food for a long time, and he can't wait in his heart at this moment.

However, for the Abyss Demon God, it only takes a short time to reach the distance of tens of kilometers.

Outside the Ziyun Secret Realm, another group of monks came after hearing the news, but before they figured out the situation, they collectively became the appetizer for the Abyssal Demon God.

At this moment, inside Ziyun Secret Realm, the danger is not yet known, and there is still no movement.

The demon god from the abyss became more and more excited when he smelled the smell from the secret realm.

It wants to tear open the secret realm and devour all these delicious foods.

With a roar, the abyss demon's tentacles stretched forward, whipping and tearing one after another.

The originally invisible space was torn open by the demon's tentacles, revealing the hidden Ziyun Sect's mountain gate.

It's like a giant mirror that was violently smashed by the abyss monster, revealing what was behind the mirror.

The Ziyun Sect cultivator in the secret realm watched in horror as the formation shattered, and a terrifying monster rushed in.

Wherever they passed along the way, not to mention the houses collapsed, the monks who couldn't escape were swallowed up.

"Where did the demon come from, dare to come to my Ziyun sect to play wild!"

An elder who came after hearing the news looked at the approaching Demon God of the Abyss, roared and released a bunch of purple flying swords.

Carrying infinite power, it flew towards the Demon God of the Abyss.

But in the blink of an eye, the flying sword shot through the body of the Abyssal Demon God, leaving a pile of deep and thin holes.

But looking at the Abyss Demon God, he was not affected in any way, and his huge body was still moving forward.

Constantly devouring the cultivators of the Purple Cloud Sect, the corpses soon emerged and became part of the terrifying demon body.

The elder who launched the attack looked at the scene in front of him in horror, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.

Just when he was about to continue attacking, he suddenly noticed something strange, and then his expression suddenly changed.

It turns out that the flying sword he released has been severely polluted, and its original spirituality is being lost crazily.

The elder of Ziyun Sect was shocked, and when he was about to do his best to repair it, he suddenly felt discomfort coming from his body.

"Uh... yeah!"

But in an instant, magic lines appeared on his face, and terrifying and ferocious veins crazily emerged from under the skin.

It seemed like countless tentacles were constantly twitching in the air.


Under the gaze of the monk next to him, the elder turned into a monster similar to a demon, with an extremely terrifying and ferocious posture.

Immediately afterwards, the elder turned his head, with a ferocious smile on his face, and fiercely rushed towards the surrounding Ziyunzong monks.

(End of this chapter)

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