I have a city in another world

Chapter 4917 Destroy Ziyunzong!

Chapter 4917 Destroy Ziyunzong!
Following the invasion of the Abyssal Demon God, Ziyun Sect was in chaos, with panicked figures everywhere.

No one could have imagined that the enemy would tear Ziyun Secret Realm apart and rush directly to the house to kill.

Many monks were caught off guard and had no time to escape, so they became delicacies in the mouths of the abyssal demon gods.

The monk's remains devoured by the demon god quickly transformed into the body of a demon. Those distorted heads stared at their eyes, and their eyes were full of viciousness.

During the march, collapsed buildings, vegetation, bamboo and stones also continuously attached to the body of the Abyssal Demon God.

The body became stronger and stronger, like a moving hill.

The suzerain of Ziyun Sect and a group of elders of the sect also came here after hearing the news.

Looking at the terrifying Abyssal Demon God and the demons who were infected and enslaved by him, their faces were full of shock and fear.

Never dreamed that the secret realm of his sect would be destroyed and invaded by such a powerful enemy.

Seeing the terrifying demon constantly destroying the sect's buildings and treating the Ziyun Sect monks as food, this group of high-level monks were furious.

"It must be Mo Cheng's doing, this must be Mo Cheng's revenge!"

Sect Master Ziyun roared, with a gloomy and distorted expression, and at the same time, deep regret.

He originally thought that if he found the Demon City's weakness, he would be able to make it pay a heavy price.

The losses previously incurred can also be recovered.

He even thought that the downfall of the Guteng sect was because they were too stupid, and the Ziyun sect had their own strategies, so they would never suffer the same fate.

But the situation in front of him is enough to prove his stupidity, and it also made Sect Master Ziyun extremely ashamed,

"Listen to my order and take action. This demon will definitely be killed!"

Sect Master Ziyun roared, gave the order for all to attack, and took the lead in attacking.

The other elders of the sect, as well as the monks of the sect, big and small, also gritted their teeth and launched an attack at this moment.

In order to protect the sect, they had no choice but to fight to the death.

There are more than [-] monks in the Purple Cloud Sect. Even if a small number of them are sent to participate in the blockade and siege of the Demon City, there are still a large number of monks staying inside the sect.

Attacking at the same time at this moment, the formidable power is naturally quite huge, and the abyssal demon god will be riddled with holes in an instant.

Inside the hideous hole, black smoke continued to flow out, and the stench of sulfur became more intense.

"It works, let me continue to attack!"

Master Ziyun was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly commanded the formation again, trying to kill the demon in one go.

The other Ziyun sect monks were also rejoicing, thinking that this monster was nothing more than that.

It seems fierce and abnormal, but it can't withstand the group attack.

Under the command of Sect Master Ziyun, tens of thousands of monks cooperated closely, and attacks continued like flowing water.

During this period, magic weapons and instruments continued to be seriously contaminated and fell to the ground and became unusable.

In less than a dozen breaths, the Abyssal Demon God was overwhelmed, disintegrating and shattering like a collapsed building.

Seeing this, the cultivators of the Purple Cloud Sect cheered excitedly.

Master Ziyun and a group of elders secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If this demon were allowed to destroy it, the thousand-year-old sect would probably turn into ruins.

Looking at the devastation in front of him, Master Ziyun showed a ruthless expression and said in a cold tone: "All the losses today are caused by the Demon City, and I will definitely make it pay a heavy price!"

Hearing this, the other sect elders nodded in agreement, saying that this should be the case.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden scream, and the face of a nearby monk was covered with magic patterns.

His eyes turned pale, and then blood red, and thick tentacles emerged from his body.

Looking closely at those purple-red tentacles, it is clear that they are blood vessels and meridians in the body, dancing wantonly as if electrocuted.

Several monks next to them were pierced by tentacles, and they were sucked into mummies in the blink of an eye.

The sudden change left all the senior executives dumbfounded, and a feeling of uneasiness surged into their hearts instantly.

Sure enough, in the next second, similar screams came from all around, and groups of Ziyunzong monks mutated.

They all have the same ferocious posture, covered with terrifying tentacles, launching crazy attacks on the companions around them.

The scene was so chaotic that it was impossible to count the number of mutants, and they turned a deaf ear to the orders of the sect master.

Mess, a real mess.

The previous monsters were only a single target, so they could naturally attack together, and the effect was quickly received.

The current state of chaos has made it impossible to cooperate, and the monks of Ziyunzong can only fight on their own.

They cooperated with each other to attack the demonized and mutated monks of the same sect, trying to suppress and kill each other.

But those mutated monks have become extremely fierce, and they are not afraid of death at all when fighting.

Rampage on the battlefield, like a berserk monster.

The monsters that were defeated before unexpectedly also moved, and the fragments of the demon body flew around.

The fragments flew to the demonized monk, fused with each other, and turned into a set of ferocious flesh and blood armor.

With the protection of the flesh and blood armor, the demonized monk's defense became extremely strong, and his attack was even more ferocious.

In a short period of time, more and more monks were seriously injured and killed, and the monks who originally formed a team to attack also dispersed.

At this moment, the cultivators of the Purple Cloud Sect no longer had the ability to fight back, but tried every means to escape from the pursuit.

After obtaining the flesh and blood armor, the demonized monks became more ferocious, and their killing efficiency increased several times.

The Ziyun sect cultivator couldn't beat him, so he naturally refused to die in vain.

Seeing this, Sect Master Ziyun was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

The only thing he can do is to fight separately with a group of high-level elders and gather the fleeing sect disciples.

After regrouping them, continue to issue orders to besiege and suppress those demonized monks.

Such an operation did have a certain effect, but the number of monks' casualties was increasing.

One-third of the Ziyunzong monks have suffered casualties, and the rest are also panicked.

There were also some monks whose fighting spirit was shattered and they fled into the distance in terror.

Hearing the combat order, he simply ignored it.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Master Ziyun could only issue an order to temporarily evacuate all the monks from the battlefield.

Abandon your own sect and let the enemy wreak havoc, thus avoiding greater casualties.

If the battle continues to the death, even if it wins in the end, the casualties will inevitably be extremely tragic.

Ziyun Sect suffered such a heavy blow, it will be difficult to recover in the short term, and it will definitely be difficult in the future.

Choosing to withdraw from the battlefield is actually the most sensible approach.

The Ziyunzong monks who received the order accelerated their evacuation without hesitation, for fear of losing their lives if they were too late.

But in a short period of time, the Ziyun sect monks ran away completely, leaving only a dilapidated sect.

Looking around, it was a mess, with thick smoke and flames rising into the sky.

In this huge ruins, demonized monks had ferocious expressions and kept roaring.

They turned against customers and occupied Ziyunzong's territory, but they had no intention of pursuing them.

It turned out that at this moment, the dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, and a frightening pressure suddenly descended.

A series of thunderbolts and lightnings fell from the sky one after another, splitting the demonized monk into a cloud of flying ash.

When the strength of an intruder who does not belong to the real spirit world exceeds the limited range, the cleaning procedure of the rules of heaven is automatically activated.

The thunder that rolled down was the first step in cleaning up.

Immediately after this battlefield, the rules changed drastically, and it became a dead place where the energy of the five elements was forbidden.

The space became stagnant, as if separated from the real spirit world, becoming an independent small world.

Different from the man-made Ziyun Secret Realm, this independent small world is a dead space used to kill intruders.

At this moment, the closed space is formed, which means that the invading demon god is imprisoned, and it is doomed to be killed.

Seeing this, the Abyss Demon God let out an unwilling roar, and returned to the abyss with the loot.

At the same time, countless thunders fell from the sky, splitting the Ziyun Sect into a sea of ​​fire.

(End of this chapter)

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