I have a city in another world

Chapter 4918 Post-War Influence

Chapter 4918 Post-War Influence
Accompanied by bursts of thunder, the turbid world became clear and clear, and all the ferocious monsters were turned into fly ash.

The majesty of the heaven and earth is enough to make the viewers stare.

After all the demonized monks were destroyed by the thunder, the frightening pressure slowly dissipated.

The sun reappeared, the haze disappeared wherever it went, and the cold and crazy atmosphere disappeared.

The traces left by the demon god were wiped clean by the rules of heaven and earth.

The disaster has passed, and Ziyun Sect has survived.

The surviving Ziyun Sect monks were in great sorrow at this moment, because the sect was reduced to ruins.

The countless fellow disciples of the past are now dead, and there is not even a corpse left behind.

Thousands of years of inheritance and construction have now turned into ruins everywhere, and there is almost no possibility of restoration as far as the eye can see.

Even if it can be repaired and rebuilt, no one dares to use it safely to avoid being plotted by the demon.

If you want to find a new site and rebuild the Ziyun Sect, you will inevitably consume countless resources.

The key is that this catastrophe resulted in numerous casualties among the monks of the sect, which was far beyond the loss of materials.

I am afraid that after this catastrophe, no matter how difficult it is to guarantee Ziyunzong's status, it will not be long before they will be forcibly downgraded.

There are many troubles that will follow.

Those large and small sects that used to be gentle and harmonious in the past will most likely take the opportunity to launch an attack.

Eliminate Purple Cloud Sect and become a new second-level sect.

In the cruelly competitive world of practice, there is never a shortage of people who fall into trouble, just like young beasts in the herd, they are always waiting for the opportunity to defeat the old king and replace them.

Now that the opportunity has come, how could it be easily missed?

The most important thing for Ziyun Sect at present is to protect the inheritance and rank of the sect, and other things can be put aside.

There is no need to continue the action against the magic city, lest there will be another accident.

After being retaliated by the magic city, Ziyun's attitude changed drastically.

"I don't know if I will be attacked again in the future..."

When Master Ziyun thought of this, his heart became increasingly sad, filled with deep regret and unforgettable hatred.

If possible, he would definitely do his best to retaliate against the Demon City a hundredfold.

But now the Ziyun Sect Master has become powerless. After this tragic blow, he can no longer do whatever he wants like before.

Even if he had the support of the True Spirit race behind him, it would not be able to change the outcome at all.

The True Spirit Race is willing to take action, obviously because they are interested in the hidden interests of Demon City, rather than wanting to help Ziyun Sect take revenge.

Wanting to borrow the other party's hand to avenge the destruction of the clan this time is completely wishful thinking.

In a short period of time, thousands of thoughts emerged, but in the end they could only turn into a long sigh.

"I want to recall the monks outside and suspend the attack on the magic city. I don't know what you think?"

Sect Master Ziyun bit the bullet and said to a group of sect elders.

The elder of the sect, who was full of anger, silently looked at Sect Master Ziyun, and his heart was full of complaints.

If it wasn't for Sect Master Ziyun's plan to launch an attack on the Demon City, how could what happened today?
It can be said that the Ziyun Sect Master is the biggest sinner in this disaster.

A group of elders also knew very well that when the decision was made, they all chose to support it.

Although Master Ziyun was guilty, they were also to blame and should not have made such a wrong choice.

Since it happened in the past, there is no need to say more, so as not to make everyone look ugly.

As for those sect monks who suffered disasters and died as a result, they are also things that do not want to be mentioned.

Due to the mistakes of the decision makers of the sect, they sacrificed, and they could only accept their fate obediently.

"As it should be."

"I agree."

All the elders responded one after another, and they all felt that they should withdraw their troops at this moment. If another unexpected situation occurs, it will be like adding insult to injury to Ziyun Sect.

After the negotiation was passed, Master Ziyun immediately issued an order asking all the monks who blocked the Demon City to withdraw.

But not long after, Master Ziyun showed an angry expression.


Sect Master Ziyun growled, with an indignant expression on his face.

When the other elders saw this, they quickly asked what happened?

"The special envoy of the White Ape Clan does not allow us to evacuate, and even asks for more troops!"

Sect Master Ziyun's face was gloomy, and he said in a cold voice.

"What, how could this be?"


When a group of elders heard this, they were shocked and angry.

At such a critical moment, it was simply unexpected that the True Spirit Race prevented the sect monks from returning to aid.

But when I think about it carefully, I think it makes sense.

The True Spirit Race came forward this time out of profit considerations. On the surface, they seemed to be supporting the Ziyun Sect, but in fact they wanted to seek greater benefits.

If the goal is not achieved, how can it be possible to let it go?

The Purple Cloud Sect was attacked, but the White Ape Clan did not suffer any damage. Naturally, they did not want the original plan to be affected.

The special envoy of the White Ape Clan didn't care at all what the Ziyun Sect thought.

What can you do if you don't want to? Facing the powerful True Spirit Race, Ziyun Sect is simply no match.

If they dare to resist, the White Ape Clan will make the Ziyun Sect learn a lesson without the need for Demon City to take action.

The majestic Ziyun sect actually doesn't have much face in front of the true spirit race.

A group of monks from Ziyun Sect were full of anger, but they were helpless.

At this moment, the Ziyun Sect can be said to be gloomy and gloomy. The sect was destroyed by demons and was forced to be controlled by others.

It would be a good thing if he could take the opportunity to take revenge, but he was afraid that he would be used as a weapon and suffer greater losses in the end.

Previously, because of targeting the Demon City, they suffered such brutal revenge, which almost destroyed the millennium foundation of Ziyun Sect.

If you continue to persist in your obsession and attack and contain the Demon City, you will not only suffer casualties, but you will even suffer a second retaliation from the Demon City.

If such a horrific demon were to wreak havoc again, Ziyun Sect would never be able to recover.

"Oh, what should I do..."

A group of high-level officials of the Purple Cloud Sect were filled with grief and indignation, and they could only choose to swallow their anger in the end.

Without waiting too long, the news about the attack on Ziyun Sect quickly spread throughout the cultivation world.

This incident caused a huge shock, and the outside world felt incredible about the tragic losses suffered by Ziyun Sect.

As a second-level sect, Ziyun Sect's strength is needless to say, and it is definitely not an existence that can be easily provoked.

But such a thousand-year-old sect suffered heavy losses one after another after provoking the Demon City.

Tens of thousands of practitioners are now alive and dead.

Now being attacked by the demon god, the entire foundation of the sect was destroyed, and one-third of the monks were either killed or injured.

Such a tragic loss is enough to seriously injure Ziyunzong's vitality, and it may even be impossible to recover.

While shocked and sighing, he became more and more afraid and curious about the methods of the magic city.

Originally, there were rumors in the outside world that the magic city was the gateway to the underworld, and one could enter the underworld after passing through the nine-storey archway.

Some people believe this rumor, while others think it may not be the case, and even believe that the Magic City is a mobile secret realm.

But this incident is extremely powerful proof that the Demon City must be deeply connected to the underworld.

The Purple Cloud Sect had just launched an action to vilify and block the Demon City, and in the blink of an eye, its own sect was reduced to ruins.

Something like this has never happened in the real world before.

Although there are demons in the true spiritual world, they are actually demonic beasts that are nourished by the energy of heaven and earth.

Compared with the monsters in the underworld, they are two completely different existences.

Not to mention that the demon that appears this time is most likely the Abyss Demon God, which is an even more terrifying and rare existence.

It is impossible for the abyssal demon god to appear out of thin air. Someone in the real spirit world must have taken action to summon it from the abyss of the underworld.

Who summoned it, everyone is as clear as a mirror.

The arrival of the demon god this time caused Ziyunzong to suffer revenge, but it also let the outside world see the strength of the demon city.

If you angered the other party and then summoned the demon god at your door, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Originally, there were some forces that coveted the Demon City, but now they have put away their despicable thoughts.

I'm afraid that if I make a careless move, I will repeat the mistakes of the Purple Cloud Sect and turn my old lair into ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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