I have a city in another world

Chapter 4919 Blockade of the Demonic City

Chapter 4919 Blockade of the Demonic City
Not long ago, the blockade plan implemented by Ziyun Sect did have obvious effects.

In the area where the magic city was about to open, there was no crowd gathering, but the local people became panicked.

The followers of the Demon City have now disappeared without a trace.

Most of the followers hid under pressure, and some died unexpectedly.

Facing the domineering Purple Cloud Sect, the demon monks could not resist at all, so they could only hold back their anger and wait and see in secret.

They want to look for opportunities to sneak into the area where the magic city is opened, and then wait for the magic city to open.

Ziyunzong naturally had to be on guard against this kind of behavior.

The major sects driven by the Purple Cloud Sect are responsible for guarding the traffic arteries and prohibiting any outsiders from entering the open area.

Among the mountains, rivers and waters, there are also monks patrolling day and night to prevent seekers from sneaking in.

Once an intruder is found, he can be killed on the spot.

The local government and army were also controlled and driven by the monks, and they enforced a curfew every night.

Those who disobey the order will be thrown into prison for repression, and those who are serious will be beheaded the next day for public display.

Many innocent people lost their lives because of this.

Such an operation made the people complain, but it did prevent the seeker from approaching.

The seeker's heart becomes more and more anxious as a result.

Just because this time is different from the past, the Magic City is no longer randomly opened, but a fixed opening time is announced.

There is no limit to the number of places this time, and there are also a lot of benefits, and those who come first can get priority.

A good thing like this is enough to make countless people tempted.

Seekers who intend to enter the magic city are secretly anxious now, but they are unable to break the blockade of the Purple Cloud Sect.

Just when they were at their wit's end, news came that Ziyun Secret Realm was attacked by a demon god, and the sect was turned into ruins.

When this news came, it immediately caused an uproar.

The seekers were overjoyed and said that the Ziyun Sect deserved it and deserved to suffer such a wave of disasters.

In the eyes of these seekers, the faction of the demon city is not important, as long as it is beneficial to oneself, so what if it comes from the underworld?
They were full of disgust and hatred towards Ziyunzong, and they wished for the other party's misfortune.

This incident happened, and it was really what we wanted.

The seekers rushed to tell each other and spread the news everywhere, and the original desperate mood gradually turned around.

They saw hope and did not want to miss this opportunity, so they must take action next.

Besides, those sects, big and small, are all panicked now.

They are like a group of vicious dogs, following their master around and biting people, quite like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

For casual cultivators and seekers, they are naturally fearless, but they are very afraid of the mysterious magic city.

If they had not been forced by Ziyun Sect and had a sense of luck, they would not have participated in this operation at all.

As a result, during this period of time, everything went very smoothly, and the magic city did not respond obviously to this.

Various major sects had misunderstandings, thinking that the Demon City was nothing more than this, but in fact it was not as scary as the legend said.

With this mentality in mind, they acted more and more unscrupulously.

Now hearing that the demon god descended and turned Ziyun Secret Realm into ruins, the cultivators of these sects broke out in a cold sweat.

After the shock, there was panic, for fear that such a bad thing would also happen to his sect.

At the same time, he no longer had the courage to continue to blockade the magic city.

But when they wanted to evacuate to avoid the demon god's revenge, they received even more shocking news.

Sect Master Ziyun tried to end the operation and let the monks return to help the sect, but was rejected by the true spirit race.

Not only was it not allowed to withdraw troops, it was even requested to send additional manpower to continue the original blockade plan.

When this news came, it immediately caused shock and anger.

Ziyun Sect cannot evacuate, and they have no chance to leave. Can they only passively wait for revenge to come?

Ziyun Secret Realm was heavily defended, but was ruthlessly destroyed. Why should they fight against it?
I was frightened and angry, but there was nothing I could do.

The True Spirit race is so powerful that Ziyun Sect cannot afford to offend them, so how can they dare to openly confront them.

In desperation, he could only continue to do what he did before, but his inner anxiety became more and more intense.

No matter day or night, everyone was worried, for fear of being retaliated by the magic city.

Come here for whatever you are afraid of, suddenly a group of mysterious people appeared and launched a sneak attack on the monks of the various sects.

They use special weapons capable of attacking from great distances, and a single hit is enough to kill.

However, in a short period of time, hundreds of monks died, and only three monks survived.

As the demonic monks took action, the panic became stronger. The monks from each sect were secretly worried, fearing that they would be killed next.

They also tracked the enemy, only to find nothing, and were even ambushed as a result.

After a few casualties, the Zongmen cultivators became clear about one thing, don't follow them easily, otherwise it would be tantamount to seeking their own death.

The enemy is hiding in the dark, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

It was thought that maintaining a high degree of vigilance would reduce the occurrence of accidents, but the development of the situation is getting worse.

The attackers grew in number and became more brazen in their actions.

The demonic monks who once hid everywhere are now working together to launch attacks against lone and smaller sect monks.

Ziyunzong's original plan was to seal off the area where the magic city appeared and forbid any outsiders to approach and sneak in.

But the current situation is more like the major sects being surrounded and trapped in the area where the magic city is about to appear.

As time went by, there were more and more magic monks, forming a huge encirclement.

For the various sects, this is definitely not a good thing, and it even hides a huge crisis.

It should be noted that once the Demonic City is opened, demonized monks will appear, and while protecting the Demonic City, they will also attack the enemies.

Once that happens, all the major sects will become turtles in the urn and be attacked by both the demon city and the demon monks.

The situation between the two sides has evolved into a life-or-death situation, and they will not hold anything back during the battle.

Demonic cultivators are all rookies in cultivation, and they are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the major sects. The ones who are really afraid are demonic cultivators.

The Guteng sect, which has been delisted, once suffered a big loss in the hands of the demonized monks, and most of them became puppets of the demon city.

These guys who were killed by the magic city have already lost their sanity, and regard all sect monks as enemies.

Once caught by them, they will attack endlessly.

Facing the critical situation, all the major sects asked to evacuate, not wanting to die in vain.

However, their request was directly ignored.

The Ziyun Sect, who was also involuntary, told the monks of the various sects that they must continue to stick to this place.

Don't think about evacuating, but continue with the original plan.

The major sects were extremely dissatisfied with Ziyun Sect's order and began to try to unite to resist.

Suffering heavy losses one after another, Ziyunzong's strength is not as good as before, and its original prestige is gradually lost.

Today's crisis is about life and death, and the major sects don't want to tolerate and compromise anymore, they have gathered and prepared to evacuate.

However, at this moment, the special envoy of the White Ape Tribe, who had never shown up, sent his men to maintain order.

The practitioners of these sects finally realized the horror of the true spirit race, and were completely suppressed in a short period of time.

The special envoy of the White Ape Clan gave a choice, either stay and continue the blockade mission, or be beheaded on the spot.

The monks of the various sects were forced to choose to obey the orders, but they hated Ziyunzong even more in their hearts.

If he hadn't been forced to participate in the operation by Ziyun Sect before this, how could he have encountered such a situation?
But how did they know that the Ziyun Sect monks also had hardships, and they deeply realized what it means to ask gods is easy and send gods is difficult.

Under the coercion of the White Ape Clan messenger, the original blockade plan continued, even if it was attacked, it could not be interrupted.

The attacks by the demonic monks have also become more frequent, because the opening date of the demonic city is getting closer and closer.

In the fight between you and me, the opening date of the magic city has finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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