I have a city in another world

Chapter 4921 The possibility of cooperation

Chapter 4921 The possibility of cooperation

This night, many sect monks were doomed to sleepless.

They are all waiting, wondering what will happen after dawn?
The reason is that the true spirit race was involved in this operation, and their strength and status are definitely not comparable to those of the Purple Cloud Sect.

I don't know if the opponent can take control of the magic city?
Many monks actually do not want this to happen in their hearts.

The True Spirit Race controls the Demonic City and will not easily open it to the outside world. For practitioners all over the world, they will lose an excellent place to obtain cultivation materials.

All living beings in this world will also lose a shortcut to the path, and will no longer even have the possibility of becoming a monk.

The environment in the true spiritual world may turn into a stagnant pool again.

In fact, there are many top forces, both openly and secretly, waiting for the final result.

As the sun rises, everything returns to calm.

At the entrance of the magic city, as a group of figures walked out slowly, the nine-story archway disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The special envoy of the White Ape Clan reappeared in front of the world.

With a smile on his face, he didn't seem to be hurt in any way, and soon he took his clansmen and left in a cloud boat.

It didn't take long for this news to spread, causing quite a shock.

The special envoy of the White Ape Clan entered the magic city and was able to retreat completely, which is actually enough to explain the problem.

The attitudes of other true spirit races are very likely to be affected. If the magic city gets their permission, there will be no problems in its future operations.

After all, this world is controlled by the true spirit race, and they are the real masters of this world.

Regarding this fact, many low-level monks don't know it, and it is impossible for ordinary people to understand it.

Ninety-nine percent of the truth in the world is hidden. Ordinary people may only live on the surface of the real world throughout their lives.

They don't know that there is actually a bottomless abyss beneath the surface.

No one knew what happened last night, but they saw the monks who besieged the magic city evacuate collectively.

Ziyun Sect, who had opposed the Demon City before and declared that it would destroy the Demon City, even disappeared in a short period of time.

This behavior of Ziyun Sect is very normal. After suffering continuous heavy losses, coupled with the destruction of the sect's secret realm, Ziyun Sect has already become terminally ill.

The strength of the second-level sect is not there, but it has to face a complicated situation, and its own situation is extremely dangerous.

Those hostile sects in the past will definitely take the opportunity to take revenge, eliminate the Ziyun Sect and replace it.

What they fear most is that the Demon City will take revenge and summon the Abyss Demon God to launch an attack. The Ziyun Sect really does not have the ability to withstand another catastrophe.

The most sensible way is to stay away from the sight of the world, so that the enemy can't find his trace.

Wait until you get through the tough times before making new plans.

The Ziyun Sect really had no choice but to make this choice. Originally, the White Ape Clan served as its backers, but they were abandoned in an instant.

The special envoy of the White Ape Clan entered the Demon City and reached some agreement, but they stopped targeting the Demon City.

With Ziyunzong caught in the middle, it can be said that both sides were angry, and hiding and escaping was the inevitable result.

After this news came out, it immediately attracted the cheers of countless seekers. They hated Ziyun Sect to the core, and they all felt that such a result was what they deserved.

In the following days, without Ziyunzong's interference, the seekers could re-enter the magic city.

For them, this was a great event worth celebrating, and they rushed to tell each other and organize a group to come.

The group of followers who were short-lived in the pan reappeared now, and the number increased at a terrifying speed.

However, in a short period of time, the number of people exceeded one million.

After learning about the opening location of the Magic City, they immediately swarmed in and the lively scene was unprecedented.

Inside the building.

Tang Zhen used a super-altitude reconnaissance plane to observe the grand gathering of followers, with a faint smile on his face.

These celebrating people only knew that they could enter the Magic City again, but they did not know the hidden game behind it.

That night, the White Ape Clan's special envoy came to the city not just for fun and shopping.

Instead, he had to do it himself to test the strength of the magic city.

Faced with such a door-to-door challenge, if Tang Zhen refused, he would definitely let the other party see through the foundation of the Demon City.

When it is opened next time, it will not only be the White Apes that enter the city, but the combined army of the major true spirit races.

Without further ado, Tang Zhen directly summoned the mutated tree demon to face the challenge from the special envoy of the White Ape Clan.

This period of harvesting has caused the mutant tree demon's strength to skyrocket, and it can now dive to the bottom of the abyss.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry, and was ready to fight steadily.

As the tree demon's projection descended, it was filled with demonic aura, attracting countless demons to look up to the sky and howl.

The confident envoy of the White Ape Clan gradually became serious, realizing that he still underestimated the Demon City.

The demon god that can be summoned at will has such strength, no wonder it can easily defeat the invading powerful enemies.

The Demon City has accepted the challenge, so the White Ape Clan's special envoy cannot retreat. The two sides start fighting in the wilderness outside the Demon City.

The practitioners of the True Spirit Clan have the powerful ability to transform into divine beasts, as do the special envoys of the White Ape Clan.

With the operation of the true spirit exercises, a phantom of a divine beast white ape appeared, and the special envoy of the white ape clan was located at the core of the divine beast.

The white ape is about [-] feet high, its divine power can carry mountains and split mountains, and its whistling sound has the effect of exorcising evil spirits.

There is also a gifted supernatural power, which can see through hidden dangers and flaws, which is actually a magical skill on the battlefield against the enemy.

With a mouthful of sharp fangs and giant teeth, it can tear apart the enemy alive, and the enemy hunted by it often has no bones left.

Such a fierce fighting style makes the White Ape clan famous, and no one will easily fight with them.

The special envoy of the White Ape Clan is powerful and one of the best within the race. This is the main reason why he dares to come to explore the Demon City.

Even in the event of an accident, he has the ability to escape unscathed.

But after the fight, the special envoy of the White Ape Clan was shocked to find that the opponent was far more terrifying than imagined.

The mutated tree demon of unknown origin is obviously a demon god in the abyss, who was summoned and descended into a clone projection.

Although it was just a clone, its strength was extremely fierce, and it was suppressed by the first fight.

The fighting style of the White Ape Clan was actually restrained by the mutated tree demon, and there was no way to go all out.

After finally activating the berserk state, he discovered that the mutated tree demon still had some strength left, and he never even used the weapon in his hand.

The special envoy of the White Ape Clan didn't know how strong the mutated tree demon was, but he knew that he was definitely no match.

If he continued to fight, he would undoubtedly be defeated, and he might even lose his life.

The purpose of the test has been achieved, there is no need to work hard, it will affect the plan of this trip on the contrary.

The special envoy of the White Ape Clan declared a truce, so naturally Tang Zhen would not continue to attack.

The two sides fought a battle, learned about each other's strength, and then negotiated.

This is an inevitable step for the Demon City to gain a foothold in the Real Spirit Realm, and it is the most ideal result.

Otherwise, in the days to come, the Demon City will be oppressed by the True Spirit Clan, and will surely fall into a difficult situation.

At that time, even if Tang Zhen has all kinds of means, it will be difficult to use them smoothly.

It's different now, the monks from the True Spirit Tribe took the initiative to come to the door, which means that there is a possibility of cooperation.

Without the True Spirit Race blocking the way, ordinary sects are not worth mentioning at all.

There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Faced with the various benefits of the Demon City, the true spirit race will inevitably be moved.

The price that the magic city has to pay can be negotiated. Tang Zhen can suffer a temporary loss, but sooner or later he will make up for it.

These True Spirit Clan monks would never have dreamed that Tang Zhen's real goal was the True Spirit Secret Treasure.

Otherwise, they would not be thinking about exploring the reality of the Demon City at this moment, and would still be thinking of cooperating to take advantage.

Instead, they immediately organized the elites and tried their best to expel the Demon City completely.

If you don't take action in time, it is equivalent to raising a tiger to cause trouble, and sooner or later it may backfire on you.

But nowadays, no one knows this at all, but they all think about how to get benefits from the Demon City.

They don't even know that Tang Zhen also holds an even more amazing secret, which is related to the life and death of all true spirit races.

(End of this chapter)

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