I have a city in another world

4922 - The missing magic city monk

4922 - The missing magic city monk

The Magic City is about to open, and countless people are flocking to it.

After arriving at the destination, bet on the specific location where the Magic City may be opened, and wait for the opening moment to arrive.

Regardless of whether he has entered the magic city or not, he now hopes to be one step ahead, after all, the number of competitors is simply too great.

Fortunately, the Magic City opens frequently and the opportunity is more than once. If you persist, it will always be your turn.

The real spirit world is so vast. In a slightly larger state capital, there are hundreds of millions of people.

Among them, there are so many people who are unable to practice that it is difficult to count.

However, in the true spirit world, monks are always respected, and there are cultivators behind countless great families.

Even the imperial power in the world is controlled by practitioners behind their backs, and dynasties change in a single thought.

In such a special environment, it is natural that everyone wants to become an immortal. Regardless of whether they are poor or rich, they all hope that the descendants of their family will become immortals.

One person becomes a fairy, the whole family is glorious, and the blessings of generations.

In other worlds, it is absolutely impossible for the magic city to attract so much attention and spread all over the world in a short period of time.

On the six-foot official road outside the ancient city, carriages and horses flowed like water, and men and women came supporting the old and the young.

There was also a three-year-old child among the walking crowd, brought by his parents, who also hoped to have the opportunity to enter the magic city to obtain spiritual roots.

On a hillside by the road, a group of monks watched intently, sighing from time to time.

"These ordinary people have traveled thousands of miles, aren't they afraid of making a trip in vain?"

A young monk's face was full of doubts and confusion at this moment. He always felt that these people had no brains.

Although there is no restriction on the status of entering the magic city, it seems that there is no threshold, but the more it is like this, the more difficult it is to enter.

The number of competitors is the biggest threshold.

"From the perspective of a practitioner, when you look at the behavior of these common people, you will naturally feel a little blind and ignorant.

If you were a mortal and wanted to become a monk, would you come here regardless of everything? "

The middle-aged monk next to him, the young man's senior brother, said in a light tone.

When the young monk heard this, he nodded slightly in agreement.

"Those mortals envy us monks, but they don't know that the road to immortality is difficult.

Even if you become a monk, you still have to run around and experience all kinds of disasters and dangers in order to obtain spiritual materials.

The seemingly incomparably beautiful fairy road, with flowers blooming on the side of the road, is actually covered with monk bones underneath. "

Another female monk said with emotion.

When the surrounding monks heard the words, they seemed to feel something, and at the same time they sighed softly.

This group of monks came from other state capitals, and when they heard the news about the Demon City, they immediately formed a team and came across the mountain.

As soon as I arrived at the scene, I saw such a grand scene.

Countless people rushed here, with hope on their faces. Such a sight is rare.

It is often said that seeing something is worth hearing it a hundred times, and it seems to be true now.

After resting for a period of time, the group of monks followed the crowd and continued to move towards the target location.

This time the Magic City opened, the city was already overcrowded, and the streets were crowded with pedestrians.

However, noble young masters, vulgar porters, and people from all over the world all gathered in this city.

In order to avoid accidents, many magic monks took to the streets to maintain order, and severely punished those who violated the law.

The grass-roots demon monks have all benefited from the Demon City. They are grateful to the Demon City and do not ask for anything in return.

Even if some things are trivial, they are still a reflection of your heart.

The existence of these demonic monks also makes visitors from all over the world more confident, and they eagerly hope that they can also have this opportunity.

People are divided into three, six or nine grades, and they are divided into poor, weak, good and evil. Not all people who come to the Demon City are good people.

Among them are some monks who harbor evil thoughts in their hearts and want to take advantage of this opportunity to rob them.

They certainly wouldn't dare to rob the Demon City, as that would simply be asking for death, but those who are lucky enough to enter the Demon City have become their hunting targets.

Whether it's items from the Demon City or cultivators implanted with spiritual roots, there are forces now secretly buying them at high prices.

Many Demon City monks had disappeared quietly before, but they did not cause much commotion.

It is very common for practitioners to have an unpredictable whereabouts and to seek refuge in deserted mountains and valleys to practice in seclusion.

But as time goes by, someone will always notice something abnormal.

When the monks of the magic city communicated with each other at this gathering, they were horrified to find that more than one person had this experience.

The news of the mysterious disappearance of the cultivator in the magic city spread rapidly, attracting the attention of countless people.

Many people are secretly worried, fearing that this kind of thing will happen to them.

When more and more seekers were talking about this matter, another large-scale disappearance occurred.

Because of the opening of the magic city, many magic monks gathered here, which is naturally an excellent mobile phone opportunity.

But overnight, thousands of Demon City monks disappeared without leaving any trace.

After this incident happened, it immediately caused a huge panic, and many people felt angry and disturbed.

The monks who gathered in the Demon City felt panic because of this, fearing that they would become the next missing person.

This disappearance also attracted Tang Zhen's attention.

He originally thought that after solving the troubles of the True Spirit Clan, the Demon City would be able to develop and grow smoothly.

Unexpectedly, someone jumped out to do something again.

The loss of some Demon City monks will not affect Tang Zhen's plan, but it will seriously affect the reputation of Demon City.

For the current Demon City, reputation is more important than anything else, and no slander or slander can be tolerated.

Anyone who dares to do this will be severely punished, and Ziyun Sect is the best example.

Now that someone who is not afraid of death dares to jump out and challenge the Demon City, Tang Zhen will naturally not give up.

However, Tang Zhen was also very puzzled. After the True Spirit Race was dealt with, why would there still be people who could not get along with him?

Could it be that there are huge differences among the True Spirit Clan, and some people do not want the Demon City to continue to exist.

The previous special envoy of the White Ape Clan had reached an agreement with the Demon City, and they would obtain high-grade materials from the Demon City to ensure that the development of the Demon City would not be affected.

As a newly rising force, some rules must be followed and the interests of the True Spirit Clan must not be violated.

If the magic city violates the agreement, the true spirit race will attack it and expel the magic city from the real spirit world.

It can be said that the existence of the Demon City has not harmed the interests of the True Spirit Race at present, but can bring them a lot of benefits.

If it wasn't for this reason, I am afraid that some true spirits would have jumped out to find trouble.

However, it is difficult to guarantee whether there will be some true spirit races who are double-dealing and do nothing on the surface, but secretly take action secretly.

If this is the case, Tang Zhen will definitely not be polite.

Tang Zhen first doubted the true spirit race, naturally because of the opponent's strength. Ordinary sects knew the record of Demon City and should not dare to provoke provocation easily.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some sects feel that the world is far away and think that the Demon City cannot do anything to them.

If this is the case, Tang Zhen's methods are really underestimated.

These guys may not know that every Demon City monk whose spiritual roots are implanted actually has the function of positioning.

He can easily find it even to the ends of the earth.

Without knowing the specific situation before, Tang Zhen would not deliberately locate and search. Now that he has obtained a missing list, it becomes much easier to search.

With a thought, a giant map appeared in front of him, with the collected maps of the true spirit world on it.

On this map, there are countless red dots scattered, each of which is a transformed Demon City monk.

Tang Zhen filtered according to the list in his hand, and the map changed in the blink of an eye.

The dense red dots disappeared, leaving only a few red dots, distributed in different areas of this map.

Some magic monks on the list did not actually disappear, they just went to a distant place and temporarily lost contact.

Most of the missing people are now gathered together and slowly moving in one direction.

found it.

Tang Zhen smiled coldly, activated an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and quickly followed the coordinates.

He wanted to see who dared to do this, and really didn't know how to live or die!
(End of this chapter)

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