I have a city in another world

Chapter 4923 Rescue Operation

Chapter 4923 Rescue Operation
Although the Lou City is hidden in the valley, it does not mean that it is cut off from the outside world. The Demon City is currently the best channel.

However, the nature of the magic city is special, and there are still various restrictions after all, which makes many things unable to proceed smoothly.

In order to solve this problem, special envoys of the magic city were specially trained to make them minions that can be manipulated from a distance.

Using his identity as an aboriginal, he launched secret operations in the real world to solve various problems.

The previous revenge on Ziyun Sect was the debut of the Demon City's special envoy, who successfully summoned the Abyss Demon God.

The cost is small, the benefits are big, it’s a good deal.

Confirming that this method was effective, Tang Zhen decided to train more special envoys so that they could come in handy at critical moments.

If you want to support someone, you must convince them until you give willingly.

Nowadays, the monks from the Demon City are missing, which has had a huge impact and made many seekers feel terrified.

They hoped in their hearts that the magic city could solve this incident and save the missing monks from danger.

When the matter is resolved, they no longer need to worry.

It can be concluded from this that the Demon City has become the backbone in the hearts of seekers.

Tang Zhen naturally had to meet this expectation.

The problem is that not long after the arrival of the Demon City, there are not many people available, and most of them are useless.

If you want to solve the problem quickly, you can only use the power of Loucheng itself.

Unless he had to, Tang Zhen would not send monks from Loucheng, as it would be easy for the enemy to find traces.

Moreover, the current Loucheng monks are only average in strength and may not be able to perform their tasks perfectly.

Fortunately, in addition to the monks in Loucheng, Loucheng also has a lot of technological equipment, which not only has great power, but is sometimes even more reliable than monks.

Before entering the real spirit world, Tang Zhen had considered this point, so he stocked up a lot of high-tech equipment.

Thanks to the Cornerstone platform, there are rich and sophisticated products that can meet Tang Zhen's various requirements.

Allowing him to respond more easily and calmly when facing a crisis.

This time, technological weapons were used to attack instead of the monks of Loucheng, and cooperate with the magic city to carry out various actions.

The unmanned reconnaissance plane sent by Tang Zhen was extremely fast and arrived at its destination in two hours.

Standing in the sky above the marked point, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft hovered still and quietly conducted investigations.

The detected information was sent to Loucheng synchronously, clearly displayed in Tang Zhen's eyes.

The missing monks from the Demon City were all imprisoned in the dungeon of a manor, and nearly a hundred monks were responsible for guarding them.

Judging from the size and structure of the manor, the owner should be a prince.

There are also some magic city monks who are still on the way to be escorted, and the destination should also be this manor.

After determining the location, the next step is to launch a rescue operation.

The rescue plan has been formulated, and when the target location is determined, the rescue team will take off.

On the cornerstone platform, Tang Zhen once found a batch of combat robots, which were said to come from a high-tech civilization that had perished.

It can be controlled through spiritual thoughts, just like the player controls the game clone, and it also comes with an advanced combat system.

These advanced combat robots were prepared for himself by the nobleman of the fallen civilization. He hid in the secret base, but died silently due to unknown reasons.

This batch of combat robots became his burial objects.

There was no explanation as to why it was sold on the Cornerstone platform. Tang Zhen had long been accustomed to this.

After buying this batch of robots, they have been kept in the warehouse, and now they are finally put to use.

This group of combat robots is equipped with exclusive aircraft to help them go to the sky and enter the underground sea.

Twenty combat geniuses have received orders from the city lord to gather in the high-tech hall of Loucheng.

They entered the operation cabin, connected with the robots that were still on the way, and waited quietly for the battle to begin.

Following a prompt, the shuttle-shaped spaceship swooped down from the sky and arrived above the manor in an instant.

A cultivator in charge of guard suddenly raised his head and looked at the strange aircraft rushing down.

He thought it was a specially made cloud boat, and just as he was about to sound the alarm, he saw a beam of light coming.

The monk's body was hit and turned into flying ash in an instant, leaving only two scorched legs on the ground.

At the same time, the combat robots in the spaceship were ejected one after another.

They are very particular about where they are placed, some are responsible for assault and cleanup, and some are responsible for reconnaissance and sniping, and the cooperation between them is quite strict.

These combat robots have extremely efficient brains inside their bodies, which will perform thousands of calculations every step forward to ensure that they are as foolproof as possible.

Although the calculations are constantly being performed, it will not have any impact on the battle. On the contrary, it will make you feel one step ahead.

The residents of Loucheng who are in charge of the control are basically on the sidelines and will only take over under special circumstances.

As the combat robots landed, the battle also began, and the local monks who came after hearing the news were continuously killed.

The weapon of the battle robot is a special firearm that can emit a terrifying beam of light.

The speed of light is so powerful that it can burn the enemy to ashes in an instant, and ordinary magic weapons can't resist it at all.

Being hit by this speed of light is like a transparent hole, and there is no spirituality in an instant.

Technology is a kind of civilization, and cultivation is also a kind of civilization. Both sides have their own strengths. In fact, it is difficult to judge who is superior and who is inferior.

The monks who were in charge of guarding the manor, seeing how fierce the battle robots were, hid one after another and dared not fight recklessly.

But once an opportunity is found, a sneak attack is immediately launched.

But how did they know that there was another aircraft above their heads at this moment.

Not only a means of transportation, but also capable of providing fire support and monitoring the battlefield.

The enemy monks who were hiding suffered blows from the sky and were turned into ashes one after another.

The leader of the monks who guarded the manor was a monk in the Void Stage. Seeing his men being killed continuously, he immediately roared and launched a counterattack.

Practitioners in the Returning Void Stage are naturally quite powerful and can form a sect to suppress one party.

But this time, he provoked the magic city, so he was destined to pay the price.

"The big fish has come out, do it!"

The monk Loucheng who was in charge of the control immediately participated in the coordinated battle, forming a dragon-capturing formation around the Void Returning monk.

Each battle robot held a dragon rope in its hand and threw it towards the Void Returning cultivator.

This kind of dragon rope is extremely miraculous, it can break through all defenses and bind the target's body firmly.

With a scream, the Void Returning cultivator was tied up with a rope, and a combat robot grabbed the rope from ten directions.

The Void Returning Cultivator who was tied up was completely imprisoned, unable to use any means.

The dignified cultivator who returned to the void was expelled and captured like this, and became a prey to be slaughtered.

With the leader captured, the remaining monks were no longer able to resist and were killed and captured one after another.

The enemies in the manor were quickly cleared away.

As for the mortals in the manor, when the battle started, they were already frightened and fled around.

Nowadays, there are still some people who are hiding in their houses and shivering, fearing that they will be killed.

Ignoring these mortals, he quickly found the imprisoned monks and released the restraining shackles on them.

Find the enemy's cloud boat and let these Demon City monks drive it to the location where the Demon City opens.

There are also some demon city monks who follow the battle robots to rescue their companions who are still on the way.

After completing the rescue, they will also go to the location where the magic city was opened to form a formal alliance of monks.

With the magic city as the backing, establish a perfect rule system, and help each other from now on.

When you have an organization, you will not be bullied by others, or no one will know if you are missing.

Before the opening of the Magic City, the missing monk suddenly returned, drawing cheers from the seekers.

The hanging heart also relaxed a little.

When I heard that the rescue operation was personally participated in by Mo Cheng and that a monk who had returned to the void was captured, it immediately caused an even greater shock.

It should be understood that such behavior is a provocation to the Demon City and is very likely to trigger a cruel war.

(End of this chapter)

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