Chapter 4924
The spacecraft traveled all the way and did not return directly to Loucheng. Instead, it stopped in a hidden valley.

The captured enemy monks were suppressed inside the valley, waiting for the monks from the magic city to come to pick them up.

Wait until the magic city opens, and then send the enemies into it.

The magic city is equivalent to the building city, and it is safer, and it is reasonable to send the enemy into it.

If it is sent into the building city, it is likely that the enemy will use secret techniques to locate it, which will be a trouble.

Before the building city is upgraded, it is really not appropriate to show up and provoke targeted attacks from the enemy.

Besides, taking the captives into the magic city is tantamount to an open challenge to the enemy, so send someone to rescue them if you have the guts.

However, Tang Zhen believed that the enemy might not have the courage to rescue him.

The previous cases are enough to prove that if you want to take the initiative to attack the magic city, you are simply sending sheep to the tiger's mouth.

Unless you have a body of iron and steel that can withstand the devouring of the Demon City, you can't even think of getting out alive.

If you don't believe it, just look at the White Ape Clan's special envoy. After entering the Demon City, he never made any further actions.

This is the best proof that Demon City is powerful, otherwise it would have become a delicacy of the True Spirit Race.

According to Tang Zhen's request, the process of escorting the prisoners must be done with great fanfare, so as to have a better publicity effect.

Those responsible for carrying out the escort task are still combat robots. They have a humanoid appearance, but they are too large and majestic.

However, the defenders of the magic city are all big men with a height of more than one foot. Compared with them, the battle robots are not particularly conspicuous.

Wearing a suit of battle armor, he looks so powerful that no one can see through its roots.

There are also a large number of envoys from the magic city who have received the escort mission and will perform a play together in front of people.

Pull them over to fill the scene, so that the magic city monks have more sense of participation.

This made the Demon City monks feel that their group had also contributed in the process of capturing the enemy.

Besides not revealing their identities, many people would subconsciously think that the combat robots were also monks from the Demon City.

Having just suffered a blow, it was necessary to boost morale at this time and show the world the magic city's methods.

As the moon sets and the sun rises, the magic city appears again.

The people who had been waiting for a long time cheered in unison and rushed straight to the entrance of the magic city.

That beam of light soaring into the sky was the end of their longing.

Although the road is difficult to travel at night, it still cannot stop the determination of the seekers, who are trying every means to overcome the difficulties.

The cultivator has the advantage at this moment, he can easily cross the mountain and cross the river, and arrive at the entrance of the magic city at the fastest speed.

If things go on like this, the many benefits of the Demon City will inevitably be seized by these monks.

The path to heaven for mortals will also be cut off.

For such unfair behavior, Tang Zhen already has a solution, and it will be implemented soon.

But tonight's situation will definitely be different from before.

In the deep night sky, a huge image suddenly appeared, showing the location of the entrance of the magic city.

The tall nine-story archway is like a heavenly gate at this moment, making countless people look at it with longing.

There is a huge plaque hanging on it, with lines of big characters written on it.

Magic City Holy Land.

Become immortal.

There is a way to live forever.

Once you enter the portal of Yin and Yang, you emerge completely transformed.

These words are touching.

Everyone knows that after crossing this nine-story archway, life will indeed undergo drastic changes.

The real-life version of the fish leaping over the dragon gate is right in front of you, how can you not be excited in your heart?

As a result, at this moment, another strange scene appeared.

Around the nine-story archway, fireworks suddenly bloomed, and the brilliant colors illuminated the night sky.

Two Baizhang demon kings dance with colored balls in their hands.

Ordinary monks and common people had never seen such a scene before, and they were all stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, outside the magic city, countless demonized guardians formed a long line, and they were lined up on both sides of the gate, like the most majestic and heroic guard of honor.

This rare sight immediately aroused various speculations.

The people who were scrambling to get into the magic city couldn't help but slow down at this moment.

They didn't know the specific situation, and they didn't dare to act rashly, lest something unexpected happen.

The Demonic City has become famous not only because it can change one's fate against the will of heaven, but also because of its strange and gloomy background environment.

Some people even claim that once they enter the Demon City, they will no longer be the ones who come out.

Instead, he was possessed by a demon and became a walking dead.

Those who have entered the Demon City sneer at this statement, but there are also many people who firmly believe it.

They believe that the magic city is a trap that attracts people and then devours their bodies and souls.

With such an idea, you are destined to miss the Demon City in this life.

Seeing the abnormal behavior of Mocheng, some bad rumors immediately surfaced in their hearts, making them cautious.

At this time, the sound of wheels was heard, and there were bursts of war horses neighing, and the sound spread clearly in all directions.

It was obviously some kind of means to spread the sound.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a strange convoy appearing in front of their eyes. Flaming skeleton horses emerged from the bones, dragging the prison cart forward slowly.

The whole body of the prison car was assembled with white bones and skeletons, bound by chains one after another, and there were also fluorescent talismans attached to it.

Several huge bells rang along with the movement of the prison car, making waves of chasing souls.

On these caged prison cars, the captured enemies were being held, screaming and struggling in despair.

The scene in front of him was enough to break the prisoner's heart, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Those who followed Qiuche were fully armed demon city monks, and they also lined up in a long line, with a majestic and high-spirited posture.

It seemed like a triumphant soldier returning from victory.

Seeing this scene, combined with the rumors they had heard before, people immediately realized what had happened.

It turned out that these prison cars contained the culprits who attacked the monks in the Demon City, and they are now on public display.

In this way, the strength of the Demon City is shown and the world knows that the Demon City cannot be bullied.

This kind of operation method did have a good effect, and countless people were shocked by this scene.

The thought of being struck by thunder after offending the Demon City made me feel cold all over.

There are also some unruly people who have dark thoughts in their hearts, and they can't help trembling at the moment.

I am afraid that one day, I will appear on these skeleton prison cars.

With the strength and means of Demon City, if you want to take revenge on your enemies, it must be a very terrifying process.

As the seekers spread the word, many things about the Demon City are now known to the world.

It turns out that in the Demon City, there are not only shops selling various goods and a coffin square where people can obtain spiritual roots, but there are also other institutions.

Among them is a place that specializes in criminal justice and is called the Ten Halls of Yama.

There are various punishments in it, specially punishing the most heinous people.

There is also an underground prison, with a total of eighteen floors from top to bottom, which is dedicated to punishing and detaining different types of prisoners.

Some tourists who entered the Demon City were lucky enough to be allowed to visit the ten palaces of the King of Hell and the eighteen levels of hell.

When I came out, I was so scared that my legs were weak and I was covered in cold sweat.

It is said that there are wailing and crying in the region, and the entrants will suffer pain and torture every moment.

That kind of scene is worse than life, but it just can't get rid of it.

After the incident came out, the sense of majesty and weirdness in the Demon City was deepened, making people even more afraid to be arrogant.

These captured enemies will definitely be tortured when they are sent to the magic city this time.

But thinking about what the other party did, I felt that he deserved it. If he hadn't done such a despicable thing, how could he have suffered today's disaster?

This matter is related to themselves, and they even hope that the punishment will be more severe, so that they can deter those who are not evil.

After about 10 minutes, the convoy passed through the nine-story archway and successfully entered the interior of the magic city.

The projection in the sky also slowly disappeared at this moment.

The viewer was silent for a few breaths, then his eyes lit up, and he accelerated towards the entrance of the magic city again.

You can tell by looking at his eyes that he is obviously more yearning for the Demon City.

(End of this chapter)

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