I have a city in another world

Chapter 4925 The truth of the matter, evil guests come to the door!

Chapter 4925 The truth of the matter, evil guests come to the door!
In the inner area of ​​the magic city, ten temples of Hades were indeed built in imitation of the legendary content.

There is also the Infinite Hell, with a total of 18 levels.

Enemies captured by the Demon City will definitely be worse off than dead once they are sent inside.

But such a result is purely their own fault, and it is not worthy of pity at all.

When the results are revealed and the truth is understood, the Demon City's revenge will begin.

No matter what forces are behind this incident, Tang Zhen will never let it go.

If this trend is not stopped, more people will inevitably follow suit and slaughter the Demon City as a piece of fat.

If Mo Cheng doesn't resist, they will continue to push even further. They won't be able to satisfy even eating meat and drinking blood, but they want Mo Cheng's life.

Tang Zhen knew very well about the greed of monks, it was as endless as the abyss of the underworld.

For some hidden dangers, it is best to eliminate them in the bud. If they are allowed to develop, small things may become big things.

After some observation, Tang Zhen released new Magic City rules to solve some recent problems.

For example, monks have a greater mobility advantage than mortals. Once the magic city limits the number of entrants, the places will basically be occupied by practitioners.

For ordinary people, this situation is unfair.

In response to such disadvantages, Tang Zhen decided to change the rules and count monks and tourists separately.

The number of times a practitioner enters will be accumulated and recorded, and a fee will be charged after a certain number of times.

But even so, there will still be many monks rushing to come.

Not everyone can obtain the precious resources of the Demon City, and a threshold must be set for acquisition.

If there is a person with evil intentions and doesn't know what to be grateful for, such a guy is not eligible to enter the magic city.

The screening method is very simple, you only need to build a phantom array outside the magic city, and you can identify your true nature.

There are many scenarios that trigger the team change, some of which are designed by Tang Zhen himself, and some of which are completed by the residents of Loucheng.

The contents of these phantom arrays point directly to the heart of human nature, even the best disguised cunning person will reveal his true nature in the phantom.

After passing the phantom array torture, you can directly enter the magic city. If your xinxing does not meet the requirements, you can only keep spinning around the periphery.

Throughout his life, he could not enter the magic city.

Although the Demon City has just been born, it has become a top force in a short period of time, and can even challenge the True Spirit Race.

Although it is open to civilians and there is not much of a threshold, it is definitely not a place where filth can hide.

However, the truth about the screening will not be publicly disclosed to all parties, otherwise it will inevitably attract vicious slander.

Those who are not qualified to enter the Demon City will definitely find ways to spread rumors and slander, deliberately ruining the reputation of the Demon City.

Besides, there is no need to explain too much about how the magic city does things.

When the magic city is opened next time, the phantom array will run accordingly, and more rules will be implemented in the future.

At the same time, inside the Demon City, Tang Zhen established a place to receive monks who were willing to cooperate with the Demon City.

There are no restrictions on status and status, the stronger the strength, the more benefits you will get, you don't need to join the magic city, you can get rewards for completing tasks.

On the surface, they look the same as the special envoys, but in fact they are fundamentally different. The special envoys of the Demon City are half of our own people, but these monks can only be regarded as mercenaries.

You can use money to do things, or you can turn your face and deny people.

If we pursue safety, Loucheng residents would be more at ease, but unfortunately they cannot appear in public for the time being.

The demons and demonic monks controlled by the residents cannot enter the true spirit world from the nine-story archway due to the restrictions of the rules.

Under this special situation, Tang Zhen could only select a group of useful manpower by spreading money.

Due to their background restrictions, they cannot be entrusted with important tasks, but some ordinary tasks should be able to be completed.

In just one day, the captured monk obediently confessed.

They are from a distant state capital, and they are monks of a second-level sect. They came here this time because they received a mission from the sect.

Capture [-] demon city monks and quietly send them back to the sect, and there is only a two-month time limit.

No wonder this group of guys would conduct large-scale arrests. It turned out that the time limit of the mission was too short.

In fact, another reason is that they misjudged the attitude of the Demon City, thinking that the Demon City would not care about the life and death of these low-level monks.

By the time Mocheng noticed the anomaly and investigated the matter, they had already completed their mission and evacuated.

The plan was quite good, but unfortunately the development of the situation did not go according to their expectations.

After receiving the news, Tang Zhen took action immediately, destroying the enemy's plan from the beginning.

It's a pity that before the action, a group of demon city monks were sent to that sect through the cloud boat.

This group of demon city monks is not shown on the map. They have either been killed or blocked by special means.

Of course, there is also a possibility that it has entered the secret space and cannot be displayed.

There is a great possibility that he has encountered a poisonous hand.

No matter what the other party's background is or what purpose he has, Tang Zhen will definitely not give up.

After getting the news he wanted, Tang Zhen released the task and asked the residents of Loucheng to formulate an action plan.

As the lord of a city, there is no need to do everything personally. That is not a wise move.

Giving the residents of Loucheng a chance to learn and grow is also something that the city owner needs to pay attention to.

Tang Zhen knew this and had already learned to delegate power a long time ago. Many matters in Loucheng were handled by the residents.

This time, it is very suitable for them to operate.

In fact, in Tang Zhen's opinion, the way to solve the problem is very simple. The more direct and brutal it is, the more effective it will be.

Engaging in some conspiracies and tricks may not be able to deter the enemy, and may even have the opposite effect.

Not to mention that in this incident, Mo Cheng was still the victim, and he was even more confident when doing things.

The previous revenge actions were actually quite successful. They not only made the Demon City famous, but also made the enemy disappear.

Until now, I have not heard any news about Ziyun Sect. It is very likely that they fled to other state capitals and then found a hidden place to hide.

In order to prevent the Demon City from retaliating, this approach can only be adopted, otherwise the Ziyun Sect will really lose its inheritance.

This time the retaliatory action will still adopt the same mode, but how to operate it requires careful planning.

Knowing the magic city's methods, the enemy will definitely take precautions and strengthen the vigilance around the sect.

There are also some forces who are secretly watching the Demon City, wondering whether they can continue to use the same method.

If there is a limit to summoning the Demon God, the Demon City is not a concern, but if it is possible to summon the Demon God at will, then the Demon City must be given enough attention.

Tang Zhen even suspected that behind this incident, there were actually enemies deliberately probing.

That second-level sect is the same shield as Ziyun Sect.

If this is the case, they should perform well to let people know how strong the magic city is.

When Tang Zhen was thinking about it secretly, he was suddenly taken aback for a moment.

The mutated tree demon sent news that an abyss demon god took the initiative to contact him, hoping to cooperate with the demon city.

This abyssal demon god is exactly the powerful existence that was summoned to destroy Ziyunzong.

Perhaps it was through devouring the soul that he found out the truth of the matter, and then he came to the door on his own initiative.

To the Abyss Demon God, the souls of the Ziyun Sect monks were so delicious that he was deeply attracted and couldn't stop.

The demon god was extremely greedy, how could he let go of such an opportunity, and he didn't know what method he used to find the mutated tree demon.

This is not a good thing. As the demon god in the deep abyss, the other party can pose a fatal threat to the mutant tree demon.

Fortunately, the mutated tree demon has the aura of the old monk's true body, which makes the other party fearful and dare not act rashly.

Otherwise, the mutated tree demon at this moment is very likely to be attacked and suppressed by the opponent, and then forced to make a choice.

Tang Zhen sighed softly. Sure enough, these demon gods are not easy to provoke, and now they have paid the price.

However, he summoned the other party once and paid enough sacrifices, but he came to the door as soon as he turned his head.

(End of this chapter)

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