I have a city in another world

Chapter 4928: Just cannon fodder

Chapter 4928: Just cannon fodder
Hundreds of kilometers away from the magic city, there is a large piece of barren land, and decayed demon bones can be seen everywhere.

In the land of the underworld, wars have occurred almost everywhere, and bones are the most common garbage.

The demons have long been accustomed to this kind of scene, and they stepped over the bones and skeletons with their feet without a care.

The cracking sound of "Kaka" continued to come from under the feet.

The big demon king in charge was wearing a blood-red rune heavy armor and riding a large six-winged bone dragon.

The guards surrounding it are also strong in the realm of the devil king, and all of them are well-equipped.

These excellent weapons and equipment are also a proof of their strength. A few of them are specially made by monsters, and most of them are spoils of war.

Only through continuous accumulation and piecemealing can we have this powerful weapon.

When fighting in the underworld, you can make a rough judgment on the strength of monsters just by looking at their weapons and equipment.

Looking at the legions around them, they were also strong and strong.

The demon general and the demon king acted as the general, commanding countless demon soldiers, who were also equipped with weapons and armor of different quality.

There are many monsters among them, either in pairs or in groups of three or five, forming a fighting group similar to cavalry.

The combined combat power is not as simple as one plus one, and can cause tragic damage to the enemy on the battlefield.

Such a powerful army made the enemy fearful, so they gained a great reputation.

The demons are full of expectations for the upcoming battle. Being able to be teleported by the Demon Lord is enough to prove that the enemy is not simple.

But the more this is the case, the more lucrative the spoils of victory will be, enough to make the trip worthwhile for all the monsters participating in the battle.

They are never afraid of war, but full of desire, because every time represents hunting and harvesting.

As the demon army continued to advance and was getting closer and closer to its target, there was suddenly a sharp sound.

The demons with keen perception raised their heads to look at the sky, and then saw a bunch of black spots approaching.

"what is this?"

The Demon King in charge looked at the black spots in the sky with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"It's a technological weapon, the enemy is launching a long-range attack!"

Soon some demon kings identified the objects in the sky and issued warnings loudly.

The demon king who leads the legion is not ignorant, and many of them have participated in the invasion and harvest of the technological world.

It is not a strange thing to be able to recognize technological weapons.

But it is precisely because of this that they feel a little panic, because the weapons of technological civilization are not weak.

"Dodge and dodge, or shoot it down!"

The Demon King, who recognized the origin of the weapon, immediately commanded the flying demon to fly into the air to try to stop it.

The reaction of the monsters was not slow, but it was still a bit late after all, but in the blink of an eye, these cruise missiles reached the top of the legion.

Accompanied by an astonishingly loud noise, the cruise missiles exploded one after another, and countless small warheads fell from the sky.

The sight of the goddess scattering flowers made the demons on the ground panic, and they all had a premonition of impending disaster.

The monsters roared one after another and launched attacks one after another, trying to destroy the bullets that landed.

Not to mention that such an attack did have a certain effect, and many warheads were knocked away or exploded.

However, most of the warheads continued to fall and were about to touch the ground.

"Put up the defense!"

In the midst of lightning and flint, the commanders of the demon army were still able to calmly issue orders.

The demons reacted quickly, immediately raising their shields and activating various defense methods.


Accompanied by bursts of loud noises, the falling warheads exploded one after another, and countless steel needle fragments flew out.

It was like a rain of steel sprayed on these monsters, causing fatal damage.

Many monsters were hit and fell to the ground screaming, with a large number of wounds all over their bodies.

There are also many monsters, relying on powerful flesh armor, to block the attack from the sky.

The originally neat team suddenly became chaotic, with howls and roars everywhere.

The big demon king who led the army couldn't help roaring.

Suffering such a tragic blow before seeing the enemy will inevitably have a serious impact on morale.

The sound of explosions continued, and many monsters were injured one after another.

The strong physique of demons allows them to withstand such attacks, and most of them are injured without dying.

With a broken body, he is no longer able to participate in the battle.

The demons became more and more angry. Such an injured state was more uncomfortable than killing them.

Not to mention that these projectiles also carry deadly toxins. Even if the poison does not kill these monsters, it can still seriously affect them.

Seeing the continuous attacks, the demon kings took action one after another, driving the flying monsters to intercept in the air.

Don't look at them as flesh and blood, but the power of the flying monsters cannot be underestimated. They flew into the air overwhelmingly, successfully intercepting bombs one after another.

The intercepted missiles still exploded, but their lethality dropped sharply, looking like large fireworks.

During the period, missiles landed on the ground continuously, blowing up the monsters on the ground and flying around.

The bombing lasted for nearly 10 minutes, the demon army suffered heavy casualties, and wounded and dead demon corpses were everywhere in the wilderness.

Faced with such casualties, the leading demon king was extremely angry, but he gave the order to move forward quickly.

Don't pay attention to the remaining soldiers, just abandon them.

The equipment on the corpses was also recovered and taken away. The dead monsters did not need these things.

However, within a short period of time, the demon army continued to advance, and its formation was still strict, as if the attack just now did not exist.

The loss of a small part of the monsters with a number of over one million will not affect the next action.

This is the horror of the demon army. Even if the number of members is reduced to [-]%, they can still continue to fight until the last moment.

After receiving the war order, there is absolutely no possibility of retreating, either defeating the enemy, or annihilating the entire army.

Otherwise, the Holy Lord in the abyss will inevitably inflict cruel punishment.

This fierce demon army has no escape route at all. You can still survive if you win, but the consequences of failure will be very miserable.

No wonder he is so crazy, he is not afraid of death when fighting.

Tang Zhen was observing the battlefield and saw the performance of the demon army, but he felt that it was natural.

It's not normal if the enemy is easily defeated.

In the coming time, the army of millions of monsters will steadily advance towards the Demon City.

If they are not dealt with, sooner or later the army will come to the city, and then launch a crazy attack.

This is just an appetizer, there will be more enemies in the future, and they will continue to attack the magic city.

Tang Zhen even felt that this slowly advancing demon army was actually a target to attract attacks.

The enemy's main war force should not appear so early, nor can it be so weak.

It is a very normal operation to release a group of cannon fodder first to consume the Demon City.

Although he knew this, Tang Zhen had no choice but to enter the game and attack the bait released by the enemy.

It needs to be known that the pawns crossing the river can also kill the old man.

The Abyssal Demon God wanted to use this method to exhaust the weapon reserves of the Demon City, so he underestimated Tang Zhen too much.

With three times the number of enemies, he still has the ability to strike.

In the following time, this monster army, which was regarded as the target of cannon fodder, always approached the magic city unswervingly.

The attack launched by Tang Zhen never stopped, causing a lot of casualties to the enemy.

The more they are hit, the faster the demon army will move.

The Great Demon King who was in charge of the command was obviously very clear about his own position, knowing that the demon army was the target to attract firepower.

To end this attack, the only way is to arrive at the magic city as soon as possible and start a face-to-face battle.

Although it may be more cruel, it may not cause greater casualties, and it is not like being beaten passively like now.

I could never fight back, and I was so depressed that I almost collapsed.

When that time comes, the Holy Lord of the Abyss will take the opportunity to use his methods.

It secretly vowed in its heart that it must use the cruelest means to retaliate and slaughter the magic city to nothing but ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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