
On the defense line of the Demon City, the demons are constantly busy.

After a short period of learning, they quickly enter the battlefield and launch attacks under the command of the player.

The roar and orders echoed continuously in the sky above the magic city.

What the monsters saw was that the missiles kept shooting up into the sky, but they didn't know what kind of damage they would cause.

The ammunition piled up like a mountain continued to decrease with the passage of time, and countless demons and monsters were killed.

But even so, it couldn't stop the demon army.

The information from the front line continued to arrive, and the monster army was only less than thirty miles away from the outer edge of the magic city.

At this moment, the sound of countless monsters running could be heard, and even the ground shook.

There is also the roar of the monster, which came one after another, containing a strong anger.

Apparently, along the way, he had had enough of the demonic city's harassment, and was eager to vent his anger.

But the closer you get to the magic city, the more severe the attacks you encounter. The battle has changed from harassment to defense, and the defenders of the magic city will naturally do their best.

If they can't stop the enemy, there is a great possibility that the magic city will fall, and their end will be miserable.

The key is that with the fall of the Demon City, all previous efforts will be in vain.

The players understood this, their attitude became extremely serious, and they commanded the monsters to attack.

The neatly arranged heavy artillery roared at the same time, and beams of flames shot into the sky.

The heavy projectiles drew arcs and continued to fall into the distance, setting off soaring flames among the demon group.

Countless monsters were lifted into the sky like this, and then were torn into pieces by the shock wave.

The sky in the distance turned fiery red, and thick smoke billowed into the sky.

Dark clouds covered the sky, expanding crazily in size, and approaching the magic city at an extremely fast speed.

The path forward was paved with dead and injured monsters.

But even so, it still couldn't stop the demon's attack, but instead accelerated the charge.

The big demon king in charge used some kind of supernatural power to make the subordinate monsters bloodthirsty and crazy.

They have become fearless of death, only wanting to rush up to their enemies and tear them to pieces with their fangs.

The players who were defending the Demon City saw the figures of demons from a distance. They were tall and short, and they were swarming up overwhelmingly.

There are also many monsters who can clearly see the ballistic trajectory, so they dodge the attack in advance.

The continuous blows along the way gave the monsters more experience in survival, and those who survived were elites.

When the demon appeared in sight, the city wall-like machine gun emplacement emitted figures that were as dense as hail striking an iron plate.

The weakness of firearms is that their range is limited, but their killing effect is really not weak.

When the attack target is countless monsters and forms a dense assault formation, this defensive cannon becomes a terrifying harvester.

The machine gun used by the magic city is not a gunpowder gun, but a six-barreled weapon similar to an electromagnetic gun.

The terrifying metal barrage looked like a dark cloud when it shot out of the muzzle.

The monster that launched the charge had nowhere to hide and could only roar in despair.

Thousands of demons fell to the ground, forming a terrifying wall of corpses. The demons behind them followed closely, crossing the wall of corpses and continuing to charge forward.

The extremely tragic casualties shocked both the enemy and us.

No one has ever seen such a bloody and tragic death scene. The piled corpses covered the ground, and the blood quickly gathered into a river.

Even the cruel and murderous demon couldn't stand such a scene.

Despite suffering heavy casualties, the monster army is still advancing, and some of them have already crossed the mark point.

None of the rain of bullets sprayed crazily fell within the marked point, which was clearly separated from the battlefield and was forcibly separated.

But there are many players standing here fully armed to stop the demons who cross the line.

They were like machines, harvesting indifferently, not allowing any demon to move forward.

The defense system of the Demon City can be said to be watertight, so how can these monsters in front of them be able to overcome it.

The demon army at this moment was like a raging flood that hit an indestructible dam.

A futile attack with no effect.

The Great Demon King commanding the legion looked at the Demon City in front of him, but his heart was full of despair.

It has fought in the underworld for many years and has invaded many worlds, but it has never met such a powerful opponent.

No wonder the Holy Master in the abyss would send them here and consume them as cannon fodder.

If such a powerful enemy can be successfully conquered, the sacrifice will be very worthwhile.

But looking at the situation in front of him, no matter how big the sacrifice is, it may not be able to break into the magic city.

It and its legion may be buried here today.

As soon as this idea came up, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the sky above the magic city.

From the corpse of the dead monster, wisps of soul power floated out, which would have floated to the territory to be reborn, but at this moment they were all absorbed by the huge vortex.

This strange scene shocked the leader of the legion inexplicably.

The battle between monsters is cruel but has a limited limit, and rarely plunders and absorbs the souls of monsters.

Killing demons is like cutting leeks, but absorbing souls is like cutting off the roots. For the Abyss Demon God who controls the territory, it is simply an undying hatred.

This sudden war is far more serious than imagined.

Realizing this, the demon leader couldn't help but become more desperate, knowing that there was absolutely no possibility of evacuating.

Just keep fighting until you die.

At this moment, the leader, the monster, was looking forward to the arrival of reinforcements, because he was almost unable to hold on.

The bloodthirsty supernatural power of manipulating demons cannot last forever, and it is now on the verge of failure.

Many powerful demons broke out of their bloodthirsty state and were shocked by the sight before them.

No matter how crazy the monster is, as long as there is a shred of reason left, it will produce deep fear.

Fleeing from the battlefield is an inevitable choice when you know that you will die if you go forward.

As soon as the idea came up, the charging formation became chaotic, and many demons began to change directions.

Seeing this, the leader demon immediately sighed, knowing that he had no chance of winning.

At this moment, the idea of ​​​​escape also arose in its heart, not wanting to lose its life in vain.

In a group of demons, there is no absolute loyalty, and betrayal can happen all the time.

I didn't dare to betray before, but I didn't encounter a fatal threat, and I was afraid of the revenge of the Abyss Demon God.

"How about...retreat secretly?"

As soon as the thought came up, it felt a little abnormal, and the body lost control at this moment.

It was as if something was desperately trying to get into its body, trying to gain control of its body.

At the same time, he uses self-mutilation skills to overdraw his body's full potential and gain powerful strength.

Using such an overdraft method can indeed gain powerful power in a short period of time, but the price paid is quite terrible.

There is a great possibility that he will die of exhaustion on the spot.

Fortunately, he didn't die, and he would be reduced to waste, and there was basically no possibility of recovery.

"why you are treating me like that?"

The changes in his body made the leader of the legion extremely frightened and angry. He never thought that he would become a victim.

It is obvious that there is a powerful demon occupying his body and acting as a one-time container.

The manipulator behind it must be the Abyss Demon God.

It is the leader of the legion and has a special identity, but it was sacrificed without hesitation at this moment.

Regret and unwillingness filled its heart. If it had known this earlier, it would definitely not have led the army to attack.

Before its consciousness disappeared, it saw its own bodyguards and the demon king generals under it, almost all in the same out-of-control state.

The body twisted and swelled, and he roared in pain, with a strong sense of unwillingness in his voice.

But in the blink of an eye, terrifying trolls one hundred feet tall appeared on the battlefield one after another.

They roared up to the sky, like moving mountains, rushing towards the magic city crazily.

After confirming that the cannon fodder could not break through the demon city, the Abyss Demon God launched a second wave of attacks, and a demon king puppet in peak condition was quickly spawned.

This is a more advanced cannon fodder, launching a crazy attack on the magic city within a very short distance!

(End of this chapter)

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