I have a city in another world

Chapter 4930 The wrath of the abyssal demon god!

Chapter 4930 The wrath of the abyssal demon god!

When the enemy Baizhang Demon King appeared, there were also majestic figures rising into the sky from inside the Demon City.

These figures are demon players, and they are all the best among them, possessing the strength of the demon king realm.

The strength of the demon kings varies from high to low, and there is a huge gap between them. A powerful demon king can easily take on a hundred.

These enemy demon kings were turned into puppets by the Abyss Demon God, and now their strength has increased dramatically.

Facing these demon kings, ordinary attacks have failed or cannot kill them in a short time.

As long as the opponent is given a chance, he will rush into the magic city and easily destroy the defense line.

Once the defense is broken down from within, it becomes difficult to stop the enemy.

There have already been monsters controlled by players, guarding the front line of defense to deal with sudden situations.

He is also a hundred feet tall and well equipped.

Soldier against soldier, general against general, the enemy charges with the puppet of the devil king, and the demon city drives the devil king player to intercept.

Both sides roared and roared, colliding into each other in the wilderness outside the magic city, and then started a desperate fight.

The monsters controlled by the demon god are now involuntary. Even though they are extremely unwilling, they still attack without fear of death.

As long as you break into the magic city, you can sacrifice yourself at any time.

The deadly enemy is indeed extremely terrifying, enough to make any opponent fearful.

The ants are greedy for life, not to mention the devil is cunning, so they must have all kinds of self-interest hidden in them.

When fighting, you will definitely not do your best.

Under normal circumstances, the enemy's plan would definitely succeed, but unfortunately this time the opponent is Demon City.

The Demon King's clone controlled by the player is also not fighting the main body, so naturally there is no fear at all.

The enemy's puppets are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid at all?

The fight between the two sides became extremely fierce, with blood and flesh flying everywhere in an instant.

It was as if two groups of desperate animals were sent into the arena after going crazy. The tragic scene was enough to make people have nightmares after watching it.

Both the enemy and us who were watching the battle were shocked by the tragic scene of fighting, and their hearts were filled with horror.

The player responsible for commanding the battle also took this opportunity to launch an attack, shooting magic weapons at the enemy one after another.

There are also various guns, bursting into flames on the Demon King.

The demon king puppet who was blocked couldn't move forward at all, but was killed one after another halfway.

Seeing this, the monsters guarding the city cheered loudly, celebrating the might and bravery of their companions.

The players in charge of intercepting, after hearing the cheers, also became more brave and fierce.

From time to time, he laughed a lot and put on cool poses, and asked his companions to record them and upload them to the Internet.

How could such a majestic moment not be recorded?

The number of controlled demon king puppets continued to decrease, and they collapsed on the ground and rapidly disintegrated.

After being catalyzed by the secret technique, these demon kings were all exhausted. Without the support of the demonic energy, they were like deflated rubber balls.

Except for the bones that remained, all the flesh and blood rotted into mud.

The Abyss Demon God, who was secretly watching, was furious because of this, and the Demon King puppet controlled by him roared at the same time.


With a loud noise, a demon king puppet exploded, and its flesh and blood turned into weapons to attack the enemy.

The Demon King, whose body was filled with source power, was so powerful in self-destruction that a pit of more than 30 meters was blasted into the ground.

The affected defense line suffered considerable losses as a result, and the fire suppression was temporarily interrupted.

Seeing that this method was effective, coupled with the fact that the devil puppet was unable to break through the line of defense, the abyss demon gods controlled behind him exploded one after another.

Loud noises continued to erupt outside the Demon City, and this section of the defense line was severely damaged.

"Hurry up, hold the line of defense for me, and never take a step back!"

With the players roaring, the reserve team who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward immediately to prevent the enemy from taking this opportunity to break through.

Seeing that the demon army was blocked, the enemy had a new attack method.

Black wind billowed in the distance, and tornadoes rose from the plains, sweeping towards the location of the Demon City.

In these black winds, there are huge rocks and broken bones, as well as deadly poisonous sand and demonic insects.

The black wind is extremely strong, and if it passes through the city, it will inevitably end up with houses collapsing.

The touch of flesh and blood gods, almost dead.

Finding that the strong attack was ineffective, the enemy immediately changed their methods and tried to destroy the magic city with strong winds.

The black evil storm in the underworld is a terrifying disaster that even monsters fear, but now it is induced by the abyss demon god.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen didn't panic.

Following an order, countless plant seeds were thrown onto the battlefield, taking root and sprouting the moment they encountered flesh and blood.

These special flesh and blood seeds come from the flesh and blood forest cultivated by mutant tree demons, and have quite magical properties.

Once it falls into the human world, it will be a disaster.

This tragic battlefield is simply the best breeding ground for seeds to grow, and the seedlings covered the ground in a short period of time.

In the eyes of the viewers, the saplings grow extremely fast, reaching a height of more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

It's hideous, ugly, and extremely flexible.

The demon corpses on the ground were absorbed wildly by the demon saplings, and soon turned into a pile of skeletons and mummified corpses.

Before the strong wind arrived, the saplings had grown quite strong and were constantly sprouting branches and leaves.

Facing the coming strong wind, the fleshy branches and leaves made hunting sounds, like a group of soldiers about to embark on the battlefield.

It is strange to say that when the strong wind blows through these magic trees, the wind speed decreases quickly.

After careful observation, it turns out that the surface of these magic trees is actually covered with fine runes.

If you study the runes, you will definitely be able to recognize them at a glance. These are the runes that stabilize the wind.

A single tree may not have much effect, but when it appears in pieces, it will definitely be able to withstand the attack of the strong wind.

For the enemy's means, Tang Zhen had long been prepared, so he could use them calmly.

The enemy who was peeping in the dark obviously knew Tang Zhen's plan, but was even more angry because of it.

Two consecutive waves of attacks were easily resolved by Demon City, which was simply a slap in the face.

The more arrogant he was before, the more embarrassing he is now.

If this matter spreads, it will definitely become a laughing stock and lose face in the abyss.

The more I think about it, the more annoyed I become. It can be said that new and old hatreds are superimposed, and I can't wait to turn the magic city into ruins immediately.

Then drag all the defenders of the magic city into the abyss to torture them, and endure extreme pain all the time.

Of course, after the torture, they still have to be released to help him harvest the souls of the true spirit world.

Thinking of this, the Abyssal Demon God once again increased the wind, not believing that these saplings could block his divine power.

Seeing that the wind was picking up again, Tang Zhen frowned slightly, but soon smiled.

"Get up!"

Following the order, 28 demons appeared around the Demon City. They were hundreds of feet tall, and all of them had their backs to the Demon City at this moment.

These demons have no entity, and they are holding up a pot-shaped object, holding the entire demon city inside.

This cauldron is like a screen, covered with flowing runes, forming a mysterious pattern.

I don't know why, seeing this scene, I feel that the magic city is indestructible.

The defenders who were initially panicked due to the strong wind quickly calmed down at this moment.

It seems that with the barrier in front of me, there is no need to fear the attack of the strong wind.

Tang Zhen's operation did not stop, but continued to show his rich wealth to the enemy, taunting the enemy in this way.

Even with all kinds of means, I can calmly resolve it.

If you don't want to humiliate yourself, release the projection clone as soon as possible, and the two sides will start a real duel.

Along with the rapid roar, the strong wind has rushed to the front of the Demon City, and was first blocked by the forest of flesh and blood.

Although the magic tree was bent by the wind and its branches and leaves were shaking wildly, there was no sign of breaking.

In the flesh and blood forest, green light was released, and the strong wind was significantly weakened.

Immediately afterwards, the earth shook, and stone tablets rose from the ground, which were also covered with mysterious runes.

From the top of these steles, a mysterious force field was also released to dispel this terrifying gust of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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