I have a city in another world

Chapter 4932: Kill the Demon God’s clone!

Chapter 4932: Kill the Demon God’s clone!

The light spear in Tang Zhen's hand is no ordinary magic weapon. The raw material comes from the beginning of the creation of a world.

Whenever the heaven and earth first opened, there would be the power of chaos, entangled and gathered chaotic rules, becoming indescribable objects.

These chaotic items themselves are the source of terrible disasters, which can cause great harm to the world's creatures.

As the rules of heaven and earth are established, these disaster items will be digested or suppressed deep in the earth's veins.

Once it reappears in the world, it will cause a huge disaster.

It just so happens that there are powerful monks who like such items the most and will try their best to find and dig them out.

After you get it, you will try your best to forge and refine it until it becomes a terrifying forbidden weapon of doom.

A weapon of misfortune like this would never appear in the world easily, and the world could not even be informed of its existence.

Otherwise, if a thought flashes, it may be sensed and appear, and then launch an indiscriminate attack.

Such a terrifying weapon of doom has now appeared in Tang Zhen's hands and is used to deal with the Abyss Demon God.

Both sides are taboos, and they are still mobile disasters, but now they are forced to collide together.

In order to kill the Abyss Demon God, Tang Zhen would do anything.

But in the blink of an eye, this rune light spear hit the Abyssal Demon God, followed by a painful roar.

The rules of the Doom Weapon start to take effect after hitting the target, and the chaotic rules quickly have an impact.

The projection clone of the Abyss Demon God actually had deep cracks appearing at this moment, and stone powder dropped like a weather-beaten building.


Crisp sounds came one after another.

As the Abyss Demon God moved, pieces of his body continued to fall down, and soon became dilapidated.

As if the skin and flesh were incomplete, revealing the skeleton of the internal organs.

In the area hit by the doom weapon, a large hole with a diameter of [-] meters appeared, and the strong wind blew up the dust.

"Ant, courting death!"

The Demon God of the Abyss stretched out his hand, fiercely pulled out the weapon of doom, and then clenched his fist fiercely.


With a loud noise, this weapon of doom was directly crushed.

But even so, he still couldn't get rid of the shackles of the iron chain and could only continue to struggle desperately.

Every time one of the chains is broken, more chains will condense and bind.

Suffering continuous heavy losses, the Abyss Demon God no longer had the confidence he had before, and even had a trace of fear.

I am worried that in this war, I will really be killed by Tang Zhen.

If the clone is killed, the main body will also be damaged and it will take a long time to recover.

If this is the case, the losses in this battle will be huge.

At this moment, he had realized that Tang Zhen was definitely no ordinary prey. Not only would he not let himself be slaughtered, he even had the ability to kill him.

Although it is impossible to fight against the original self, being able to hunt down the projection clone is already quite a feat.

This idea just came up, but Tang Zhen waved his hand again, and another object was thrown out.

Feeling the breath of the item, the Abyss Demon was startled again.

Another doom weapon!
Where did this damned ant get these things? There are not many things that can cause harm to the Abyssal Demon God, and the weapon of doom is one of them.

This weapon is difficult to obtain and each piece is extremely valuable.

But in Tang Zhen's hands, he was thrown out one after another as if he didn't need money.

He wanted to intercept and dodge, but these damn mud and stone chains tightly imprisoned his body.

Even if I try my best, I can't break free.

At this moment, he has seen that what binds him is not an ordinary chain, but also a weapon of doom.

The chains that seem to be condensed by the mud represent the bondage of the earth. Unless the entire earth can be destroyed, it is impossible to get rid of it.

This is the dominance of the doom weapon. It contains various rules inside, and it is difficult to fight and get rid of it.

If it were him, he would have the ability to fight, but he would need to use the power of rules.

The projected clone is here and can only passively withstand attacks.

He originally thought that the strength of the projection clone would be enough to deal with all situations.

The facts prove that the prey is far stronger than imagined.

The Abyss Demon God suffered heavy losses and had plans to evacuate, but he didn't want to lose it like this.

But the battlefield at this moment has been out of his control, and there is no way to evacuate at will.

But in an instant, another doom weapon hit the Abyssal Demon God, and his broken body seemed to melt.

"Ants, if you dare to hurt me, you will suffer tragic revenge!"

Seeing that the situation was critical, the Demon God of the Abyss actually threatened him, trying to make Tang Zhen hesitate to attack.

Using such means is enough to prove his guilty conscience.

Tang Zhen had planned to kill the opponent from the beginning, so how could he be afraid of such a threat?

After hearing this, he immediately showed disdain.

"Intensify the attack and use full firepower!"

Following Tang Zhen's order, various weapons fired at the same time, all targeting the Abyssal Demon God ahead.

Being able to attack the Abyss Demon God with one's own hands is not something everyone can do. On a normal day, such an act would lead to death.

But at this moment, the Abyss Demon God could only be beaten passively and had no power to fight back.

The big and small monsters guarding the magic city knew this in their hearts, so they howled in excitement.

Today's battle is enough for them to brag about for a long time.

The same is true for the players. With the same thoughts as Tang Zhen, if they can kill the Abyss Demon God, it is definitely a record worth showing off.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen took out another doom weapon.

At this time, we must take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, absolutely not giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

If the Abyss Demon God is allowed to escape, it will only cause more trouble, and it will also have no deterrent effect.

The Demon God of the Abyss was attacked, but he didn't know what Tang Zhen was thinking, so he became even more angry.

This group of damn ants actually want to kill God. Where do they get the courage and courage?
In the view of the Abyss Demon God, as long as he attacks, the prey will have no choice but to die.

If you dare to disobey, you will be punished more severely and end up with a fate worse than death.

But in the Demon City, he became the target of bullying, and his face was trampled and rubbed under his feet.

Seeing the clones constantly collapsing, the Abyss Demon God became more and more frightened, roaring and issuing threats.

Waves of demonic thoughts were like tides, launching a mental attack on the defenders of the magic city, causing them to fall into terror.

If you cannot withstand this kind of attack, you will eventually lose your mind and will completely lose your fighting spirit.

In past battles, countless prey collapsed due to attacks from demonic thoughts.

They gave up their resistance and let the Abyss Demon God slaughter them.

When the demonic thoughts struck, many defenders were indeed attacked and fell into a state of panic and confusion.

They were shaking all over, or yelling like crazy, and many of them were incontinent on the spot.

The smell of urine spread wantonly.

It was only ordinary monsters that were frightened, but the players in Loucheng were not affected much and continued to attack with curses.

Suffering heavy injuries one after another, the Abyssal Demon God is already weak and is about to collapse.

By this time, he had determined that he had no way to reverse the outcome and would inevitably fall outside the Demonic City today.

"If my avatar falls, you will be punished too!"

The Demon God of the Abyss roared again and launched a final wave of attacks, cursing all the defenders of the Demon City.

As the curse was issued, the body of the Abyss Demon God instantly disintegrated, and then turned into strands of black matter.

This strange substance actually penetrated the protective circle and landed on all the guardians of the magic city.

On the surface of their bodies, there are clear demon marks, which means that they have become the prey of the abyssal demon god.

In the days to come, the Abyss Demon God will attack at any time.

Once this kind of mark appears, there is no way to erase it, and it will last until death.

Including Tang Zhen, there are also marks appearing.

Looking at the panicked players, Tang Zhen smiled and shook his head, and said in a calm tone: "There is no need to panic, as long as we kill this Abyss Demon God, the curse will naturally be eliminated.

Don’t worry, He won’t live long! "

(End of this chapter)

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