I have a city in another world

4933 Temporary Victory

4933 Temporary Victory

The abyssal demon god who took the initiative to attack was finally beheaded smoothly. Even if it was just a projection of a clone, it was still a great victory.

This tragic battle is qualified to be written into the history of the development of Loucheng, so that those who come after will watch and remember it.

Watching the demon god disintegrate and shatter, thunderous cheers broke out inside the demon city, and the sound of laughter echoed continuously in the sky.

Although the guards were all branded by the abyssal demons, they didn't have much impact.

Even the clone of the Abyss Demon God was forcibly killed on the battlefield, so why should he care about the opponent's revenge curse.

Not to mention that such a curse is not without a solution, as long as the Abyss Demon God is killed, it will be automatically eliminated.

Before killing them, other methods can also be used to suppress them. Abyssal Demon God's avatar did not kill them, so could a retaliatory curse do it?

The war is won, and the next step is to clean up the battlefield.

Players bring a large number of demons and wander in the wilderness where there are mountains of corpses, recycling various materials and equipment that can be used.

The most valuable item is the remains of the Abyss Demon God, which contains a large amount of magical substances.

It can be refined to produce high-quality potions, or various weapons and equipment.

The living abyssal demon god makes the enemy feel fear and uneasiness, but the fallen demon god is just material.

However, this kind of flesh and blood material is harmful and useless before refining, so it must be handled carefully.

The monsters swarmed up, dug up the corpse of the demon god from the mud ruins, and then divided it with knives, axes, saws and files.

The wreckage is too large and there are many useless parts, which must be cleaned and removed.

Then they were pulled on their shoulders, or put on a cart, and sent into the magic city one after another.

During the transportation, the big and small monsters laughed and felt honored to be able to carry the remains of the demon god.

There are also monsters salivating, secretly aiming at the demon god's remnant body, and gnawing a few mouthfuls viciously.

In the eyes of these low-level demons, the remains of the Abyss Demon God are simply a supreme delicacy.

Although players have been told not to swallow the body of the demon god casually, there are still many demons who can't control their mouths.

After they were devoured, their alienation reactions appeared soon, and each of them vomited and dizzy.

There are also some unlucky monsters with tentacles and eyes all over their bodies, and the growth state looks extremely strange.

Whenever such a monster appears, the player will order his companions to help remove it. The method is simple and brutal.

All the proliferating organs were removed by pulling or digging with a knife. During this period, no anesthesia was given, and the demons screamed in pain.

One by one was dripping with blood, lying on the ground and rolling around, it took a long time to recover.

What seems to be cruel behavior is actually treatment. Otherwise, if these organs are allowed to grow, sooner or later they will lose their lives and become puppets controlled by the Abyss Demon.

Most of the corpses of other monsters have become fertilizer in the flesh and blood forest, but the equipment they carried has remained.

There are also hard objects such as bones and teeth, which are also recyclable high-quality materials, which can be used to create various weapons and armor.

In this defensive war, Demon City paid a heavy price, but the spoils were even more abundant.

However, only the victors are entitled to such rich rewards, and the losers not only get nothing, but even risk their own lives.

While reaping the loot, you also need to maintain a high degree of vigilance to prevent the revenge attack of the Abyssal Demon God.

Only the clone was killed, and the main body was still safe and sound, with the ability to strike again.

However, the chances of this happening are extremely slim.

Although he is a veteran abyssal demon god, suffering such a heavy injury will inevitably hurt his vitality.

It will take a while to recover.

Not to mention this war, Tang Zhen opened a whirlpool that absorbed souls, making it impossible for the enemy's millions of demons to come back.

Not only did he die in this battle, but his soul could not return to his territory. From now on, he would take root in the Demon City and reincarnate.

The material that made up the Abyss Demon God also failed to escape, and the source of divine power that overflowed and disintegrated was absorbed.

Under normal circumstances, although the defeated demon will suffer losses, it can still recover most of its power.

This time it was different. The Abyss Demon God lost all his money, and not a trace of his divine power was recovered.

I believe that at this moment, he would be furious, hating Tang Zhen and Mo Cheng in his heart.

The retained divine power must be handed over to the mutated tree demon. Once successfully refined and absorbed, the realm of strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Before the war, due to safety concerns, the mutated tree demons were forced to run away to escape, but the rewards they gained were enough to make up for the losses.

However, this trophy will also make the mutant tree demon's situation more dangerous. The Abyss Demon God will definitely do his best to retaliate and hunt down it.

In the following days, the mutated dryad still had to avoid it everywhere, and it was absolutely impossible to relax for a moment.

Once the mutant tree demon is killed, today's victory will be a joke, and Tang Zhen will lose completely.

But avoiding hunting around is not a long-term solution after all, we must find a way to solve the problem from the root.

Otherwise, no matter whether it is the mutated dryad or the guardian of the magic city, they will always be threatened by each other.

Maybe at some point, you will be attacked in retaliation and lose your life in a confused way.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days. In order to avoid heavy losses, Tang Zhen must take the initiative to attack.

Only by killing the enemy can you gain stability.

Although he is aware of this point, it is quite difficult to do it. Unless the Abyss Demon God takes the initiative to show up, there is no possibility of attacking the opponent.

The situation where the enemy is in darkness and we are in the clear is indeed very difficult to deal with.

Inside the abyss of the underworld, the mutated dryad is the target to be hunted down, and the old monk's body may not be able to help.

But outside of the abyss, Tang Zhen didn't need to be afraid of the opponent, especially after winning this battle, he had become more confident.

If you choose to fight a strong enemy, you must learn to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses. Since you have an advantage outside the abyss, you must continue to maintain it.

How to control the Abyssal Demon God and let the opponent obediently take the bait, this is what Tang Zhen needs to consider.

Under normal circumstances, the other party will definitely not be fooled, unless there are special means to force the other party to take the bait.

With this idea in mind, Tang Zhen began to search on the cornerstone platform.

Whenever he encounters a problem, as long as he searches carefully on the cornerstone platform, he can often find a suitable solution.

I hope that this time, I can get my wish.

In the following time, Tang Zhen searched for ways to defeat the enemy, and at the same time commanded and dealt with various matters in the magic city.

After searching for several days in a row, the ideal product never appeared on the platform, but Tang Zhen never gave up.

Things like this really can't be rushed. It's best to find it naturally. If you can't find it, there is no need to force it.

If you keep working hard, you will definitely find a solution to the problem.

However, during this period of time, the demons in the Demon City would die from time to time, and a large group of them would die.

The same is true for the players, without any warning, they suddenly fell to the ground and died.

Situations like this all occur outside the magic city.

Tang Zhen knew in his heart that this was the revenge of the Abyss Demon God, and now it was just the beginning.

In the future, when he recovers, he will definitely seize every opportunity to launch a crazy attack on the magic city.

For such an approach, Tang Zhen felt contemptuous, but he was helpless.

We can only order to be more careful, to reduce actions outside the city as much as possible, and not to give the Abyssal Demon God a chance to succeed.

But in this way, it will affect the construction of the magic city, and it will also make the players feel extremely aggrieved.

Not to mention the limited volume of the magic city, it is impossible to accommodate too many monsters, but after a great battle, the reborn monsters sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Today, the Magic City is overcrowded inside and outside, and the problem must be solved as soon as possible.

Players cannot leave the city and can only stare blankly at this moment.

Although the war was won and the Demonic City was successfully defended, it was now reduced to a trapped beast in a cage.

(End of this chapter)

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