I have a city in another world

4934--Andrew Mandatory Summoning Rule Runes

4934--Andrew Mandatory Summoning Rule Runes

A new day has come and everything in Loucheng is in order.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would think that they had strayed into the mortal world, but every plant and tree showed the atmosphere of the fairy family everywhere.

Loucheng is different from the practicing sect in that it pays more attention to the smell of fireworks, and the residents are by no means disciples of the sect.

In many cases, identity is the biggest constraint, and people are trapped in rules and regulations.

Only after getting rid of identity can we get real freedom.

Tang Zhen knew this, otherwise he would try his best to avoid it, lest he and the residents would be uncomfortable.

Since being sent to the real spirit world and hiding in the valley, cultivation has become the main work of the residents of Loucheng.

In order to encourage Loucheng residents, Tang Zhen set up many reward mechanisms so that they can personally experience the benefits of improving their strength.

Whether it is the environment of Loucheng or the generous reward mechanism, they are urging the residents of Loucheng to practice hard.

Unknowingly, a virtuous cycle is formed.

Today's residents all know that having strong strength is the capital to settle down and live.

Diligence is bound to be rewarded. What tomorrow will look like depends on how hard you work today.

From the day they joined Loucheng, the residents have been instilled with the correct concept and know that they should be responsible for their own future.

In addition to spiritual practice, the daily life of Loucheng residents is also very rich, and various associations have been established one after another.

There are various places built inside the building for residents to have fun and entertainment, as well as extremely beautiful mountains, rivers and lakes.

If you are interested, you can also go boating on the inland sea and fish for monsters in the ocean.

After catching it, it is sent to the restaurant, where it is processed by the chef, and then you can invite friends to have a drink with you.

The abundant energy of heaven and earth makes everything inside the building city beautiful. If you are used to seeing the scenery here, when you look at the outside world, it is completely deserted.

Living here, I am happy to miss Shu.

In a tavern in Loucheng, a group of idle residents were chatting, and the conversation was all related to the battle in the Demon City.

Residents have learned the details of the battle through live broadcast and video before, and are excited about the victory of this war.

I also feel regretful that I was not able to personally participate in the war.

As for the participants in person, now they have something to talk about, and they will also enjoy envious eyes when talking about this matter.

The victory this time is enough to prove that the strength of Loucheng is rapidly improving. As residents of Loucheng, they naturally feel very honorable and proud.

The residents of Loucheng have a strong sense of belonging and are eager to develop and grow Loucheng. It has always been smooth sailing along the way.

They rejoiced when Loucheng won the war, but when Loucheng encountered a crisis, they naturally felt extremely worried.

At this moment, the residents of Lou City were discussing how to solve the crisis in the Demon City, and they all came forward with suggestions and suggestions.

Although many methods are unreliable, the attitude is very serious.

Limited by vision and insight, residents can't provide very good solutions, some of which are completely whimsical.

But Tang Zhen was beside him, still listening with gusto.

Instead of thinking hard behind closed doors, it is better to let the problem out for discussion, and maybe you can get a good solution.

It cannot solve the problem, but it can also enhance residents’ sense of participation.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was naturally going out in disguise, so as not to make himself and the residents feel restrained.

Although he has an approachable attitude on weekdays, his identity is still an obstacle that cannot be ignored.

After the residents saw him, the first thought in their minds was his identity as the city lord.

Since there is such a trouble, it is natural to find ways to avoid it.

In the past period of time, Tang Zhen had been doing this every day, wandering around the city after disguising himself.

Tang Zhen regards this method as a relaxing activity and enjoys it every day.

After finishing the glass of fruit wine, Tang Zhen stood up and left, slowly wandering around the streets and parks.

Looking at the sea of ​​flowers and flowing water, the birds playing and the fish swimming, I immediately feel refreshed.

The residents of Loucheng passed by here with happy smiles on their faces, which made Tang Zhen feel more and more relaxed.

Although the Demon City was in crisis, it did not affect Lou City, which was why Tang Zhen was able to remain calm.

Looking at the current situation, we can see that he has plenty of time and can slowly solve this difficult problem.

However, the longer it is delayed, the greater the impact will be, and it may even cause the Magic City to be unable to open normally.

The abyss demon who is stimulated will definitely find ways to retaliate, and tourists who enter the demon city will definitely not be spared.

They are more fragile, and it is estimated that as long as they have a thought, they will die in an instant.

Once this kind of thing happens, it will have a serious impact on the magic city and damage the reputation that has been hard-won.

But if it is closed for a long time, it will also affect the magic city and destroy the planned development plan.

Tang Zhen pondered all the way and finally returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

After drinking a cup of refreshing tea and logging into the Cornerstone platform again, Tang Zhen started his daily shopping.

This time against the Abyssal Demon God, Tang Zhen's accumulated items showed great power, not only avoiding a lot of losses, but also boosting the morale of the residents of Loucheng by the way.

The mutated tree demon in the abyss also benefited a lot from it.

After receiving the benefits, he became more motivated and decided to increase his browsing time by an hour every day.

This time, in less than a minute, Tang Zhen's eyes widened with a hint of surprise on his face.

At this moment, a product appeared on the cornerstone platform, and the introduction above made Tang Zhen feel excited.

[Rule rune, compulsory summoning.Cast on the designated target, no matter where the opponent is, they will be forcibly summoned a fifth clone, and each world can only be used once. 】

After seeing the detailed introduction of the product, Tang Zhen immediately realized that this was something tailor-made for him.

It is indeed a cornerstone platform, and it is really powerful at critical moments.

If he makes good use of it and kills the summoned avatar, it will definitely cause heavy damage to the Abyssal Demon God.

After the operation is successful, even if the opponent is immortal, he will not be able to affect the Demon City in the short term.

If done correctly, the mutated tree demon can even kill the opponent.

It is still too early to consider eradicating the roots, but the Magic City crisis can definitely be solved.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen bought the talismans without hesitation, and there were five in total.

You can tell from the number of runes that this is the rhythm to kill the enemy.

The premise is that the five runes are continuously activated, and each time they can kill the target clone, otherwise they can only cause heavy damage to the enemy.

If that were the case, it would be a waste of the talisman.

The regular talismans are powerful, but not everyone can use them, and they can backfire on themselves if they are not careful.

The demon that was forcibly summoned was in a state of being forcibly divided and knew exactly what happened to it.

Facing the enemy who entraps him, he must be full of anger in his heart, and will do his best to kill the opponent.

It should be known that the summoner never dies, and the one who dies is the Abyssal Demon God. Faced with this life-or-death situation, the summoned will definitely do everything they can to die.

Having fought against the Demon God of the Abyss before, Tang Zhen did not dare to look down upon him after seeing the opponent's methods.

Being able to kill him smoothly was all due to Tang Zhen's many cards in the hole, and he caught the opponent by surprise.

There was also a weapon of doom that was directly destroyed by the Abyss Demon, which was considered a considerable loss.

If it were any other sect, the chances of winning against this kind of attack from the abyssal demon god would be very slim.

Tang Zhen dared to take the initiative to attack, relying on the cornerstone platform, otherwise he would avoid it if he was afraid of it.

This time, using the rule talisman to forcibly summon the abyssal demon god to descend, it still needs to be well prepared.

The summons from the underworld was okay, but at worst, he copied the previous routine again and was able to kill the Abyss Demon God for the first time. This time there was still no problem.

And this time, the initiative was in Tang Zhen's hands, and he could activate it at any time, leaving the Abyssal Demon God with no time to prepare.

If you fight in a hurry, you will definitely not be able to do your best, and the chances of being defeated will increase again.

But if it is placed in the real spirit world, this matter becomes very difficult to handle.

Because in the real spirit world, Loucheng's power is almost non-existent. Although Demon City has cultivated some envoys, it is still difficult for them to be of great use.

(End of this chapter)

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