I have a city in another world

Chapter 4935 Layout, plan for 1 stone and 2 birds!

Chapter 4935 Layout, a plan to kill two birds with one stone!

The restrictions on the use of regular talismans made it impossible for Tang Zhen to use his full strength, otherwise he would just have to set up a battlefield in front of the demon city to beat the enemy to pieces.

However, nothing in this world is perfect, and things that are unsatisfactory are quite common.

Being able to set up the battlefield in advance, and then forcefully summon and kill the enemy, already exceeded Tang Zhen's expectations.

It would be a little too dissatisfied if he made further progress.

The development of Loucheng to this day has been entirely supported by the cornerstone platform, but we must not be dependent on it in our hearts.

All the previous support was just to help her grow up, and Tang Zhen already knew it well.

The things that should be given have been delivered, and it depends on how he operates in the next time.

Tang Zhen thought about it and decided to open a battlefield in front of the Demon City and summon the Abyss Demon God to give him a violent beating.

Weaken the opponent's strength, then continue to summon in the true spirit world, and continue to launch fatal blows.

After two consecutive rounds of attacks, coupled with the previous heavy damage, one can imagine the condition of the Abyss Demon God.

When that time comes, Tang Zhen will find ways to continue hunting down the Abyss Demon God.

Don't give the opponent a chance to breathe until you kill it or severely injure it, and you will no longer be able to pose a threat to the Demon City.

After making the decision, Tang Zhen immediately took action.

The players in the magic city once again received the war order, and everything was carried out according to the previous deployment.

The players who received the order guessed that they might be fighting against the Abyssal Demon God, and all of them couldn't help being extremely excited.

The last battle was a hearty one for them, and they would still recall the scene from time to time.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the Abyss Demon God dared to provoke and seek death again. Could it be that the last time was not enough?
The players at this time did not know that Tang Zhen had the means to summon the Abyss Demon God, and it was not that the other party initiated the attack.

Of course, there is no need to disclose this kind of thing publicly to avoid being known by the Abyss Demon God.

With the means the other party has, if they want to monitor the Demon City, it will be effortless.

Maybe one of the demons has been quietly controlled by the other party and turned into an undercover puppet.

This kind of thing is inevitable, so naturally there is no need to pay attention to it.

There have been players before who were controlled by the consciousness of the Abyss Demon God, but they failed in the end.

After this incident, players were particularly careful.

Following Tang Zhen's order, the Demon City became busy again, and a large number of weapons were redeployed outside the city.

In the process of setting up the battlefield, they were attacked by the Abyss Demon God again, and many demons and players died suddenly.

At this moment, the Abyss Demon God may not be aware of Tang Zhen's plan, and his attacks against the players and demons are just revenge.

Only He himself knows that there is currently no attack plan, so he will not associate this operation with himself.

If the Abyss Demon God knew the truth and knew that Tang Zhen had the rules and talisman to force summoning, he would definitely do his best to destroy and stop it.

When the magic city was deployed, Tang Zhen turned his attention to the real spirit world.

If you want to effectively attack the enemy, you must ensure the continuity of your actions. It is best to conduct the summons of the Abyss Demon God continuously.

However, Tang Zhen did not have a suitable helper in the true spirit world.

After some deduction, Tang Zhen set his sights on the True Spirit Race, and wanted to use their hands to kill the Abyss Demon God.

The true spirit race has a profound heritage, and there is no shortage of strong men in the tribulation stage. In terms of realm, they are on par with the demon god's clone.

The upper limit of the true spirit world is crossing the catastrophe, and the demon god avatar who descended cannot break through this limit.

However, at the same level, the Abyss Demon God, who is thousands of feet tall, can fight against ten monks who are in the tribulation stage without falling behind.

The huge and terrifying size and the fierce and strange source of power give him an advantage in the battle.

A cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period can't help but have the demon god clone, but more than ten are enough to pose a fatal threat.

If twenty tribulation-transcending monks are gathered together to hunt down the Abyss Demon God, they will definitely be able to ensure that the opponent never comes back.

The prerequisite for this operation is that the other party agrees to attack.

If you want a tribulation monk to help you, you will have to pay a high price, and it depends on whether the other party is willing to take action.

The biggest goal of monks in the tribulation period is to successfully overcome the tribulation, and they have little interest in other things.

Most of the powerful existences like this are in retreat and rarely appear in the outside world.

It is not easy to get the other party to take action.

It would take at least several hundred monks to switch to the void-returning realm, which might cause a lot of casualties.

Unless he had no choice, Tang Zhen would not make this choice, lest a good thing would turn into a bad thing.

In fact, Tang Zhen still has a choice, which is to use a combination of technological weapons and some forbidden weapons.

Following the pattern of the Demon City, one can still kill the Abyss Demon.

But in that case, all his trump cards would be exposed, which was definitely not the result Tang Zhen wanted.

In order to ensure the upgrade of the building city, Tang Zhen will inevitably be hostile to the true spirit race, and the less powerful cards are exposed, the better.

Not to mention that cooperation with the True Spirit Race is also a way to paralyze the other party, making them mistakenly believe that the strength of the Demon City is limited, and relax their vigilance because of the benefits.

Previously, the special envoy of the White Ape Clan reached an agreement with the Demon City to send a team into the Demon City to purchase once a year.

All precious commodities in the Demon City will be traded without any restrictions, and the True Spirit Race will also pay the corresponding spirit stones.

This kind of special treatment is definitely not available to ordinary tourists. It is a kind of sincerity expressed by the Magic City.

The True Spirits benefited and gained face, so they acquiesced in the existence of the Demon God.

Otherwise, the main reason is that there is still no suitable means to solve the hidden dangers of the Demon City safely and worry-free.

If they could do it, how could they give up this huge benefit based on their greed?
Although the compromise has been negotiated, the major true spirit races have not implemented it. They must be discussing statistics and confirming the various materials needed.

When the statistics are over, the True Spirit Clan purchasing group will inevitably arrive.

Tang Zhen is going to contact the White Ape Tribe, invite them to participate in the operation, and notify other True Spirit races.

If you are willing to participate in the action and kill the Abyss Demon God, you will have a chance to obtain the remains of the slain Demon God.

Each participating tribulation monk will also receive an auxiliary tribulation item, an extremely yin magnet produced in the underworld.

Once this rare metal mineral leaves the underworld, it will display special power.

If you leak a trace of breath, you will be bombarded by five thunders until you are completely destroyed.

The priority when attacking is even higher than that of the tribulation monks.

If this kind of item is released and the seal is lifted when the monk is crossing the catastrophe, it will definitely attract the attack of the thunder catastrophe.

The sky thunders that can overcome the tribulation are not endless, but have a limited number. If a few thunders are sucked away at a critical moment, the chance of a monk successfully overcoming the tribulation can be greatly increased.

A treasure like this will definitely be able to hook the minds of the monks who have crossed the catastrophe and let them participate in this operation.

If none of these benefits can tempt the True Spirit Tribulation cultivators, Tang Zhen will have no choice but to find other methods.

After sending the message, you just need to wait for the other party to respond.

While waiting, Tang Zhen still had to look for a battlefield to find a burial place for the Abyss Demon God.

In terms of battlefield selection, there is not much attention, and any barren mountain or valley can meet the needs.

Tang Zhen must take advantage of such a good opportunity.

The second-level sect resident in another state capital that secretly captured the monks of the Demon City seemed to be a very good choice.

Once a war breaks out here, not only will the Abyss Demon God be killed, but the second-level sect will also be razed to the ground.

Killing the Abyss Demon God and punishing the provocateur by the way is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Although the journey is a bit long, for the Tribulation Monk, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Those tribulation monks knew very well that Tang Zhen was using a borrowed knife to kill someone, but they didn't care about it at all.

So what about the second-level sects, in the eyes of the True Spirit Race, they are just a group of ants.

If the goal can be achieved, what can be done by sacrificing it?
(End of this chapter)

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