I have a city in another world

Chapter 4936 The action begins, the demon god is terrified!

Chapter 4936 The action begins, the demon god is terrified!

The message Tang Zhen sent out quickly received a response.

The White Apes responded to the message, being very interested in the reward, and said they would help contact other true spirit races.

They will do their best to help facilitate this.

Negotiation and communication take time, and the final decision will be delivered in two days.

Although there was no clear response, Tang Zhen knew very well that the True Spirit Race had actually decided to participate in this matter.

Making the final decision after two days is just a trick of the other party, who wants to take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the Magic City.

The True Spirit Tribe participated in this operation not only to gain benefits, but also to take the opportunity to learn about the Demon City.

Even if there is no invitation from the magic city, after the demons appear this time, it is necessary for the true spirit race to eradicate them.

As the guardians of the true spirit world, it is their responsibility to clean up the invading demons.

At the same time, the other party confirmed again that the demon appeared in the real spirit world. Was it deliberately summoned by the Demon City?
If that were the case, the situation would be completely different.

Perhaps from this moment on, the Demon City will become the source of disaster in the eyes of the True Spirit Race, and they will try their best to destroy it.

For such questioning, Demon City will definitely not admit it, only saying that these monsters fled to the real spirit world.

The demon city is only clearing them away to protect the safety of the real spirit world, and because of its special status, it is able to predict the arrival of demons in advance.

Regardless of whether outsiders believe it or not, Magic City always insists on this statement.

The true spirit race may not believe what the demon city said, but as long as their own interests are not affected, they will still observe and forbear.

The point is that until now, they haven't found an effective way to restrain the Demon City, and they have a need for the Demon City.

Demon City is a fat pig in their eyes. They should be raised slowly at first and then killed when it becomes fat.

Things in this world are never black and white, and the judge himself may be the greatest evil.

Tang Zhen knew this very well, but he still had to pretend to be confused on the surface.

After confirming that the True Spirit Race would participate in this matter, Tang Zhen began the final preparations to ensure that no unexpected incidents would occur during the operation.

Sure enough, two days later, Tang Zhen received a notification from the White Ape Clan that all participants in the operation were in place.

Tang Zhen provided the coordinates, and they would go there one after another.

However, there were still some mistakes in this matter, which were different from previous expectations.

Originally, Tang Zhen's plan was to gather twenty cultivators to cross the catastrophe, so that he could guarantee to kill the Abyssal Demon God.

But the final number of participants actually reached 26, all of whom were monks from different races.

If the number of monks participating in the war exceeds the limit, it means that more remuneration must be paid, which is not a good thing for the Demon City.

However, the White Ape Clan said that the number of participants cannot be reduced, otherwise it will lead to a shortage of manpower.

This behavior of the True Spirit Race is actually equivalent to a threat. If Demon City does not pay more price, this time the plan to slay the demons will not be successful.

This may be a temptation, but it also represents the arrogance of the true spirit race.

It is also enough to show that the reward given by Tang Zhen is extremely attractive to the True Spirit Race.

Otherwise, these tribulation monks would not have acted almost rogue and forced Tang Zhen to make a choice.

When Tang Zhen got the reply, he just chuckled and said there was no problem.

Although he had to pay a higher price, the Demon City could fully afford it. As long as he could complete his plan to kill the Abyss Demon God, he would agree to any harsher conditions.

The domineering behavior of the true spirit race was secretly remembered by Tang Zhen, and he would definitely get it back doubled if he had the opportunity in the future.

Everything was negotiated, and then we waited for the action to start.

Magic City, Wilderness.

Players and monsters are all in place, ready to kill the enemy.

At this time, a beam of light appeared, rushing directly into the sky of the underworld, and then turned into a huge whirlpool.

I don't know where the whirlpool is connected, but it exudes a terrifying atmosphere, making people feel like looking directly into the abyss of hell.

In fact, this is the case. The other end of the vortex is connected to the abyss of the underworld.

Thick rune chains emerged from the ground and flew into the air, sinking into the depths of the huge whirlpool in the blink of an eye.

Then there was an angry roar from the whirlpool.

The audience saw in astonishment that a super giant was pulled out from the other end of the vortex by chains.

Looking at the opponent's appearance, he knew that it was indeed the abyss monster who attacked the city last time, exuding an aura of destruction.

But this time, the Abyssal Demon God showed a state of panic, which was completely different from the madness and arrogance of the previous siege.

The Abyssal Demon God was really confused, and he couldn't figure it out, why did this happen?

He didn't do anything, just rested and recovered in the abyss, and was dragged out of the magic city by the rune chains.

During this period, he wanted to get rid of it, but he felt the powerful power of rules, which made him feel small like an ant.

That is the true power of a god, and it is definitely not comparable to that of a false god like him. It is like an ant facing a giant dragon.

The gap between the two sides is like the stars and the universe.

Such a powerful being, and the extraordinary means displayed by him, are by no means comparable to a poor creature like him in the abyss.

If it were a true god, how could it be possible that he could not help himself and be trapped in the abyss, unable to leave?

The demon gods are more like a group of parasites, gathering in the abyss, constantly stealing nutrients to grow, but they think they are omnipotent.

Today, he finally realized what true panic and despair are.

The unknown powerful existence actually split his demonic body into five parts and forcibly pulled one of them out of the abyss.

It wasn't the avatar that descended, but the main body was dragged out of the abyss, and one-fifth of it was cut off abruptly.

However, the main body is still intact, and one-fifth of the cut away is also in a complete form, as if an abyssal demon god has become two.

At this moment, the Abyss Demon God was filled with panic and had no idea what was going on.

In the past when he was defeated in the Demon City and the projection clone was killed, the Abyssal Demon God had already sensed that something was wrong.

He has a vague feeling that the background of the magic city is not simple, and this time he may have found the wrong prey.

Although I have this speculation, it does not affect my revenge plan. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely take revenge.

But at this moment, the Abyss Demon God no longer had any thoughts of revenge, and was filled with fear and uneasiness.

Facts are enough to prove that he did choose the wrong prey and provoked a terrifying existence.

In the face of such a powerful existence, it is not easy to survive, so how dare you have the intention of revenge?
At this moment, the Abyssal Demon God just wanted to escape quickly, and had no intention of recovering the split body at all.

He was afraid that if he continued to hesitate, the remaining demon body would be divided and taken away.

When the Abyss Demon God escaped, the remaining body of the Demon God that was dragged into the front of the Demon City was still roaring and screaming.

As one-fifth of his body, his thoughts were also copied, and he was equally frightened and inexplicable at this moment.

The main body is in the abyss, and he can escape far away when things are not going well, but he does not have such an opportunity.

Looking at the demon city defenders who had been prepared to attack crazily after his arrival, the Abyss Demon God let out a desperate roar.

"Who is it, who is hurting me?"

Actively provoking and attacking, trying to control the abyss demon god who destroyed the demon city, acting like an innocent victim.

However, everyone knew that this guy deserved what he deserved, and he deserved to be hacked into pieces.

The desperate roar at this moment cannot hide the ferocity of the triumphant moment. If this guy is allowed to escape today, he will definitely launch a crazy revenge.

He must be killed, either you die or I die!

Suddenly suffering a full-force blow, and being restrained by rune chains, the Abyss Demon God was in extremely bad condition.

Facing the storm-like offensive, the Abyssal Demon God had no way to withstand it, but in a short period of time, the thousand-foot demon's body was riddled with holes.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the Demon God of the Abyss tried his old trick again, sacrificing himself once again to release the curse.

When Tang Zhen, who was watching the battle, saw this, he immediately used his killing move, and three weapons of doom flew out at the same time.

With a scream, the Abyss Demon instantly disintegrated and turned into broken flesh and blood all over the ground.

The stench is astounding, and the headwind is hundreds of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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