I have a city in another world

4937--Andrew Abyss Demon God of Fear and Despair

4937--Andrew Abyss Demon God of Fear and Despair

There were no accidents in the battle outside the magic city.

The clone of the Abyssal Demon God was forcefully killed by the defenders of the Demon City, permanently losing one-fifth of his demon body.

Such a serious trauma is by no means comparable to the destruction of the doppelganger, and the loss suffered is even more serious.

Losing the projection avatar is equivalent to being beaten up, and the damage received can also be recovered.

The destruction of the body hurts the origin, which is equivalent to having the hands and feet cut off. It cannot be restored by simple cultivation.

Such a heavy loss is enough to make the Abyssal Demon God collapse and become rampant.

However, the current Abyss Demon God did not dare to have any thoughts of revenge. Instead, he desperately tried to avoid and escape in the abyss.

Being targeted by an unknown and terrifying existence made him feel confused and frightened. He had never felt this way before.

Even at this moment, when I feel that part of my body has been destroyed, I just scream in my heart.

Even though he was extremely resentful, he had no choice but to think of revenge.

I'm afraid that if I have such thoughts, I will be sensed by the other party again, and then suffer even more brutal revenge.

Such monsters bully the weak and fear the strong. If they seize the opportunity, they will definitely devour their prey until no bones are left.

But if the enemy is too strong, he will run away decisively without any hesitation.

According to the Abyss Demon God's idea, as long as he runs fast enough, he may be able to avoid being targeted for attack.

But not long after, he suddenly felt that another mysterious force was locking himself.

This force is no stranger to him, it had locked him suddenly before, and then ripped off one-fifth of his body abruptly.

Now that this kind of power has come to him again, will what happened before continue to happen again?

"Damn, why is it endless?"

Unspeakable fear arose in the heart of the Abyss Demon God, fearing that he would be torn into pieces.

Extreme fear cannot solve the problem. The more desperate you feel, the less hope you have.

The huge demon body was imprisoned again, and the heart-breaking tearing feeling once again came from inside the body.

"Who are you? Why do you do this to me?"

The Abyss Demon God roared and asked, but did not receive any response, just like he ignored the curses and accusations of the ants.

At this moment, the Demon God of the Abyss is also a ravaged ant, and he can only let himself be slaughtered obediently.

A huge vortex appeared, and rune chains flew towards him, quickly wrapping around his demon body.

With the wailing sound and the tugging of the rune chain, only four fifths of the demon god's body was left, and now another part was torn away.

Feeling the pain, the Abyss Demon God collapsed and prayed, but there was no response.

The demonic body bound by chains was quickly split into two, and the other copy was dragged into the whirlpool.

The Abyss Demon God could see clearly that at the other end of the whirlpool was the true spiritual world that he had visited before.

It was this world that made him aware of the existence of the Demon City, and he became greedy because of it.

He wants to take the magic city as his own and monopolize the resources of the real spirit world.

As an Abyss Demon God, it is normal to have such thoughts. The only thing to blame is his bad luck.

When starting to plunder, I didn't understand the background of the magic city and took action impatiently.

I deserve this calamity without any grievance.

The feeling of weakness came like a tide, filling the heart of the Abyss Demon God with regret, and hatred even erupted like a volcano.

There was nothing I could do, and I was filled with grief and anger.

When the restraining power disappeared, the Abyss Demon escaped again, this time he really tried his best.

He was even thinking about whether he should find a stronger demon and pay a certain price to seek refuge.

However, such an approach also requires taking huge risks, and it is likely to be swallowed up by the other party.

The abyss of the underworld has always been a place where the weak eat the strong, and there is no morality at all.

There will be no monsters who will lend a helping hand when they see you in trouble. Most of them will take advantage of you.

After devouring the demon god, the strength can be significantly improved, how can such a good thing be missed?
However, it is not easy to encounter such a thing. Knowing the dangers of the abyss of the underworld, the demons do not give their enemies a chance to take action.

But if you are forced to the end of your rope and have no other options, you still have to try no matter how dangerous it is.

After some time, the feeling of being destroyed came again.

The Abyss Demon God knew in his heart that the demon body that had just been pulled away by the chains was once again beheaded and destroyed.

Such a situation occurred, which was expected by him, but he still felt sad and frightened in his heart.

The continuous heavy losses caused his strength to be greatly damaged, and it was unknown how long it would take for him to recover again.

Originally, I could still rely on my strength to do things like bullying and expropriation, but now I no longer have any confidence.

Instead, be careful and guard against attacks from the enemy.

Especially the mutated tree demon who was threatened by him and fled to an unknown place will definitely find ways to seek revenge.

If before the accident happened, the Abyss Demon God would definitely not be afraid, and would even wish for the mutated tree demon to come and die.

When the time comes, suppress it and then devour and refine it.

But now, he is avoiding it for fear of being counterattacked by the mutated tree demon.

The mutant tree demon is not scary, it is just a rookie who has just entered the abyss, and is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the abyss demon.

However, the existence behind it made the Abyss Demon God so terrified that he did not dare to provoke him at all.

Not to mention that until now, He has no way to determine whether similar things will happen again.

If it comes three more times, he will definitely die.

Ever since he was forcibly summoned, the Abyssal Demon God has been in a state of panic and has endured the torment of days and years.

How did he know that Tang Zhen did have the ability to summon again, but unfortunately the existing conditions did not allow it.

The Summoning Rule Talisman can only be used once in each world. The two opportunities have been used up, and now there is no way to go to other worlds.

Otherwise, Tang Zhen would definitely take advantage of the victory to pursue and directly kill the Abyss Demon God, completely cutting off the hidden dangers from the abyss.

You can also take this opportunity to increase the strength of the mutated tree demon.

To kill the Abyss Demon God three times, Tang Zhen used the mysterious whirlpool, a special artifact obtained from the Cornerstone Platform.

Similar to the spirit-gathering array, it absorbs all energy and materials, gathers them, and stores them in an unknown space.

There is another item that is designed to release energy outwards, and it is now on the mutated tree demon.

When necessary, the mutated dryad will open the outlet, and then absorb the heterogeneous energy to its heart's content.

After smooth refining, it can help to improve the realm.

After all of them are absorbed, the strength of the mutated tree demon will soar again, and then it will be able to enter deeper into the abyss.

If given the chance, Tang Zhen would also control the mutated tree demon to hunt down the abyssal demon god.

Beat the dog in the water hard, so that the other party has no chance to stand up.

spirit world.

Tang Zhen was in Loucheng, commanding the siege remotely, and the scene of the battlefield was unobstructed before his eyes.

The remains of a giant monster, like a mountain, collapsed inside a sect.

Affected by the war, this sect was in dilapidated condition, and countless monks fell among the ruins.

There were no scars on the surface of the corpses, but their souls had actually been pulled out. It was the Abyss Demon God who harmed them, but the mutant tree demon who benefited in the end.

There were still some monks who were not dead, standing in the ruins in fear and despair, staring blankly at the scene in front of them.

The sudden disaster caught them off guard, and they didn't know why the disaster fell from the sky.

They wanted to question them, but facing a group of True Spirit Tribulation Tribulation experts, they didn't have the courage to speak.

In front of the true spirit race, the monks of the second-level sect are not worth mentioning at all.

In other words, outside of the true spirit race, all living beings are just ants, treated like pigs and dogs.

If you don't ask, you may be able to save your life, but if you ask, the entire sect may be destroyed.

Only the high-ranking monks of the sect had guessed the truth of the matter, and they were all ashen-faced and silent at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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