Barely stand firm

Tang Zhen borrowed a knife to kill someone, and the plan was implemented smoothly.

The ruined second-level sect, even if there is a backer behind it, would not dare to question the real spirit race Xingshi.

No matter how great their backing is, it is no bigger than a group of true spirit races.

The true spirit race involved in this matter should also know the backer behind this sect, but they still chose to participate in the action.

There is no reason for a group to be afraid of one. When it is about their own interests, what's the point of sacrificing a small second-level sect?

If it doesn't directly target the True Spirit race, it won't be a big deal, and there will always be solutions to the problem afterwards.

Hidden behind the second-level sect, the true spirit race that controls and arrests the monks of the Demon City is obviously very clear about what's going on here.

Therefore, during the operation, the opponent never showed up, acknowledging that this second-level sect was destroyed.

After this incident, Tang Zhen was not particularly clear whether the other party would give up.

However, according to the nature of the True Spirit Race, I am afraid that they will still be reluctant and continue to repeat the previous operations.

Other true spirit races may also acquiesce to this matter as compensation for this step back.

No matter when, the true spirit race is the same camp, and it is absolutely impossible for the magic city to blend into it.

Perhaps they also want to know the secrets about the cultivators of the Demon City, so they will silently provide a helping hand behind the scenes.

Of course, this matter must not be known to the magic city.

In the following days, they will continue to act, always keeping the Magic City in the dark.

Until one day, the secret of the magic city is figured out, and then a group of people attack it.

Tang Zhen is well aware of the plan of the true spirit race.

The other party wanted to plot against the Demon City, so why not him? Once he finds a suitable opportunity, he will definitely try his best to obtain the real treasure.

Building and city upgrades are more important than anything else.

For the True Spirit Race, the True Spirit Secret Treasure is their lifeblood, and Lou Cheng's desire to snatch this item is tantamount to an open declaration of war.

When that time comes, the honeymoon period will be over and both parties will completely fall out.

It is ridiculous to say that the arrogant and proud true spirit race actually regards the remains of the sacred beasts that harmed them as secret treasures, and continues to practice the secret technique that makes them puppets.

It seems powerful and brilliant, but in fact it is just a false phenomenon, and will eventually be picked by the mythical beasts.

However, all the true spirit races have been kept in the dark, and they haven't noticed any abnormalities for so many years.

Maybe someone discovered it, but had no chance to tell it. The mythical beast clan had set up a shocking scam, and it was impossible that no one would protect it and fix the leaks.

Tang Zhen knew the truth and once demonstrated it in front of the True Spirit Race monks, which shocked them beyond measure.

If the channel was not closed at that time, there was no way to return to the real spirit world from the lower world, and they would definitely convey the news back to their respective races.

If the news is really made public, it will definitely trigger an earthquake, enough to shock and collapse countless true spirit races.

Loucheng, which has a solution, will inevitably attract the attention of the true spirit race, and at the same time, it will also attract the hatred of the gods and beasts.

Tang Zhen deduced that this incident was a disaster rather than a blessing.

Regardless of the true spirit race or the mythical beast race, in order to achieve their own goals, they will inevitably use various destructive methods against Loucheng.

Obviously you are doing good deeds, but you will not be rewarded well, and you may even encounter disaster.

Tang Zhen can be sure of one thing, if Loucheng is attacked by alien races of divine beasts, there is a great possibility that the true spirit race will stand by and watch.

It is even possible to add insult to injury at a critical moment.

After all, in their cognition, the clan of divine beasts is their ancestors, and those with the blood of divine beasts are their descendants.

Once a battle occurs, he must help his ancestors, not an outsider like Lou Cheng.

The true spirit race is proud and conceited, but it is only aimed at ordinary creatures, but it is naturally humble when facing the gods and beasts.

Knowing this and knowing the bad nature of the True Spirit race, Tang Zhen naturally knew how to operate.

Never be a bad person, but end up cheating yourself.

After entering the true spirit world, he has been hiding the traces of Loucheng, and has not revealed the secrets of the mythical beast clan.

Detain the True Spirit race monks and suppress them in prison.

When his own strength is strong enough to resist the storm, Tang Zhen will use this secret to seek benefits for Lou Cheng.

Those True Spirit Race monks who were detained inside the building city and were unable to return would sooner or later be of great help to Tang Zhen.

Everything has been planned properly, and the next thing to do is to quietly wait for the operation.

Under the deliberate publicity of the Demon City, this battle soon became known to the world, and then caused a huge sensation.

Two consecutive second-level sects were turned into ruins because they offended the Demon City. Such a warning is enough to deter all parties.

Let everyone know that offending Demon City will not end well.

Although from the beginning to the end, Mocheng did not admit that this matter was related to him, but everyone knew what was going on.

It can be said that the outside world has mixed opinions on this matter. Many sect practitioners regard the magic city as a scourge.

These sects, big and small, are originally the same invisible camp, and they are in collusion with each other.

The magic city hurt their interests, so naturally they wouldn't have any good words.

As long as there is an opportunity, they will do their best to slander and demonize the Demon City as much as possible.

Trying to use this method to have an impact on the Demon City so that outsiders would not dare to enter easily.

The increase in the number of practitioners will inevitably rob the original resources and affect their transcendent status.

The name Demonic Daoist was originally just a self-proclaimed name of the players, but now it has become the unified name of the sects in the true spirit world.

All the monks who have entered the magic city and stepped into the path of practice are collectively called magic monks.

Not only are there differences in titles, but they are even hostile, and will taunt from time to time.

Now I just have a bad attitude, but I don't dare to take drastic actions to avoid being retaliated by the Demon City.

The previous two visits of monsters were enough to have a huge deterrent effect, making ordinary sect monks terrified and uneasy.

Unless necessary, these cunning sect monks will never cause trouble for themselves.

The main reason is still the attitude of the true spirit race.

As the masters of the real spirit world, they have been guiding the wind direction of the practice world and controlling all sects behind them.

If they had made it clear that they defined Demon City as a heretic of evil spirits, it would be a different scene now.

The folks are yearning and admiring the magic city more and more.

Under the propaganda of the monks of the Demon City, the popularity of the Demon City has become higher and higher, and countless seekers have come here.

However, it has become increasingly difficult to enter the Demon City.

Just because from the beginning to the end, the Demon City is constantly advancing, as if it is going to penetrate the entire true spiritual world.

The opening position is different each time, and the distance is at least hundreds or thousands of kilometers. It is very hard to follow all the way, let alone the seekers who come after hearing the news.

The speed of the journey was too slow, and there was no way to catch up with the Demon City. In the end, we had no choice but to give up.

Not everyone can get the fairy fate left by the destined person. Even though the magic city has lowered the threshold as much as possible, it still can't let everyone get what they want.

However, wherever the Demon City passes, stone tablets of the techniques will be left to facilitate those who do not have the opportunity to enter the Demon City to learn.

Missions will also be given to the Demon City monks, allowing them to stay here for guidance and giving them adequate rewards.

Those who have their own spiritual roots can also have the opportunity to embark on the road of practice after having such guidance.

The exercises on the stele can also be disseminated without restriction, so that more ordinary people can get it for free.

Wherever the Demon City passes, there will be signs left behind that are either gold, jade or wood, with the same cultivation techniques engraved on them.

It does not melt when exposed to water, does not burn when exposed to fire, and remains immortal in the soil.

The signs are randomly scattered, and if you are looking for them carefully, you can easily get them.

In this way, the influence of the magic city will be enhanced and enough low-level monks will be trained.

One day, when they all grow up, they may become Tang Zhen's sharp blade against the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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