I have a city in another world

4939--Andrew The Ambition of the Dark Wolves

4939--Andrew The Ambition of the Dark Wolves
In a certain secret place, dozens of figures gathered, holding a secret meeting.

"This time the magic city counterattacked, and a group of cultivators from the true spirit race were actually entangled, which was indeed somewhat unexpected.

With the participation of the true spirit race, we can only choose to swallow our anger, and now thinking about it, we are still very angry! "

One of the figures spoke with anger in his tone.

Most of the monks who participated in the meeting remained in human form, but some of them were in animal form, like giant wolves smeared with ink, exuding a bloody and cruel aura.

Only the Dark Wolf clan possesses such a special form.

"Dirty blood, the leader of Lingbao Sect came to plead, hoping to help them get justice.

This incident happened because of you. I wonder how you plan to solve it? "

Another figure said in a faint tone.

"I didn't do the simple things well, and I was found by the magic city, and now I have the nerve to ask for help!

This group of human trash, I really want to kill them all! "

The monk who was called dirty blood scolded him coldly when he heard this, his tone full of unwillingness.

The other figures were silent after hearing this, obviously not wanting to participate in this matter.

The patriarch sitting above saw this and said slowly: "The Lingbao Sect's catastrophe was also caused by you, and now that something has happened, I still need to appease you.

Otherwise, after the incident spreads, it will inevitably have a bad influence and make other sects secretly dissatisfied. "

Hearing the words, the other figures nodded in agreement.

Foul Blood remained silent, his eyes flickered fiercely, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Seeing this, the Dark Wolf patriarch continued: "In this case, I will give the Lingbao Sect a true spirit skill, and then give a batch of magic weapons and spiritual weapons, and set up the mountain gate again at the ruins."

"But this attack is obviously Demon City's warning. How should we respond next?"

Upon hearing this question, Elder Xue Xue, who secretly ordered the arrest of the Demon City monks, suddenly became angry again.

"It's just an outsider who dares to be so arrogant, is it to deceive me that there is no one in the real spirit world?
If you want me to say that you are welcome, continue to implement the previous plan and capture more magic city monks.

When we find out the truth and master this method of transformation, our dark wolf clan will surely usher in great prosperity!

The oracle orders issued by the ancestors will also have a chance to be fulfilled! "

Elder Dixue's words were filled with uncontrollable excitement and radiated greed.

It was he who had previously proposed to capture and study the Demon City monks, and secretly instigated the second-level sects to take action.

The main purpose of doing this is to be able to pick yourself out after an accident.

From this, it can be concluded that the Dark Wolf clan still has a slight fear of the Demon City.

In the end, he did not expect that the reaction of the Demon City was so quick and fierce. The action plan had just begun, and the second-level sect that was carrying out the task was attacked in retaliation.

If it is an ordinary force, whether it is this second-level sect or the Dark Wolf clan behind it, they can easily resolve the crisis.

But the Demon City is different, even the true spirit race is afraid of three points.

The most hateful thing is that those true spirit races actually stand together with the Demon City, leaving the Dark Wolf Clan unable to stop them.

Seeing the destruction of the second-level sect, it felt like being slapped in the face, which made Feixue gnash his teeth in hatred.

During this gathering within the Dark Wolf Clan, he had already made up his mind to promote an action against the Demon City.

The other elders of the Dark Wolf Clan were very clear about what happened, and knew why Xue Xue was so angry.

For this matter, they don't want to participate too much, after all, the magic city is really not easy to provoke.

Summoning the demon god twice, this method is enough to scare the heroes. No one wants this kind of thing to happen to them.

Not to mention the special environment of the magic city, not only easy to defend but difficult to attack, but also always in a state of wandering around.

Facing such an existence, anyone would feel a headache.

The other true spirit races, seeing this clearly, chose to maintain superficial cooperation with Lou Cheng.

If they can grasp the magic city, they will definitely be eager to show their hideous faces.

Possessing the blood of a divine beast is inherently cruel and animalistic, and benevolent behavior is just a disguise.

After some deliberation, greed still prevailed, and the dark wolves decided to support Dirty Blood's action.

This time the operation will be carried out personally by the Dark Wolf Clan monks to avoid leaving any clues as much as possible.

Even if the Demon City discovers an abnormality and suspects the Dark Wolf clan, they will never dare to attack easily.

Otherwise, it will not only offend the Dark Wolf Clan, but also the face of the entire True Spirit Race.

The other true spirit races will definitely not sit idly by. No matter who is right or wrong, they will definitely favor the Dark Wolf clan.

After the discussion was complete, Elder Xue Xue took a group of tribesmen and took a spiritual boat to the area where the Demon City was located.

The journey was very fast and we soon reached our destination.

Affected by the previous events, the reputation of the Demon City grew again, and more and more seekers came here.

There are many demon city monks who spontaneously choose to follow and will not leave easily if necessary.

Seeing this, Elder Feixue secretly rejoiced.

Such a lively environment actually represents chaos and makes it easier to take action.

Even if 5000 people were thrown in, they might not be able to discover in a short time that those sect monks who had been chased back to their lair before were simply a bunch of trash.

If it was done by him himself, this kind of thing would definitely not happen.

The arrogant and arrogant Elder Xue Xue didn't know the Demon City's methods at all, and thought it was due to lack of caution in his actions.

With such a mindset, big problems will occur sooner or later.

When night came, Elder Xue Xue led his men to arrest them under the cover of night.

A monk who has transcended the tribulation stage and leads a group of infant transformation monks to arrest people is naturally very easy to capture.

Most of the demon city monks who have just set foot on the road have just drawn their breath into their bodies. Facing these powerful true spirit monks, they are like fragile chicken cubs.

But overnight, hundreds of Demon City monks were captured and taken to a cave thousands of miles away.

Looking at the imprisoned monks in the magic city, the dirty blood showed a cruel smile, and immediately began to carry out exploration experiments.

Unlike other practitioners, Foul Blood prefers to study the secrets of flesh and blood, and has done many forbidden experiments.

Inside his cave, there is an experimental base, which contains many terrible things.

His enemies were all locked in the laboratory, and they were transformed beyond recognition by him.

Living a life worse than death, suffering from pain.

It is said that anyone who enters it will feel terrified and unable to calm down for a long time.

It is also because of this hobby that Feixue has a terrible reputation, and many monks of the same clan avoid it for fear of being too late.

The enemy is even more so, fearing that if he falls into his hands, he will suffer a fate worse than death.

The captured demon monks were all in a coma and had no idea what was about to happen to them.

Soon their bodies were torn apart by the dirty blood, exposing their tendons and organs.

Xue Xue observed carefully, looking for traces of the transformation, and thus deciphered the transformation method of the magic city.

Soon he discovered that the special substances in the meridian dantian formed an independent neural network.

This set of neural networks is perfectly integrated with the transformer's body, allowing those without spiritual roots to absorb the energy of heaven and earth.

The energy of heaven and earth entering the body will be temporarily retained due to the neural network, so that the transformation of the mortal body can be completed.

After discovering the secret, Dirty Blood became more and more excited.

As long as the principle is understood, it can be copied and transformed, so that the dark wolf tribe has an army of monks.

Build a secret realm, cultivate it secretly, and then it will come in handy at the critical moment.

A long time ago, the dark wolf clan had a plan to dominate the real spirit world, but they couldn't implement it due to various reasons.

However, the corresponding preparations have been carried out quietly all the time, and there has never been any slack.

Making such a decision is related to the oracle of the Dark Wolf clan.

The ancestors of the Dark Wolf clan have issued oracles several times, demanding complete control of the true spirit world.

Suppress and wipe out other races, only the dark wolf family survives alone.

(End of this chapter)

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