I have a city in another world

Chapter 4940 No one can do it!

Chapter 4940 No one can do it!

Xue Xue is ambitious and wants to fulfill the oracle of his ancestors and help the Dark Wolf clan become the overlord of the true spirit world.

To complete this plan, the current dark wolves cannot do it, and they must have enough people.

However, this kind of thing does not dare to be disclosed to the outside world, so as not to leak out and ruin the racial plan.

In the past few years, the Dark Wolf Tribe has been trying every means to improve its strength, including efforts to increase the race's population.

The upper echelons of the dark wolf clan also encourage such behavior, and rewards will be given when the number reaches a certain level.

Relying on this approach, the population of the Dark Wolf clan has indeed increased dramatically.

But quantity does not represent strength. Without sufficient realm, no matter how many descendants you have, they will be of little use.

It is almost impossible for these new offspring to have strong strength in a short period of time.

Not to mention that there are many descendants who have no talent for cultivation at all and can only become powerful warriors.

Although armed with strong combat power, he still cannot compare with practitioners.

But if he mastered the means of the Demon City and reformed these clansmen, the number of monks would definitely increase dramatically.

If the plan succeeds, the ancestor's oracle will have a greater chance of being fulfilled.

After mastering this method, you can also collect a large number of mortal warriors and transform them in the secret realm.

Let them become dead warriors with spiritual roots and absolute obedience to orders. They will execute various orders without hesitation. If they succeed, the strength of the Dark Wolf Clan will increase again and they can produce cannon fodder in large quantities. Legion.

When the soldiers and horses are strong, they can then adopt the strategy of making friends from far away and attacking at close range. Bamboo arrows will have the strength to compete in the world.

When he takes control of the true spirit world and completes his grand hegemony, he will definitely take the greatest credit.

The wise ancestors of the dark wolf tribe will never forget their own achievements, and will give them rich rewards.

For that moment, Xue Xue was extremely looking forward to it
But when he tried to crack it and figure out the transformation method, he found that things were not as simple as imagined.

Whenever he tries to crack it, the neural network will be destroyed automatically, and all the original traces will disappear without a trace.

The appearance of this state means that the test body has been abolished.

At the same time, the unconscious Demon City monk suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked directly at the dirty blood and said in a numb and cold voice: "No matter who you are or what your plans are, please stop immediately.

What you have done has violated the taboos of the Demon City. If you continue to persist in your obsession, you will surely suffer brutal revenge attacks! "

After the magic city monk finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Feixue immediately thought about it.

This monk had long since exhausted his energy and was hung up by the secret technique. The warning just now was definitely not what he could say.

There is a great possibility that it is a defense mechanism preset by the magic city, which will be triggered as long as someone destroys it.

If this is the case, there is no need to be too concerned.

Preset warnings like this may be triggered as long as you kill the magic city cultivator, but it is only a deterrent.

It is impossible for every monk to be killed, and the magic city will investigate, unless it has the same strength as the true spirit race.

Even if you have this kind of strength, you may not be able to do this kind of thing. It is really laborious and thankless.

Xie Xue is also quite confident in his concealment methods and doesn't think he can be discovered in a short time.

The dirty blood at this moment has successfully aroused curiosity.

This much experimental material is enough for him to consume for a while, and he may soon get the answer he wants.

Thinking of this, Fei Xue immediately showed a ferocious smile.

At the same time, inside Loucheng, Tang Zhen received an alarm.

After the last kidnapping incident, he set up warning and alarm functions in the spiritual roots of the monks in the Demon City.

When someone kills a monk in the magic city, the warning function will be triggered, and the location will be marked at the same time.

In many sects, including the true spirit race, there are actually tools such as soul lamps.

The functions are also very similar, and can call the police after the death of the bound person.

After the monk dies unexpectedly, the magic city will issue a mission and send other monks and special envoys to investigate.

If someone deliberately persecutes someone, they must be held accountable and repaid with blood if necessary.

Through this method, establish the status of the magic city, so that the enemy will not dare to easily persecute and provoke.

On weekdays, Lou Ling will automatically handle such things. Since it took over the operation and control of the magic city, Tang Zhen has much less to worry about.

At first, the alarm appeared, but Tang Zhen did not pay attention.

There are constant disputes in the world, and deaths are common. Sects of all sizes, including the True Spirit Clan, cannot avoid such losses.

But soon he discovered that the alarms were ringing one after another, more than 100 in a short period of time.

This situation is too abnormal, it is obvious that someone is deliberately killing.

The Zongmen kidnapping incident has just passed, and someone did such a thing again. Do you really think that the steel knives in the magic city are not sharp enough?

Tang Zhen made up his mind that he must make the other party pay the price, no matter what his status was, he would never forgive him.

However, he was also confused as to who could dare to be so arrogant and provocative.

No matter how ill-informed the news is, they should know about the reputation of the Demon City and the two recent revenge actions.

Even the second-level sect was easily destroyed by the Demon City.

What ability does the other party have that is not afraid of the demon city's retaliatory attacks and dares to provoke at the cusp of this storm?
Tang Zhen was keenly aware that this matter was not simple, and the other party probably had a special identity.

After a little more deduction, Tang Zhen came up with the answer.

At this special moment, if you dare to do such a thing, the other party is very likely to be a true spirit race.

Last time, he hid behind his back and manipulated the second-level sect to capture the monks of the Demon City, but he was attacked by the Demon City in retaliation.

Not long after the incident, he chose to go into battle in person.

Are you looking down on the Demon City and thinking there is nothing you can do about it, or are you deliberately provoking and digging holes and laying traps for the Demon City?
Tang Zhen doesn't know what the other party's plan is, and he won't be afraid because of his identity as a true spirit clan.

If you dare to provoke the Demon City, you must accept punishment, even if the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu come!
Searching through the map, combined with the information obtained before, Tang Zhen quickly locked the opponent's location.

The magic city cultivator is not strong enough to complete the arduous task. Participating in this matter is tantamount to death in vain.

Tang Zhen decided to use the mutant tree demon, and the clone projection came to the spiritual world to launch a fatal blow to the enemy.

Previously, in order to avoid pursuit, the mutated tree demon wandered around in the abyss, without the ability to take care of other things.

Now that the crisis has been resolved, the Abyssal Demon God has disappeared without a trace, and has even been on Tang Zhen's must-kill list.

As long as the conditions are met, the other party will definitely die.

The mutated tree demon, whose strength has grown so much, is now acting as the thug of the magic city, completing the task of shocking and attacking the enemy.

The mutated tree demon is his own family, so there is no hidden danger in using it. After being summoned, he will not launch an attack because he covets the magic city.

Tang Zhen dispatched a drone and flew directly to the valley where the target was located.

After reaching the destination, the drone dropped a box, which fell to the ground unsteadily.

After landing, the box was automatically divided into four halves, revealing the altar inside.

There is no need to control it at all, the altar will open automatically.

The beasts, birds and insects in the valley were forcibly attracted by the magic power, and completed the sacrifice of life that must be included in the summoning ceremony.

Accompanied by bursts of thunder, dark clouds gathered above the valley, as thick as a piece of land.

Amid the thunder and thunder, a terrifying figure passed through the cracks in space and descended smoothly into the valley.

The dark wolf monks hiding in the cave looked at the sudden appearance of Qianzhang's figure, and they all showed expressions of fear and despair.

The Abyss Demon Gods who descended on the True Spirit Realm all have the strength to overcome the tribulation and complete the tribulation. They cannot be opponents at all.

Only by decisively escaping can you have a chance to save your life.

After hearing the news, Zhenxue, who rushed out of the cave, was also extremely shocked. He didn't expect the demon city's revenge to come so quickly.

His cover-up methods had no effect at all.

Looking at the terrifying mutated tree demon, Xue Xue turned around without hesitation, without even the slightest intention of fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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