I have a city in another world

4941--Andrew Mutant Tree Demon Arrives

4941--Andrew Mutant Tree Demon Arrives
The devil of the abyss descends, terrifying the enemy.

Today's mutated tree demons are far more powerful than before, and they were met with lightning and thunder as soon as they arrived.

If Tang Zhen wanted to, he could fall into the abyss at any time.

But Tang Zhen was not in a hurry. He was still swaying on the surface and had no plans to sink in the short term.

The main reason for doing this is not to get involved in the abyss battle too early to avoid accidents.

Tang Zhen cultivated the mutant tree demon to assist the development of the demon city, not simply to cultivate an abyss demon god.

Today's mutated tree demons' main task is to act as thugs for the Demon City, specializing in teaching those blind enemies.

This is the most important thing, it is related to the development of the building city, and it is far more important than diving practice.

Even if diving deeper could increase the efficiency of practice, Tang Zhen didn't care at all.

For example, at this moment, Tang Zhen could control the mutant tree demon to descend at will, but he did not need to worry about unexpected situations happening in the abyss.

After all, none of the monsters at the same level was his opponent.

Coming to the true spirit world for the first time, Tang Zhen must perform well to let the enemy know his powerful strength.

Achieving shock is more important than fighting.

Within the scope of his perception, a group of practitioners appeared, most of them were transformed infants, and only one was a monk who returned to the void.

These monks can be called powerful. If they were placed elsewhere, they would be enough to establish a sect and frighten one party.

But in the eyes of the mutated tree demon, these monks are not worth mentioning at all, and a branch can kill them.

Catch the thief first, catch the king, small fish and shrimp are not important.

The only target in his eyes is the cultivator who quickly escapes from the valley and has the realm of transcending tribulation.

On this figure, there are many bright red marks, which are things that can only be obtained by killing the monks of the Demon City.

From this, it can be determined that he is the culprit who killed many monks in the magic city.

"Want to run? Dream!"

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, an artifact musket suddenly appeared in his hand, aimed at the fleeing figure and pulled the trigger.

The mutated tree demon is a thousand feet tall, and the weapon in his hand is also huge, and a shot fired is like a bolt from the blue.

With a loud noise, the projectiles flew out, and they caught up with the fleeing figure in an instant.

"not good!"

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Residual Blood immediately began to use his True Spirit Technique, turning into a giant shadow wolf in an instant.

Transforming into the state of a beast can greatly reduce physical damage and double its own strength.

Once the secret technique of blood is used, one can escape into the void and launch silent attacks on the enemy.

The attack of the artifact musket is unavoidable, and the dirty blood can only be converted into its own body, and then the secret technique can be used to withstand this fatal projectile.

At this time, he saw the mutant tree demon showing a mocking smile.


With a scream, the body of the giant shadow wolf was penetrated, revealing a terrifying big hole.

Originally, his body could atomize and resist attacks from enemies, but at this moment, it suddenly failed.

The destructive power of the projectile was completely absorbed by his body.

Zhenxue let out a wail, his huge body trembling violently, and he could no longer maintain the form of the divine beast.

But in the blink of an eye, he returned to his human form.

"Come and help me!"

Feeling the threat of death, Xue Xue quickly called for help, hoping that his tribe could help him resist the fatal attack.

When the other Dark Wolf Clan monks heard this, they all had expressions of embarrassment on their faces, and their dirty blood was severely injured by a single blow. How could they be their opponents?

Going forward to cover at this moment is no different from seeking death.

Xie Xue wanted to escape from the battlefield, but let them serve as cannon fodder. It was extremely disgusting.

But if they refuse to obey their orders, they will also be severely punished. Regardless of whether they are dead or alive, they will be punished by clan rules.

With no choice but to bite the bullet and come forward.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, countless tree roots burst out of the ground, like strange pythons rising into the sky.

Then it was like a chain, binding these dark wolf monks, leaving them no longer able to move.

Although he was clearly in the enemy's hands, he felt secretly relieved.

At least at this moment, they had saved their lives and did not need to die for the dirty blood.

Seeing this scene, Feixue immediately turned ferocious, and let out a roar.

At this moment, there was a trace of despair in his heart.

The previous arrogance and arrogance have now turned into fear and unwillingness, and even regretted personally participating in this operation.

It is better to control some sects behind the scenes like before, at least to ensure their own safety.

But now, it's too late to regret it.

He could only do his best to escape from the valley, and then make further decisions.

Thinking of this, Feixue immediately cast the burning blood secret technique, trying to escape from the mutated tree demon at the cost of sacrificing his vitality.

Tang Zhen had already seen through the other party's thoughts, so how could he let the dirty blood escape smoothly? A huge bronze bell suddenly condensed into shape.

Flying forward with a whistling, Filthy Blood was seized in a blink of an eye, and he was firmly imprisoned inside.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

"Damn monster, let me go quickly, you know my identity!"

Finding that he couldn't get rid of the shackles, he was terrified by the dirty blood and bright identity, hoping to scare off the mutated tree demon.

According to his thinking, there must be someone behind the mutated tree demon, and it is absolutely impossible to come out of thin air.

The real controller, no accident, is the magic city.

Thinking of Mocheng's previous actions and attitude towards the True Spirits, one knows that Mocheng hopes to live in peace with the True Spirits.

Based on this mentality, Demon City will definitely be measured when doing things, and will not dare to offend the True Spirit Race too much.

Finding that the mutated tree demon didn't respond, Feixue was anxious, and this time he directly revealed his identity.

"I am Dirty Blood, an elder of the Dark Wolf Clan, and I have a high status in the clan. Once I am in danger, the Demon City will definitely be held responsible.

The dark wolves will not let it go, and will definitely make you pay the price! "

Showing one's true identity is the last card to save one's life, and one hopes that the identity of the True Spirit Race will make Mocheng fearful.

But the reaction of the mutated tree demon made Feixue's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

"So what if the True Spirit Clan, if you dare to provoke Demon City, you must pay the price!"

Hearing this, Xixue immediately screamed.

"It's just a group of ants, why care about their lives, if you insist on entangled in this matter, I can give corresponding compensation!"

As an elder of the True Spirit Tribe, he had never been so wronged before. In order to ensure his own safety, he even offered to compensate a group of ants.

To be able to do this, in his opinion, is full of sincerity.

Dirty Blood will not admit that he wants to steal the magic city's transformation method, otherwise the nature will become completely different.

Although Dixue didn't mention it, Tang Zhen knew it clearly, but he didn't take the initiative to mention it.

Some things become difficult to deal with if you explain them clearly.

"Hundreds of lives, what are you going to do to compensate?"

Tang Zhen sneered, and said in a mocking tone: "Could it be that you think that your life is more precious, and can be worth hundreds of monks in the magic city?"

"Is not it!"

Hearing this, Feixue asked back of course, and said in a very confident tone: "I am a descendant of a divine beast, and the blood of the true spirit flows in my body. No other race can compare with it!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhen laughed out loud.

Only he knows best how ridiculous the True Spirit Clan's thinking is. Being regarded as a parasite by the Divine Beasts without knowing it, they still think that they are the descendants of the Divine Beasts.

He was sold and paid for money.


Tang Zhen snorted coldly, and directly sealed the struggling dirty blood, making it impossible for him to escape.

The other Dark Wolf Clan monks were also sealed and packed together and sent to the Demon City of the Underworld.

The fact that Dirty Blood was captured will definitely be known to the Dark Wolves, and they will definitely take action in the future.

How to deal with this matter has become a question that Tang Zhen needs to consider.

Either maintain the honeymoon state, deal with the matter in a low-key manner, or even be forced to release the monks such as Dixue.

Or take this opportunity to test the true spirit race and stir up some changes.

(End of this chapter)

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