I have a city in another world

4942 - The Abnormality of the Dark Wolves

4942 - The Abnormality of the Dark Wolves
A group of prisoners from the Dark Wolf Clan were all sent to the Demon City.

In the time that follows, they will all be interrogated and tell the secrets about their species.

Among these prisoners, the most valuable thing is intelligence.

However, when it comes to racial secrets, the captives may not let go easily. Sometimes information is the greatest talisman.

Once the information is revealed, the value will be lost and it will be difficult to save one's life.

Fortunately, in addition to intelligence, their identities are also a talisman, and the true spirit race is a gold-lettered signboard wherever it is placed.

After all, this true spirit world is the world of the true spirit race.

The battle that took place in the valley was witnessed by many people, and it was known that Demon City had captured the dark wolf cultivator.

In this case, Demon City cannot easily kill people, otherwise they will be in great trouble.

Killing the True Spirits is a mistake, and what is reasonable will become unreasonable.

After the Dark Wolf Clan receives the news, they will definitely take action immediately and try every means to launch a rescue operation.

As long as the prisoner persists, the matter will be resolved soon.

But if you can't control your mouth and reveal the secrets of your race indiscriminately, you may be punished when the time comes.

He could leave the Demon City alive, but he would probably die in his hometown.

No matter what happens, traitors will never end well.

Tang Zhen was very clear about the thoughts of these prisoners, but he would definitely not let them get their wish.

The ten halls of hell in the magic city, and the eighteen floors of hell, will let his captives experience what life is worse than death.

When that time comes, no matter what secrets you hide, you will definitely tell them without reservation.

For Tang Zhen, the life and death of the captives is not important, the key is to see how much value can be created.

But time must be hurry up, you must get the news you want before the dark wolves rescue him.

After receiving Tang Zhen's order, a group of players worked hard and began the interrogation with ferocious smiles on their faces.

Tang Zhen was not idle, quietly making preparations to deal with the Dark Wolf clan coming to seek help.

After thinking about it, Tang Zhen has made up his mind not to tear himself apart with the true spirit race for the time being.

After all, the current Demon City is barely able to gain a foothold and does not yet have the capital to compete with the major races.

But this does not mean that Tang Zhen has to swallow his anger.

Tang Zhen had already warned that those who harmed the Demon City monks would be severely punished, but the Dark Wolf Clan monks still started killing.

This is a provocation to the Demon City, and a price must be paid, and they must feel pain.

Otherwise, once this example is opened, anyone can step on the magic city.

Tang Zhen still wants to improve the status of Demon City through this matter, and he will never give up easily.

Even though he would be under great pressure during the execution, he didn't care at all.

If the True Spirit Tribe wanted to start a war, he would definitely be willing to accompany them.

The next time is to wait quietly. It is calm at the moment, but the storm will hit soon.

But this time, Tang Zhen made some miscalculations.

He miscalculated the reaction of the dark wolves. After receiving the news, the dark wolves sent an army of ten thousand people.

Five tribulation-crossing monks led a team, followed by a large number of Void Returning and Infant Transformation experts, and hurried over in a cloud boat.

The Demon City had no fixed location, so they wandered around, constantly arresting the Demon City monks.

Instead of killing them, they were all imprisoned and held in different areas.

Such an operation was obviously aimed at the magic city.

After the news spread, it immediately caused a huge panic, and the monks and followers of the Demon City fled one after another.

In the face of such changes, escaping is the wisest thing to do.

Little ants like them can't bear the trampling of the giant dragon at all, and they will be affected to death if they are not careful.

For those fleeing, the Dark Wolves did not hunt down and kill them.

Looking at the actions of the dark wolf clan, it is obvious that they are deliberately demonstrating and deliberately increasing pressure on the magic city.

In this way, he announced to the Demon City and the world what the consequences would be if he offended the Dark Wolf Clan.

It is also telling the magic city that you will be the first day and I will be the fifteenth, and we can capture each other's monks.

If Mocheng wants to save people, they exchange prisoners with each other.

Such behavior is quite shameless, and it is clear that they want to tell the Demon City that the Dark Wolf Clan wants to redeem their captives, but they do not want to pay any price.

The captured Demon City monks were the bargaining chips used in the transaction.

After the arrival of the dark wolves, they did not take the initiative to contact the magic city, and deliberately put on a high-ranking posture.

Their attitude is very clear, that is, let the Demon City contact them, so that they can take more initiative.

If the magic city refuses to submit, there will inevitably be more means to display, and in short, the goal will definitely be achieved.

In addition to the arrival of the dark wolves and their unscrupulous actions, other true spirit races also sent representatives.

This is the first time that a monk from the True Spirit Race has been captured. Looking at the attitude of the Dark Wolf Clan, you can tell that they will definitely not give up.

The true spirit races are all in the same spirit. After encountering such a thing, they definitely cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

Out of reason and morality, or to satisfy curiosity, it is necessary for all major races to send people here.

Even if the journey is far away and cannot be reached in a short time, we will use other means to keep our attention.

In a short period of time, the Magic City once again became the focus of attention.

The special envoy of the White Ape Clan arrived and took the initiative to act as a peacemaker, communicating with the Demon City through a predetermined method.

After all, the Demon City at this time is in the underworld, and there is no way to communicate smoothly.

The special envoy of the White Ape Tribe advised Demon City to release the prisoners as soon as possible and apologize for this matter.

On the surface, he was acting as a peacemaker, but his words were full of arrogance, and he directly believed that the matter was wrong with the Demon City.

Clearly from the start, the White Apes have failed to maintain justice.

This kind of behavior is not surprising. The True Spirit Clan is a nest of snakes and rats, so they must join forces to deal with this outsider in the Demon City.

This matter is not to see who is reasonable, but to see who is stronger. Facing the pressure exerted by the true spirit clan, even if they are reasonable, they have to obey obediently.

After the matter is over, Demon City will still have to thank the White Ape Clan's special envoy, otherwise it will not do anything.

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will feel humiliated. This kind of behavior is clearly bullying.

But if you can't bear the pressure, you can only choose to give in and end the matter in humiliation.

The attitude of the True Spirit Clan has been received, and it depends on how Tang Zhen handles it.

At this moment, Tang Zhen still had some surprises.

He had deduced the enemy's actions, but he didn't expect it to be so intense, obviously something abnormal.

Through this incident, Tang Zhen vaguely felt that the prisoners he captured were not simple.

There is a great possibility that there is a big secret hidden in Xixue, and the Dark Wolf Clan does not want the Demon City to know about it.

In fact, there are many ways to solve this matter, but the dark wolves chose the most arrogant one.

I want to take this matter as a deterrent warning to the magic city.

The advantage of this is that it avoids the negotiation process and can achieve the goal in the fastest time.

Otherwise, the Magic City will misunderstand and think that it can obtain benefits through negotiation, which will only waste more time.

If it were an ordinary organization, faced with such tremendous pressure, it might just give in.

But Tang Zhen was different. To him, the True Spirit Race was just a group of deceived fools, lambs to be slaughtered.

In his heart, he is the tiger.

Now this group of lambs jumped on the tiger's head to show off their power, making it clear that they wanted to bully the tiger and eat meat and drink blood.

Encountering such a thing, Tang Zhen really didn't want to bear it anymore.

He knew very well in his heart that even if Mocheng chose to endure, the matter might not be resolved smoothly.

They will even strike back and retaliate against the magic city.

Tang Zhen is not afraid of the threat of the true spirit race, but is very interested in the secrets held by the dirty blood.

It must be a big deal for the Dark Wolves to be so impatient. Tang Zhen must make it clear.

Tang Zhen didn't care at all about the threat from the True Spirit Clan.

If the dark wolves threatened Tang Zhen by beheading the cultivators of the Demon City, they would have to pay a heavy price for it.

Today's Demonic City is indeed unable to fight against the entire True Spirit World, but if it specifically targets a certain race, it is enough to cause a lose-lose situation.

(End of this chapter)

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