I have a city in another world

Chapter 4943 Amazing Secret

Chapter 4943 Amazing Secret

In the hell of the magic city, a group of dark wolf monks are experiencing various tortures.

The magical thing here is that you can be injured without dying, and you can continue to accept punishment.

All kinds of pain during this period will be truly felt and experienced.

Otherwise, it only takes one round of operation, and the victim will die so badly that even a monk can't bear it.

Tang Zhen issued an order to let the dark wolf captives experience all the torture.

Only after you understand the horror of the Demon City and feel fear can you tell important information.

At this moment, the scene of the hell platform is indeed very bloody.

The screams continued, and every one of the captured dark wolf monks was dripping with blood.

His intestines were constantly pulled out, his eyes were gouged out, his waist was chopped up and burned, and his muscles and bones were also constantly picked out.

While wailing and screaming, the captives continued to threaten, expressing that they would take revenge on the Demon City in the future.

These captives are high-ranking monks with extremely tenacious perseverance, and they cannot be succumbed to punishment and pain.

The same is true for the dirty blood. Even though he was cut in half and thrown into a hot pot several times, he still sneered.

When facing the mutated tree demon, he would run away without hesitation, because he was no match at all.

Facing the Demon God of the Abyss, one must remain in awe.

But in front of the players, he always maintains a proud posture, his eyes are full of contempt for the inferiors.

It's like watching a clown perform, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback, and then crush the guy who has humiliated him into a pulp.

For the players, it is really not easy to deal with this kind of stinky and hard torturer.

The punishments in the Demon City Hell are almost exhausted, but these guys are still stubborn.

He hasn't said a word about the information he wants to torture.

Thinking of Tang Zhen's order, the players also felt a little embarrassed, not because they didn't work hard, but because the monks of the dark wolf clan were too capable.

The pain of the punishment in hell is incomparable, and it is the same as real injury, but because of the protection of the rules of hell, the tortured person cannot die at all.

Knowing this, the prisoner gritted his teeth and refused to speak even in pain.

They won't die anyway, and they don't have to suffer forever. They will be rescued soon.

When the players felt embarrassed, Tang Zhen suddenly appeared.

Looking at those dark wolf monks who gritted their teeth and sneered with contempt on their faces, Tang Zhen's expression also became ugly.

"Do you really think that I dare not kill the True Spirit Race people?"

Looking at a group of dark wolf monks, Tang Zhen asked coldly, but received a wave of mocking looks.

It seems that this group of guys is indeed confident.

"Since this is the case, I will let you experience what real death is!"

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, the rules of hell changed, and the original death protection disappeared.

Such an obvious change can be perceived not only by the players, but also by the monks of the Dark Wolf Clan.

The pain they suffered turned from fiction to reality in an instant, and the premonition of death immediately hit their hearts.

When a monk reaches a certain level, he will gain the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and will be able to sense fatal dangers.

It is this same ability that makes them confident.

But at this moment, they felt panic and sensed Tang Zhen's strong murderous intention.

"He really dares to do it?"

A group of dark wolf monks immediately became flustered with such thoughts in their hearts.

It's not that they are not afraid of death, they just feel that the Demon City dare not kill people, so they will always maintain confrontation.

But if it is really dead, you must be extremely unwilling, and try your best to avoid it.

The longer a monk lives and the higher his level of strength, the more afraid of death he becomes.

They will do everything in their power to avoid the danger of death.

For example, monks who have completed the tribulation have been reluctant to cross the tribulation for a long time because they are afraid of being struck to death by lightning.

One by one hid in the secret realm, trying to seal themselves, trying to delay the thunder disaster as much as possible.

Most of the tribulation-crossing monks who can go out are in the early and middle stages, but even so, they must be careful.

Because if you are a little careless, you may also attract thunderstorms.

Even if the monks in the tribulation stage do not take the initiative to cultivate, their strength and realm will gradually increase.

Such a powerful existence can no longer be tolerated in heaven and earth. Like the descending demon, it will be expelled and purged by the rules of heaven and earth.

Xue Xue was panicking at this moment. As an elder of the Dark Wolf Clan and a monk in the tribulation period, how could he die here in a daze?
He wanted to continue threatening in exchange for his own safety, but felt that it was useless.

How could Mo Cheng not consider the consequences before taking action? Continuing to warn is just a waste of time.

In desperation, he would actually kill them.

Even if the Dark Wolf Clan took revenge and punished Demon City, they could not save his life.

Do you really want to risk your own precious life in order to keep a secret?

not worth!
Too bad!

Thoughts in his mind turned sharply, but the player had already executed the execution again, and the screams of pain kept ringing out.

No matter what realm you are in, you will be completely sealed and suppressed in the hell of the Demon City.

Only the powerful self-healing power can produce an effect at this moment.

However, the more it goes like this, the more pain it endures. The continuous real injuries cause the prisoner's vitality to drop rapidly.

They were really panicked. First they yelled and cursed, and then they began to cry out and beg each other.

A Dark Wolf cultivator whose limbs were severed and whose neck was about to be severed, finally couldn't bear the fear in his heart, and took the initiative to tell the secrets he knew.

The other dark wolf monks hesitated for a while, and then let go.

At such a time, there is no point in persisting any longer, and the most important thing is to save your life.

"A bunch of spineless bastards!"

Foul Blood snorted coldly when he saw this, but frowned in the blink of an eye, watching a player raise a knife to his eyes.

If this knife falls, he will no longer be able to save his eyes.

In the next time, this gang of damned ants will most likely tear him to pieces.

Seeing the point of the knife penetrate into the flesh, the next moment, blood spattered, and the dirty blood roared fiercely.

"I say!"


Even if he did speak, he would not be able to avoid being punished.

Only by pressing step by step and constantly creating psychological pressure can the captives tell all the secrets.

Otherwise, these cunning guys will definitely play tricks and selectively hide some secrets.

The insignificant ones will be said, but the truly important information will definitely be kept at the end and refused to reveal.

Tang Zhen knew this, so how could he let the other party do what he wanted?

Especially Zhenxue, as an elder of the Dark Wolf Clan, he must know more secrets.

The dark wolves' aggression was not only because of being offended, but most likely because of the secrets of the dirty blood.

Facts have proved that Tang Zhen's expectation was good.

When Xixue's life was hanging by a thread, in order to save his own life, he told Tang Zhen news that surprised him.

Since many years ago, the Dark Wolf Clan has received instructions from the oracle, trying to unify the entire true spirit world.

If necessary, other true spirit races can be exterminated, leaving only the dark wolves in the world.

Such a piece of top-secret information is indeed shocking, but if you think about it carefully, it doesn't have much value.

A plan is just a plan, and there is no need to worry about it until it is executed.

Practitioners are inherently greedy, and every practice organization actually has the idea of ​​dominating the world.

But thinking about it and doing it are two completely different concepts.

But when I thought about it more carefully, I felt something was wrong.

According to Tang Zhen's understanding, the mythical beast clan is a collective term, including many races in the upper realm of immortals and gods.

They cooperate with each other and jointly control the true spiritual world.

They regard the true spirit world as a breeding ground, monks as a breeding ground for parasites, and even deceive the true spirit race that they are descendants of gods and beasts.

This shocking scam was maintained for a very long time without any problems.

Accidents may have occurred during this period, and someone may have gotten a glimpse of the truth, but in the end they were all handled properly.

But at this moment, a monk from the True Spirit Clan told Tang Zhen that the Dark Wolf Tribe wanted to dominate the True Spirit World.

And it is the oracle from the upper realm of immortal gods, to kill other true spirit races and become the controller of this world.

Could it be that the internal discord among the beasts has already begun to kill each other?

Tang Zhen smiled slightly, if that was the case, it would be God's help.

(End of this chapter)

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